Chapter 99 - Even if you can’t wait to have the fish, you could have at least saved me a bite! (2)

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Old Mr. Wen raised his brows, “Is what? Stop stammering and spill!”

Uncle Zong, “This looks to be from that certain someone. It’s two sets of snacks and a set of clothes. Looks like the clothes are for Rugui.”

Old Mr. Wen was infuriated. “Throw them out! All of them! She had the audacity to send gifts to Rugui!”

“Yes, Commander. I will throw them out right now!”

Uncle Zong quickly placed the items back into the box and threw them out.

Old Mr. Wen sat inside the living room all by his lonesome, his eyes cold. The smile from earlier could no longer been seen.

He finally let out a sigh when Uncle Zong had returned. “Don’t let Rugui find out about it.”

Uncle Zong responded, “Don’t worry, Commander. I won’t say a word about it.”

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Pu Jianyi finally had a chance to come over to wish Old Mr. Wen a happy birthday when it was already dark outside.

Old Mr. Wen, who had been entertaining the guests all day long was already tired and had resigned to his room for the night.

Pu Jianyi was in no rush. He placed one hand over on Wen Rugui’s shoulder and winked at him, “Have you received the fish from Comrade Tong yet?”

Wen Rugui was dumbfounded, “What fish?”

Pu Jianyi, “Not yet? She came to my office yesterday and asked me what your favorite food is. She said she wanted to make you some food to thank you for your help!”

Wen Rugui’s dark and thick eyelashes quivered. “No.”

Pu Jianyi was still feeling unreconciled. “You were the one who asked me, but I was the one who did the actual work. She didn’t even mention a word about thanking me. I am so disappointed in her!”

Wen Rugui glanced over at him and, just when he was about to say something, he saw Uncle Zong coming into the house with a big plateful of steam fish.

Wen Rugui and Pu Jianyi were both taken aback.

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“Uncle Zong, where did this fish come from?”

Worried that he would drop the fish, Uncle Zong was very brief, “It’s a gift.”

The living room went silent for a few seconds.

Wen Rugui walked over and said, “Here, Uncle Zong, just give it to me. I’ll bring it inside.”

Uncle Zong wanted to say that would not be necessary but, seeing how insistent that Wen Rugui was with his arms stretched out in front of him. It didn’t seem like he’d quit unless he got the fish from him.

Uncle Zong had no choice but to hand the plateful of fish over.

Pu Jianyi tsked. “What timing. Rugui, do you still think I am making things up now?”

She had sent the items straight to the military company and on Old Mr. Wen’s 70th birthday no less.

Tsk. She sure knew how to brown nose!

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Wen Rugui ignored him and brought the fish into the kitchen. Nobody knew what he was doing inside the kitchen but he only returned after a long while.

Old Mr. Wen slept all the way till dinner time.

Pu Jianyi stayed at the Wen’s the entire time and invited himself to dinner there.

Old Mr. Wen scanned over the table and asked Uncle Zong, “Where’s the fish?”

Uncle Zong looked over at Wen Rugui and said, “Commander, the fish arrived earlier and Rugui brought it into the kitchen. I’ll go and bring it out right now.”

Wen Rugui’s chopsticks paused in midair. “Don’t bother with it, Uncle Zong.”

Uncle Zong, “Why not?”

Everybody sitting inside the house looked over at Wen Rugui.

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Pu Jianyi shouted out suddenly. “Was that what you were doing in the kitchen that entire time? Tell me you didn’t eat the entire fish yourself! How shameless was that!”

Wen Rugui, “……”

Uncle Zong ran inside the kitchen and, sure enough, saw the fish bones inside the trash can.

He returned to report that back to Old Mr. Wen.

Old Mr. Wen was so angry that he shouted loudly, “Lao Jiang sent that over for my birthday! Even if you can’t wait to have it, you could have at least saved me some!”

Wen Rugui, “…………”

Pu Jianyi figured out what had happened.

He busted out laughing the very next second. “AHAHAHAHAHAH……”

He almost hyperventilated from laughing too hard.

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