Chapter 429 - “Comrade Tong, you are such a hero!” (4)

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The crowd joked and laughed on the way and it was a lot of fun.

Jaskson took photos all over the place and he would also sometimes took photos of the others.

Every time photos were taken, it would still be fine if Jackson just snap photos casually. If the others were consciously aware that their photos were taken, they would all stiffen up and it was hilarious.

The Forbidden City was announced in 1961 as one of the first batch of the country’s important historical architectures. It was the most well preserved and also the largest ancient wooden structure.

Tong Xuelu had visited the Forbidden City multiple times before her transmigration but she was still stunned when she saw it again.

It was like a large scroll painting in its glorious red color. It mesmerized every person who had seen it.

The ticket cost 10 cents each and that was not cheap by any stretch of imagination.

Anyone who wanted to visit it for free back in those days must make their group reservation through some government agencies.

As this was a last minute thing for them, they had no choice but to pay up.

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They left after an one-hour tour.

Mainly as there were elderlies and youngsters in their group, it was impossible for them to go through the entire place in one day.

Jackson, on the other hand, got a lot more photostaken.

Tong Xuelu even asked him to take a photo of her and Wen Rugui together.

Wen Rugui’s smile thickened when he saw that.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu and Wen Rugui were taken photos, Tong Mianmian and the other kids wanted to have photos taken as well. Naturally, Commander Xiao would want photos with his grandchildren.

If Commander Xiao had his photos taken, naturally Old Mr. Wen would want his taken as well.

As such, Jackson, who was the guest, somehow ended up being the group photographer.


When they were done with having their photos taken, they started walking toward home.

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Jackson was a crazy photographer and he was not tired at all even after taking photos for such a long time.

He photographed eaves on their way back.

Suddenly, Jackson tripped over a rock and started falling backward.

There was a pointy rock right in front of him and for certain his head would land there when he fell.

Everybody gasped.

At that very moment, Tong Xuelu dashed forward as if she was in a 100 meter dash and gave him a kick…

BAM! Jackson, kicked sideways, landed inside a mud pit and had a mouthful of dirt.

He looked up, his eyes sparkling, and he said, “Comrade Tong, you are so brave!”

Everyone, “? ? ?”

Tong Xuelu, “? ? ?”

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When she first met Jackson, Tong Xuelu had thought that he was the quiet and vicious type of person.

After all, he had a pair of bottomless eyes and chiseled face. He looked profound when he was silent.

After interacting with him, however, she now understood what the saying “never judge a book by its cover” meant.

Who would have thought that hidden under such a cool appearance was such a funny soul?

Tong Xuelu cleared her throat and had Tong Jiaming help him up. “Comrade Xiao Jie, it is very dangerous to take photos like this while you walk.”

Jackson nodded repeatedly. “You are right, Comrade Tong. I won’t do that again.”

Tong Xuelu said, “It is cold outside and your clothes are wet. You should hurry up and go home and change out of your clothes. You don’t want to catch the cold now.”

Jackson nodded docilely again. “Okay. I will head back right away. Thank you for your hospitality today.”

He got up with Tong Jiaming’s support and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that his camera was undamaged.

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As Jackson was a VIP, Tong Xuelu wouldn’t want anything to happen to him on this way back. She sent Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin to accompany him back.

The others would head back to their own place as well.

Old Mr. Wen and Wen Rugui returned to the military compound. They had already spent enough time at the Tong’s today. They couldn’t possibly stay over for dinner as well.

Once they were home.

Old Mr. Wen advised Wen Rugui, “Rugui, you better be on the lookout for that Jackson kid.”

Wen Rugui blinked and grunted.

Old Mr. Wen, “Don’t just grunt. Act on it. Don’t come crying to me when your wife is stolen away from you!”

“……” Wen Rugui shook his head gently. “Xuelu is not that kind of person.”

Old Mr. Wen was frustrated, “Of course I know that she’s not that type of a person. But you can never be too safe. That jerk child can take advantage of his special identity to spend time with Xuelu. That is something that you don’t have!

“Besides, he’s an articulate one, not like you. I have no idea what Xuelu sees in you!”

Wen Rugui, “……”

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