Chapter 440 - Tong Xuelu lit a candle for him secretly. (3)

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In Wen Rugui’s dream, he and Tong Xuelu were married and he was the one being pinned down.

Then Tong Xuelu got pregnant and he happily took the baby from the nurse. He looked down, and the baby was Jackson.

Jackson smiled when he saw him and said, “Daddy.”

Wen Rugui turned pale and tossed Jackson away. Jackson turned into a pig when he landed on the ground and was taken away by a butcher……

Jackson oinked at him for help but he was unphased.

Wen Rugui opened his eyes abruptly and stared motionlessly at the ceiling for the longest time.

What a scary dream!

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He looked at the time and it wasn’t even 7 o’clock yet.

He got up carefully, put his clothes on, tossed his duffle bag under the bed, before he left to wash up downstairs.

The server was a little surprised when he saw Wen Rugui. He yawned and asked Wen Rugui, “How come you are up so early, Comrade Wan?”

Wen Rugui said, “The floor was too cold and I couldn’t sleep. Anyone checking out today by chance?”

The server shook his head. “No. There will not be a room available until three days later.”

Wen Rugui nodded and asked for a stool to sit on after he had washed up.

The server yawned a few times and left after the girl from the next shift arrived.

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When Tong Xuelu woke up and noticed that Wen Rugui was gone, she was a little surprised.

She was a little at loss. If his smell didn’t still linger in the room, she would have thought what happened last night was just a dream.

She got up, changed, washed up, and went looking for Wen Rugui downstairs.

She saw Jackson in his green hat and scarf when she reached the stairs.

“Good morning, Comrade Tong.”

Tong Xuelu smiled and greeted him and those behind him.

When they all went downstairs and ran into Wen Rugui in the lobby, Jackson was dazed. “What are you doing here, Comrade Wan?”

Wen Rugui said nonchalantly, “I had to travel for work with a last minute warning and happened to also be staying in this hotel.”

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Jaskson and the others had no idea that the hotel was full and assumed that Wen Rugui had his own room.

The server wasn’t there at the time. When the server returned and saw Wen Rugui chatting and laughing with Tong Xuelu and her group, she assumed they were together.

As such, the fact that Wen Rugui was staying in Tong Xuelu’s room was never exposed.

The hotel had the ingredients prepared for the ahead of time and Tong Xuelu went to the kitchen and made everyone shredded tofu with chicken sauce and pot stickers.

Shredded tofu with chicken sauce is a Huaiyang dish and also a well known dish in Yangzhou.

This dish required the chef to have impeccable skills with the knife and the chefs at the hotel were stunned by Tong Xuelu’s technique.

Compared to Tong Xuelu, their cooking was like child’s play.

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Shredded tofu with chicken sauce was made with a lot of ingredients with their flavor all being soaked up by the tofu. The dish tastes crispy and savory without the unpleasant smell of tofu. It is a very appetizing dish.

The potstickers were made from pork, egg, and mushrooms. They were long and yellow when they were done.

The outside of the potstickers were crispy. With just one bite, the stuffing was savory and soft and much better tasting than a dumpling.

By the same token, potstickersare also trickier to make. With dumplings, all one needed to do was to wrap the stuffing. With potstickers being opened on both ends, it puts the chef’s skills to a new level of test.

It was imperative for the outside to be crispy without the stuffing falling out. If the dough is too soft, it would break during cooking. If it was too dark, the potsticker would not be tasty. But none of those was a problem to Tong Xuelu.

The first breakfast at Yangzhou left everyone’s palette with a delectable aroma. Everyone felt that all of their weariness from their travel was gone.

The other guests at the hotel went and asked the server how they could get some. The server replied that she, too, would love to have some.

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