Chapter 59 - The thought of that put a wrinkly smile on her old cucumber face. (2)

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Tong Xuelu sighed and said, “Tong Zhenzhen was upset that I had taken her identity but she did not dare to come at me. She took it out on Mianmian. I got annoyed at her and reported her to the cops. She was then sent to the farm.”

The Tong family, “……”

The house went silent once again.

In addition to those from the home town, even Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin were stunned.

Tong Xuelu never told the two of them about what had happened with Tong Zhenzhen.

Tong Jiaxin’s lips parted and was about to say something when he was stopped by Tong Jiaming giving him a stare.

Sun Guilan recollected herself and, with a dubious look, “You are not just trying to make yourself look good, are you? Zhenzhen is the Tong’s real daughter. Why wouldn’t they be on her side?”

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Tong Xuelu, “Tong Zhenzhen is, indeed, the Tong’s real daughter but I was the one who had been with them for 15 years whereas Tong Zhenzhen had only been with them for a few months. But that’s not really the point. Who do you think is prettier, me or Tong Zhenzhen?”

Those from the hometown were silenced once again.

But what did that have to do with Tong Zhenzhen being sent to the farm?

Tong Xuelu did not wait for their response but went on to say, “You can figure out the answer to that one. I am 10 times, no, 100 times prettier than Tong Zhenzhen!”

The Tong family, “…………”

They wouldn’t even dare to boast to that point back home!

Tong Xuelu, “Precisely because I am pretty like a fairy. That was the reason that the Tong’s had chosen me over Tong Zhenzhen. I’m sure you know the reason behind that, right? It’s really very simple. With my look, I will always be able to marry into a rich and powerful family!

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“Could Tong Zhenzhen? No, she couldn’t. Just look at that flat nose and her dark skin. What kind of high official family would pick her? The Tong family picked me because they are smart and know where we stand!”

The Tong family, “…………”

They didn’t even know who was more shameless, Tong Xuelu or the other Tong family.

Jie Jinhua’s face was long like a cucumber with the words “I am not happy” written all over it.

Her nose was flat and she was darker than Tong Zhenzhen. She felt that she had been offended.

Tong Xuelu looked over the crowd with her almond-shaped eyes and said, “So, Grandma, do you still want to visit Tong Zhenzhen?”

Jie Jinhua said with a long face, “Forget about that!”

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Nevermind that! Who’d want to go to visit a farm?

Tong Erzhu and the others looked at Tong Xuelu in a new light.

They had only thought of her as something very articulating and didn’t pay her much attention. But things had changed. The other Tong had picked her over their own daughter.

It seemed they could not offend her in the future. Quite the contrary, they needed to fawn over her. That was the only way that she would help them get jobs.

Feng Zhaodi’s mouth cracked open, bearing her yellow teeth. “It really doesn’t matter if we meet up with Zhenzhen or not. After all, you are our niece and part of the family. We will be relying on you for a job, Niece!”

Tong Xuelu turned when she heard that.

Feng Zhaodi was the wife of Tong Sanzhuang. Unlike Tong Erzhu and his wife, Feng Zhaodi husband and wife were not only tools but also very wicked in their ways.

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They hid in the back when Tong Yanliang was having conflict with the others but walked ahead when it came time to lunch.

They were the typical selfish people.

Tong Xuelu smiled perfunctorily and couldn’t be bother to respond.

Sun Guilan, on the other hand, did not want to fawn over Tong Xuelu.

She tugged her mother-in-law’s sleeve and said in a low voice. “Mom, the death benefit. We must get back the death benefit!”

That reminded Jie Jinhua of the death benefit. “When I called the factory the other day, the Plant Manager told me that you had already taken away the death benefit. Where’s the money? Hand it over!”

Tong Xuelu, “Grandma, I’d like to talk to you in private.”

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