Chapter 48 - Tong Xuelu put on just the right amount of shock and worries. (1)

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Tong Xuelu had no idea what happened at the train station.

She did not head to the CSMC after she departed from the compound but, instead, headed over to the government-operated restaurant.

Huang Xianglan and Chen Dani both smiled when they saw Tong Xuelu walking over to them. “Ah, you come, Comrade Tong. Have you had breakfast yet?”

Tong Xuelu shook her head. “No, not yet. What do you have right now?”

She only had half a bowl of porridge at home and her stomach was practically empty right now.

Chen Dani said affectionately, “We have soymilk, meat buns, and noodles. What would you like?”

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As soon as she finished saying that, some customer from another table shouted out disgruntledly “Hey, you just told me that you don’t have meat buns anymore! What’s up with that?!”

Chen Dani’s face dropped. She turned and shouted back at him with her hands on her waist, “If I said we didn’t have them we didn’t have them. You got something to say?”

Looking at Chen Dani’s arrogant what-you-want-to-battle look, the person pursed their lips, lowered their head and returned to their plain bun, not daring to even make another peep.

Tong Xuelu felt no guilt about her special treatment and, basked in everyone’s envious and jealous look, said generously, “Give me two meat buns and a bowl of soymilk!”

Chen Dani took her money and brought the food out to her before she asked nosily, “How did it go with my cousin the other day, Comrade Tong?”

Huang Xianglan also came over and looked at Tong Xuelu with her eyes sparkling after she had finished delivering food to another table.

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Tong Xuelu took a bite of a meat bun and, instantly, the delectable taste of the meat filling filled her mouth. It wasn’t half bad.

This bun was made with bread flour. Its exterior looked particularly white and was spongy when chewed. Its filling was generous as well. She would bring a few with her on her way out for the Tong Mianmian and the others.

She took a sip of the soymilk after she had finished the bun.

She need food in her stomach so she would have energy for her performance.

Tong Xuelu frowned a little and looked over at Huang Xianglan. “Did you cousin get in touch with you in the last couple of days?”

Huang Xianglan got nervous right away and asked immediately, “What happened? Did something happen to my cousin?”

Tong Xuelu nodded with a heavy look. “Your cousin was beaten again! When I went over, she had a lesion on her forehead and she was bleeding. Your niece was so scared that she passed out. I could feel my fists hardened when I witnessed that!”

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Huang Xianglan let out an “Oh!” and her eyes reddened immediately. “That man deserves to go to he||! What was it this time?”

Tong Xuelu shook her head. “I don’t know what was the reason behind it. No matter what his reason was, he should not have hit a woman!”

Chen Dani, too, was upset. “You are so right. What kind of a man takes it out on a woman? So what did Xianglan’s cousin say? Did she want you to help her out?”

“No.” Tong Xuelu shook her head again. “Sister Xiuying couldn’t made up her mind.”

Chen Dani lost it like a cat being stepped on when she heard that. “Are you kidding me? How was she not able to make up her mind after she was beaten like that? She just wants to be walked all over?”

Chen Dani was one with bad temper and she didn’t care about others’ feelings when she talked.

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Huang Xianglan’s face reddened and she tried to defend her cousin. “Perhaps she worried about bad influences.”

“The one getting violent didn’t even care about that. What did she have to worry about?”

Huang Xianglan was the more passive one and, as such, when Chen Dani was more forceful in her tone, dared not say anything else.

Chen Dani turned and looked at Tong Xuelu. “Comrade Tong, how do you plan on teaching that man a lesson? Tell me so I can better help you convince her.”

Tong Xuelu swallowed the last bite of the meat bun and dropped a bomb slowly, “I told her to report her husband and her mother-in-law and send them both to jail.”

Chen Dani, “……”

Huang Xianglan, “……”

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