Chapter 71 - "Comrade Tong, the suspect Tong Yanliang accused you for setting him up. What do you have to say?" (3)

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Tong Xuelu let out an “Oh” with a look of disbelief. “Why would he say such a thing? I have no grudge against him, so why would I want to set him up? I have always thought of him as my own brother. Him saying that is very hurtful!”

The female cop comforted her quickly. “Don’t cry, Comrade. We will not wrong a good person. If you haven’t done that, we will for certain get down to the bottom of this.”

The female cop didn’t really believe in what Tong Yanliang had said.

The female comrade in front of her was decorous, respectful, and polite. It was said that she used to belong in the Literary and Art Troupe. So why would someone like her set anyone up?

Tong Yanliang, on the other hand, just looked like a crook!

Besides, he started running as soon as he saw them. Not to mention his earlier words on burning houses and killing people.

As such, this female cop was not the only one who thought that he was just spewing out gibberish.

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Tong Xuelu rubbed her eyes and said emotionally, “Thank you, Comrade Cop. I am relying on you to prove my innocence!”

Being looked at by Tong Xuelu so trustingly, the female cop suddenly felt a sense of responsibility. She felt that it was her duty to clear Tong Xuelu’s name.

Arriving at the police station.

Tong Xuelu saw Tong Yanliang.

After one night, Tong Yanliang looked extremely disheveled. There were big dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess.

When Tong Yanliang saw her, he was aggravated. He lunged at her with his fists swinging. “You #@*&(!, you are the one who set me up!”

The @($#&( went around spreading rumors that his family jewels were broken and that he groped a woman’s backside. As such, she must also be the one behind the underwear incident.*

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What he didn’t understand was why did she do that. But it didn’t matter that he couldn’t figure that out. One way or another, he would not let her off the hook so easily!

Tong Xuelu threw herself at the female cop when Tong Yanliang lunged at her. Trembling from fear, she said, “Comrade Cop, I’m so scared. He is going to kill me!”

The female cop quickly defended her. “Don’t worry. He won’t be able to with us here!”

Tong Yanliang had yet to touch Tong Xuelu when he was grabbed by the male cop behind him.

The male cop did not look any happier than the female cop. Frowning, he shouted at him, “Sit down! You try anything else, we will just toss you in jail!”

Tong Yanliang turned pale when he heard that. “Comrade Cop, I, I wasn’t going to hit her. I just want to ask her why did she set me up!”

The Comrade Cop did not look any happier. He shouted again, “Who set you up? That’s just what you are claiming to be the truth. SIT DOWN!”

Tong Yanliang quickly sat back down on the chair. He didn’t dare to stare at Tong Xuelu anymore.

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Tong Xuelu whimpered in the female cop’s arms for a while before she finally sat down in a chair on the other side of the room.

The male cop started asking questions. “Comrade Tong, Tong Yanliang, our suspect, stated that you were the one who stole the underwear and planted them on him. What do you have to say about that?”

Tong Xuelu gave a hurtful look. “I have no idea why he would say such a thing. I did not grow up with the Tong family and this was the first time we met each other. I have no grudge against him at all!”

The female cop nodded and jotted that down: No motives. No past conflicts.

Tong Xuelu carried on to say, “And, we need evidence for everything. He said I was the one who stole them. What kind of proof did he have?”

The male cop, “He said you spread rumors that he groped a woman’s backside and that his…… certain male anatomy was broken. Is that true?”

Tong Xuelu nodded. “Yes, I have said that. But I wasn’t spreading rumors. My grandma was the one who told me that!”

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Tong Yanliang gritted his teeth in anger, “You are just making things up. Grandma would never say such a thing!”

Tong Xuelu, “But she did tell me that. Why else would I say such things about you?”

Tong Yanliang, “……”

He wanted to figure that out too, alright?

As the words from the two conflicted with each other’s, Jie Jinhua was quickly brought to the police station.


Translator’s rambling:

*Ding ding ding. Not entirely an idiot.

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