Chapter 74 - She is so smart! (3)

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Tong Xuelu looked very calm on the outside but, where others couldn’t see, her hands were clenched tightly.

That was an act committed by Tong Jiaming and he wasn’t very thorough at the time either.

If she had done it herself, she would for certain had placed a call to the Production Team. Nobody would know she did or did not say over the phone.

Unfortunately, she returned too late and what had been done had been done. She had no choice but to insist that it had, indeed, happened.

One way or another, Jie Jinhua had almost admitted to accepting the death benefits and the evidence of stealing underwear pointed to Tong Yanliang. Worst case scenario, others would just condemn them for not making the call.

There was a telephone at the police station. They placed the call to the Production Team immediately after they got ahold of their number.

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Chen Xiaolian of the Production Team was the one who answered the call.

She was normally the only one at the office and the one responsible for answering the calls and informing the others to come to the phone.

Lo and behold, around the time when Tong Dajun had passed away, she was not there at the office all the time like she was supposed to. She was busy cheating with her brother-in-law!

There may have been a call from Capital City and that she had missed it. Nevertheless, if she said that, that could drag her in and expose her affair with her brother-in-law.

She gritted her teeth and made up her mind. “Yes, it was the 7th of last month when I received the call from the Tong family. I then had Jie Jinhua came to answer the call. I don’t what they talked about on the call as I went to take care of the accounting books at the time.”

The male cop told everyone what Chen Xiaolian had said after he hung up the phone. Both Jie Jinhua and Tong Xuelu were stunned when they heard it.

Jie Jinhua: Hot dang! That Chen Xiaolian was setting her up!

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Tong Xuelu: ? ? ? Really? Something so awesome could happen for real?

Tong Xuelu had no idea why the other person was helping her out but she wasn’t complaining about it.

Jie Jinhua jumped up and shouted. “That Chen Xiaolian was lying! I had scolded that seductive woman in the past, so she is setting me up!”

The male cop’s face dropped and he said sternly, “You said there was no calls before. Now that we have proof that it had taken place, you refused to believe it! You said you have taken the death benefits, then you said you didn’t. What can we believe?”

Jie Jinhua’s knees buckled, intimidated by the male cop. She fell back, once again, onto the chair, “I… I……”

Tong Xuelu cut her off, “Grandma, this is considered perjury and that’s illegal! And, you had just accused my adoptive father of corruption. That’s openly framing a military personnel. This is very serious once they had gotten down to the bottom of it all.”

The female cop also nodded. “Perjury, framing a military personnel. With those two combined, you could be sentenced up to 7 years of imprisonment. If it is more serious, it could also get you death penalty.”

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Death! Penalty!!!

Jie Jinhua felt moisture. She had wetted herself once again.

She loved her grandson, but she didn’t want to die!!

Seeing that Jie Jinhua had peed herself, Mother Xu had a crooked smile on her. “Oh boy, oh boy. How are you still peeing yourself at your age? You really are ill!”


That’s right! She’s ill!!!

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Jie Jinhua suddenly shouted out, “I’m crazy I’m cray I’m crazy! Everything that I had just said were all crazy talks……”

As long as she was crazy, then nothing that she had said would count!

She is so smart!

Everyone, “… …”

Even Tong Xuelu was stunned by Jie Jinhua’s approach.

She didn’t think that Jie Jinhua would be so easily intimidated, or that she would pretend to be crazy just to skirt away from responsibilities.

That was, of course, great news for Tong Xuelu.

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