The Heartbeat Lies

Chapter 1

Today is the last day of vacation. March has just passed, but the temperature in the past two days gives the illusion that summer is coming.

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    It was a bit hot in the packed arena, and Yu Nuo’s back was covered in sweat.

    Fu Yidong was harshly criticizing her ex-boyfriend while Yu Nuo listened patiently.

    Their conversation abrputly stopped when screams erupted from the scene.

    Looking up, it’s 6:50, the game is about to start.

    Fu Yidong clicked her tongue irritably, “Forget it. Let’s not talk about it anymore, I feel revolted.”

    The host was warming up on stage.

    After a short introduction, the team on the left went on stage first. When the figures of the players were brodcasted onto the central screen, there was a small wave of screams in the arena; basically all the voices were female fans, and it felt as if the sound waves could topple the venue.

    Immediately afterwards, it was the team on the right’s turn to enter the field.

    The frenzied atmosphere at the scene was strangely interrupted, and there was a few seconds of silence. Several young boys in black team uniforms came out from the side passage.

    When the host read out the name of the TG team, the audience seemed to finally react.

    From an unknown corner, sparse applause came, but it was quickly covered up by booing.

    Fu Yidong, on the other hand, was particularly excited, jumping up and waving the light sign while shouting “Conquer,” and the commotion drew the attention of the front row.

    Yu Nuo saw a few young girls look in their direction and roll their eyes, so she quickly pulled the hem of her winter clothes and asked her to sit down.

    Fu Yidong ignored her and continued to screaming: “Conquer! Conquer!!! Conquer!!!!!!”

    Because of Yu Ge, Yu Nuo more or less pays some attention to LPL events. Especially after LPL was included in the Asian Games exhibition event, the general public’s interest in e-sports competitions rose, and the boys around her were all discussing it. She is usually a 2D girl who occasionally plays cosplay, so she doesn’t know much about the things in the LOL circle besides a few professional players of OG.

    The central screen began to broadcast , showing the players who were warming up before the game.

    Fu Yidong sat down, straightened her clothes, and a little bit aggrieved, said, “This director is so fucking biased, the camera is all on OG.”

    Since S8, almost all WR members have retired, and OG has been regarded as the most popular in the LPL in the past two years. The popularity of the team is high, especially with a star player like Fish. Usually, when OG encounters a team with relatively low popularity, the on-site support will indeed be one-sided.

    But today… the atmosphere seemed particularly tense.

    Yu Nuo was a little confused about the situation, looked around, and quietly asked Fu Yidong: “What’s the matter, why is the crowd booing this team?”

    Fu Yidong said, “Because they offended OG.”

    After a pause, She added: “To be more precise, they offended your brother.”

    Yu Nuo: ?

    There is a saying in the circle: What should a female fan who offended Fish do?

    There is only one answer:

    ——It is recommended to burrow directly into the ground for peace.

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    Everyone knows that OG has the strongest fanpower which is almost unbeatable in the e-sports circle. Other fanbases hide if they can and no one wants to mess with them.

    Those who have provoked them have not met a good end.

    Yu Nuo frowned and asked her, “What offended my brother?”

    “You don’t know?”

    Yu Nuo shook her head.

    “It’s just that OG lost to TG last time and this incident became quite big afterwards.”

    Before the competition officially started, Fu Yidong said a few words to her, and Yu Nuo had a vague impression.

    During the opening match, the much-anticipated OG underperformed and was brutally abused by a new team, TG, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

    Although it is said the winner is king in the arena and\ strength speaks for itself, but OG not only lost, but also lost very ugly. A few seconds before the crystal was detonated, the opponent’s ADC arrogantly blocked the mouth of the spring, showed the team logo defiantly, and also mockingly gave a thumbs up.

    At the end of the game, the circle was boiling.

    The OG fans were provoked, how could they be dragged by this lowly team that had only just emerged? ! After venting in the super topic (t/n:an online space for fans of a celebrity/group) for a while, they really couldn’t swallow their anger, and started to leave the field one after another, pointing to TG’s ADC.

    After all, OG still has more fans, and the effect of their combined efforts can be imagined. That night, the topic of #ConquerGet Out of LPL# was trending on the hot search.

    Yu Nuo thought silently, it turned out to be this matter.

    Fu Yidong turned her head, looked around, and spoke quickly: “TG’s social media is too miserable; they were scolded, and their chaohua with only a few hundred fans was not spared. They were completely massacred. Say, can OG fans take a loss? Must they go that far?”

    Fu Yidong gritted her teeth while Yu Nuo picked up her phone and searched on Weibo.

   She went to the real-time search to take a quick glance. Posts about TG were okay, but the main thing was that the AD was singled out and scolded; the criticisms ranged from his professional attitude to character.

    Scrolling down further, there were a few posts that defended him:

    @Coconut: “To be honest, the OG fans are childish. You scold him, but Conquer is still the winner, regardless of how angry you are.”

    @0.5M : “Fuck, I’ve never seen such a crazy AD. This little rookie is so arrogant, but his operation is really gorgeous… He’s really the number one player in headwind output. To be honest, it’s a little bit like Wan God back then.”

    The official commentary began in the arena, so Yu Nuo put away her phone.

    As a new team just formed this year, TG has beaten several powerful teams , and even defeated OG. The team was on a winning streak, and its ranking in the league has soared.

    The male commentator laughed: “TG is in the limelight recently.”

    The female commentator: “Win today’s game, and they will reach the top of the league leaderboard.”

    Male commentator: “Out of the five players of TG, three are rookies, right? I heard that in the beggining, it was formed as a temporary team. It’s so inspiring that they have arrived at this point in the present.”

    The league’s format is double round robin, and the teams will match up against each other twice. Today is the second time OG and TG have played against each other, and it can be regarded as a game of grievances.

    Almost 80% of the audience were OG fans, and the rest were staff members and passers-by who came here to make up the numbers.

    But TG is not completely devoid of fans; at least there is Fu Yidong who has become a fan.

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    “Yu Nuo, I think Conquer has that kind of character.”

    “What kind of character?”

    “Attracting fans. Don’t pay attention to his current bad reputation in the industry, the most important thing in e-sports is the results. If TG can win the championship this year , or enter the finals, with how Conquer plays, his fans should dramatically increase.”

    Listening to her, Yu Nuo hummed, “By then you will be a long-time fan.”

    At the same time, the crowd suddenly heated up again.

    Looking at the screen, sure enough.

    ——OG-Fish’s handsome face appeared in the director’s camera again.

    Fu Yidong’s anger also subsided a little, and she said with a smile, “Your brother is really handsome, but unfortunately I don’t like the cold type. I like guys like Conquer, he’s so fucking exciting to watch.”

Yu Nuo: “…”

    Originally, today was just a BO3 in the regular season, but because of the previous conflict, the atmosphere on the scene was tense.

    At the end of the first game, OG won the game.

    The fans around were very enthusiastic, and they took advantage of the break to whisper to each other. Ten minutes ago, Fu Yidong went to answer a phone call, but she still hasn’t returned.

    Yu Nuo had stayed up late last night to retouch the film, and has only slept for a few hours, so her eyes are dry.

    She fumbled, took out the eye drops in the bag and dripped them. After dripping, she raisee her head to put the contact lens back on.

    His elbow was suddenly bumped.

    It was a young girl who let out a cry and hurriedly apologized to her.

    Yu Nuo slightly turned her body away, moved her feet closer, and let the young girl pass by: “It’s okay.”

    When the person left, she sat down and found that the contact lens had fallen somewhere. She searched the ground for a long time but couldn’t find it. Yu Nuo sighed lightly.

    Fu Yidong came back half an hour later, sobbing, her eyes red and swollen.

    Yu Nuo looked at her: “What’s the matter? Did you argue with your ex-boyfriend again?”

    “I don’t care about that idiot, he’s really bad news.”

    TG won the second game by one round, so there is a final tiebreaker round. Fu Yidong didn’t bother to watch, and kept fighting with her ex-boyfriend on WeChat.

    Yu Nuo’s vision was blurry. She couldn’t see the game clearly on the big screen, and she couldn’t understand the game well, so she could only listen to the commentary.

    In the early stage of the third game, OG had a big advantage. The secured an economic advantage by reaching 8K first, breaking the opponent’s high ground.

    Despite their initial advantage, in the last wave, OG’s jungler was crushed in the grass by Conquer. After that, OG was on the path to defeat, abruptly ruining the game, and letting TG comeback.

    Lost again.

    The fans at the scene were all pissed off.

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    A big brother behind Yu Nuo scolded directly, “Outrageous, it’s outrageous, you’re this bad and still dare to come play professionally, go home earlier and pick your feet , fuck!”

    Another person commented pertinently: “Don’t tell me, that player’s called Conquer, right? He really has something, and he can operate at full speed in seconds; he’s so good, he makes everyone else look stupid.”

    Yu Nuo guessed that Yu Ge was in a bad mood, so she thought about it and sent a message:     [Brother, I’m at the scene, I came with Dongdong^^]     

A minute later, he sent a “?”, followed by:     [Lounge, come over]    

  The game is over, there are only a few people left, most of the OG fans left, and two players were being interviewed on the side after the game.

     Fu Yidong wiped her tears with a tissue.

     Yu Nuo gathered her things and said, “Dongdong, let’s go, go find my brother?”

     Fu Yidong held her down and said, “Wait.”

     According to the procedure, there will be an opportunity for fans to go onstage to give gifts later. It was in the form of a lottery, but there are only a few real fans of TG, so Fu Yidong knew she was sure to be chosen.

     The gift is prepared by the staff, so it is actually just pretending to give gifts.

     Before going on stage, Fu Yidong opened the powder box to touch up her makeup.

     While waiting for her, Yu Nuo opened WeChat and finalized the details of the poster to be released tonight with another member of the Gufeng Circle.

     After a while, Fu Yidong hurried over and pulled her up from her seat.

     In the midst of her confusion, Yu Nuo was dragged forward two steps: “What’s wrong?”

“No, no, my face is too horrible to look at.”

     Yu Nuo said, “What?”

    Fu Yidong: “I’ve ruined my makeup with my tears, the camera lense will make me look like a corpse, you should help me give Conquer a gift.”

“But…” Before Yu Nuo could refuse, Fu Yidong pushed her out .

    The camera next to her was already pointed at her.

    The post match hostess smiled: “Hey, next fan seems to be a young lady?”

    Yu Nuo was caught in a dilemma, and looked back at Fu Yidong.

    Fu Yidong put her hands together and looked at her pleadingly.

    She hesitated for a while, but she had no choice but to bit the bullet and carry the gift.

    A few days ago, Yu Nuo cosplayed 02 from “Darling in the FRANXX”, which coincided with her desire to dye her hair, so she directly dyed her hair the pink brown of spring cherry blossoms; the color is very gentle and not too exaggerated.

    She has long curly hair and is wearing a white sweater and dark blue jeans. Her skin is very fair, and she is thin and well-proportioned. She has a very small face that looks obedient, like a porcelain doll sold at a temple fair.

    The host asked: “Hi, little sister, who do you want to give the gift to?”

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    Yu Nuo took the microphone and looked at the audience, a sea of blurred faces, “For…Conquer.”

    The host: “Hahaha, it’s Conquer’s fan, do you have anything to say to him?”


    Yu Nuo tried hard to recall, what did those female fans on her brother’s Weibo usually say?

    With difficulty, she said, “Uh…well, that is, I hope that Conquer can play better and better. Come on in the Spring Split and don’t leave any regrets. I will always support him.”

The host stood by and said something with a smile.

    It was very noisy, so Yu Nuo couldn’t hear clearly, “What?”

    The host repeated: “You can take a photo with the player you like.”

    Feeling relieved, Yu Nuo paused.

    It’s over, she has no idea who Conquer is.

    Fortunately, the host pointed the way.

    Yu Nuo squinted her eyes to see clearer. She walked quickly to the side of the contestant, adjusted her facial expressions, posed, and flashed a peace sign towards the camera.

    After two or three seconds, she politely handed the gift to the person on the right, ready to step down.

    The man seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, “Hey, aren’t you a Conquer fan?”

    Yu Nuo subconsciously nodded.

    The young boys near her looked at each other and laughed loudly. They were happy, but they didn’t say why.

    She hesitated a little, not knowing what was going on.

    At this moment, someone reminded her: “Conquer is over there.”

    Yu Nuo turned her head in confusion, and met the eyes of another person.

    She only reached his chin.

    The distance is close, only about half a meter. Yu Nuo saw his face clearly.

    Yu Nuo was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized:

    ——She seems to have misidentified the person!

    Yu Nuo froze.

    The lights illuminated the stage very brightly.

    With one hand in his pocket, he lazily slouched. His eyelids were half teasing, and he looked to be a little impatient. Because of the height difference, when he looked back at her, he looked down slightly.

    After two seconds.

    “Hello?” He raised his eyebrows.

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