A familiar red light flashed by and the shoelace was cut. Ji Mingxia turned his head and immediately saw Yu Ning in the crowd.

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The entire basketball court was drenched in blood, but Yu Ning was even more drenched.


In stark contrast to the red was his pale face and gray pupils.


His entire body was cold and stern, like an unsheathed ice blade dripping with blood. He gave off an aura that made him unapproachable.


“Yu Ning!”


Ji Mingxia instantly forgot about Ke Chengxuan and darted to Yu Ning’s side in a flash.


“Are you alright?” Ji Mingxia said, lowering his head to look at Yu Ning’s injuries.


Yu Ning stretched out his hand to catch Ji Mingxia, and his hand trembled slightly now that Ji Mingxia was finally standing before his eyes.


Upon realising that Ji Mingxia was going to look at his injuries, Yu Ning quickly turned his body and whispered, “I’m fine, how about you?”


“I’m fine.” Ji Mingxia said energetically.


Apart from the time when he got injured because Yu Ning had been injured, Ji Mingxia was fine for the rest of the time.


Although he had witnessed Xiao Qi’s mutation and encountered several monsters, there was no real danger and not only did he not suffer any damage, but his whole body was full of strength and energy.


Yu Ning, on the other hand, was covered in blood. Even if he knew the general location of his injuries, he could not see what they looked like because they were soaked with blood.


Ji Mingxia tried to take a closer look several times, but Yu Ning managed to dodge him without a trace. Since there were people around, it was not good to examine Yu Ning's injury on the spot, so Ji Mingxia hurriedly took out a bag of medicine from his pocket and said, “I brought a bag of medicine with me. It’s quite useful, it can stop the bleeding and relieve pain very quickly. I’ll help you apply it later.”


Yu Ning looked at the medicine and frowned slightly, “Why did you prepare medicine? Are you injured?”


“I...” Ji Mingxia was stumped by his question.


His injuries were only a little painful when he was first injured, and since he had applied the medicine, he didn’t feel anything anymore.


He couldn’t explain how his wounds came to be, nor did he want to say it lest he made Yu Ning worry.


But if he didn’t say that he had injuries, then how could he explain why he prepared medicine?


He couldn’t say that he had foreseen Yu Ning’s injury 

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“You first use the medicine, we’ll talk about it while applying it.” Ji Mingxia whispered.


He had just finished speaking when Wei Zhen and a few girls ran over, and after confirming that Ji Mingxia was safe, they breathed a sigh of relief.


“Mingxia, it’s good that you’re alright ……” Wei Zhen said, and glanced at Yu Ning with concern. “We don’t know what we would have done if you had not come.”


Ji Mingxia was confused and he quickly asked, “What’s wrong, did you guys encounter a lot of monsters?”


The basketball court was blood red, so the battle was a thousand times more intense than what he had encountered,otherwise Yu Ning, who had always been invincible, wouldn’t have been injured.


“Well …… it’s mostly because Yu Ning couldn’t find you and was very anxious.” Wei Zhen said politely.


At her words, several other people looked at Ji Mingxia in surprise, “That’s him?”


“Is he the one Yu Ning was looking for?”


“He’s Ji Mingxia?”


“Ji Mingxia has been found ……”


“I thought Ji Mingxia was a girl, ah.”


“Everyone, Ji Mingxia has appeared!”


The crowd discussed and one by one, the news gradually spread, and soon the whole basketball court received the news: Ji Mingxia had appeared.


Ji Mingxia watched as the people who had originally gathered around Ke Chengxuan slowly moved their eyes to him.


Compared to the way they were looking at Ke Chengxuan, they were looking at him with even more curiosity and astonishment, as if they had seen some rare species.  Some even looked at him from head to toe, not sparing a single detail.


When Ji Mingxia first started college, he was always the center of attention because he was with Yu Ning, but then everyone calmed down and soon resumed their peaceful lives. It had been a long time since he was looked at with such eyes, so he was a little uncomfortable.


At that moment, Yu Ning reached out and pulled Ji Mingxia in his direction, directly pulling him behind him.


As soon as everyone’s eyes met Yu Ning’s, they immediately turned their heads away, not daring to look any further.


Ji Mingxia stood behind Yu Ning, but was very calm, he often hid behind Yu Ning like this anyway.

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Taking advantage of the fact that everyone could not see him for a moment, Ji Mingxia quickly looked at Wei Zhen and whispered, “What happened here? What’s wrong with Yu Ning and why is everyone looking at me like that?”


Wei Zhen glanced at Yu Ning, not even daring to speak.


“Did Yu Ning refuse you guys from talking about it?” Ji Mingxia asked.


“That’s not true.” Wei Zhen said.


Seeing that Yu Ning was protecting Ji Mingxia closely, and that the two had a special relationship, Wei Zhen quickly told him what had happened.


A few hours back, the classroom lights went out and everyone was plunged into darkness.


Yu Ning reacted extremely quickly, intercepting the corpse and blocking the black shadow’s attack, but in a bizarre twist, Ji Mingxia had disappeared without a trace by the time the lights came back on.


“Yu Ning went crazy after you had disappeared and directly slaughtered that corpse. He then dismembered the black shadow and threw it outside the door. Unexpectedly, the corpse disappeared before it had even hit the ground.” Wei Zhen said, “We only found out later that the space in here was distorted and it was easy to get separated.”


Ji Mingxia nodded.


Wei Zhen added, “When you weren’t there, the three of us followed Yu Ning to look for you. We were fine at first, but then something happened to Liu Lin.”


Ji Mingxia immediately looked around, only to realise that there was no sign of Liu Lin.


Not only was there no Liu Lin, but one of the four girls, and the last one whose name was unknown, was also not present at the moment.


“After Liu Lin’s mutation, the person closest to her suffered. The two of them ran out and disappeared.” Wei Zhen’s face turned a little pale as she said this.


She, Liu Lin and the others were not really close friends.


The way they met was simple, they were all fans of Ke Chengxuan, and because they liked him and wanted to meet him, they joined a group of like-minded people.


When they learned that Ke Chengxuan was going to attend an event in Funan County, the people in the group formed a temporary smaller group, and it was under such circumstances that Wei Zhen, Liu Lin, and the others met.


Although they shared the same hobby of chasing stars, their personalities didn’t really get along, especially after Ke Chengxuan’s accident and Liu Lin got that key, the atmosphere in the group became very strange.


But despite this, they had known each other for a while, and they soon decided to come in and save Ke Chengxuan, never imagining that they would end up risking their own lives.


Xiao Qi disappeared, Liu Lin mutated and took another girl with her, eventually leaving only Wei Zhen to cling to Yu Ning.

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When Ji Mingxia was still around, Wei Zhen only felt that Yu Ning was a very cold person who was not easy to get along with, and did not have many feelings about it.


It was only when Ji Mingxia disappeared that Wei Zhen discovered how terrifying Yu Ning was.


Not only did he slaughter the corpses and dark shadows without changing expression, but in the time that followed, he did even more gory things.


Ji Mingxia was missing in this dangerous territory, and every minute that passed meant Ji Mingxia was in more danger.


With the constantly moving space, it would be impossible to find Ji Mingxia just by searching around blindly.


So Yu Ning calculated and found this basketball court, used the bronze mirror to block the channels through which the monsters moved, and went on a killing spree.


The whole area was like a giant Rubik’s cube, each square constantly moving to disrupt both people and monsters, trapping people in a maze from which they could not escape.


What Yu Ning did was like smashing a vacuum in the centre of the maze, all the monsters that warped here were slaughtered on the spot. The greater the number of monsters slaughtered, the smaller the number of monsters outside and the higher the probability of Ji Mingxia’s safety.


All the people who had been transported here were also trapped in the basketball court.


If it were any other day, the people present would have made a fuss.


But looking at Yu Ning, who was soaked in blood and on a killing spree, even the monsters were no match for him, let alone ordinary humans at the bottom of the food chain.


Not only did none of the people dare to speak out, but many of them even grew to admire him.


After all, under such extreme circumstances, the sudden appearance of a strong man who could fight the monsters head-on was extremely rare.


Many of those who were caught in despair were not only unafraid but also uplifted by the sight of such a brutal scene.


“The spatial movement caused everyone to get separated. Apart from being alienated and killed by the monsters, there were many who died of thirst and hunger due to lack of resources …… These days have been worse than death and now that we have gathered together, we have more hope of surviving instead. There is really nothing to eat but picking up a few pieces of raw meat from the ground and swallowing is better than dying of starvation.” Wei Zhen sighed.


Ji Mingxia looked around and found that most of the people present looked sallow and haggard, and he could not help but recall what Ke Chengxuan had said when they first met.


He said that one could tell Ji Mingxia had just come in from the outside world, and that he was very different from those who had been trapped for several days.


At that time, Ji Mingxia thought that the trapped people were tormented by monsters, so they were in poor condition. But after listening to Wei Zhen’s words, he found that the truth was a little different from what he had imagined.


Although it was days since the area was cordoned off and the whole place was as scary and dangerous as the end times, the cordoned area covered the school, hotel, dining area and other areas, so logically, people would not die of thirst and hunger even if the supplies were poor.

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Moreover, hadn’t Ke Chengxuan stocked up on supplies and was still alive and well?


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia couldn’t help but say, “Dying of thirst and starvation? Is it because of the spatial movement and being chased by monsters?”


“No, it’s not.” Wei Zhen said, “They said that the supplies were tight at first, but there was enough to last a few days. But from out of nowhere, there was theft and looting of supplies.”


“Theft and looting of supplies?” Ji Mingxia frowned.


“Yes.” Wei Zhen said, “The spatial movement caused people to be isolated, giving some people the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Many people were lacking food because it was either stolen or robbed. The culprit was very cunning, and up until now, people don’t know who actually did it.”


Something came to Ji Mingxia’s mind and he suddenly went silent.


Wei Zhen thought he was frightened when she saw him go silent and she hurriedly said, “It doesn’t matter now that we are all gathered and supporting each other, we are now safer and have more hope.”


Yu Ning’s original intention for making such a big commotion was to find Ji Mingxia.


As Yu Ning became the focus of the crowd, the person he was looking for was naturally the main topic of discussion.


The name Ji Mingxia had long been circulating among the crowd, and everyone was curious about this person. Now that they had finally seen him, they naturally could not help but keep looking over.


Ke Chengxuan, who had been the subject of much discussion and attention, was ignored in an instant. When he saw that everyone’s attention was on Yu Ning, and that Ji Mingxia had even hidden directly behind him, Ke Chengxuan’s face stiffened but soon returned to normal.


No one dared to approach Yu Ning, but Ke Chengxuan was not afraid. He stepped forward and came next to Yu Ning. When Yu Ning looked at him, Ke Chengxuan crossed over and said to Ji Mingxia behind Yu Ning, “Little Xia, don’t you want to introduce me?”


There was a sudden buzz of chatter, and Ji Mingxia, who was still in the middle of his discussion with Wei Zhen, did not hear Ke Chengxuan’s voice.


On the contrary, Yu Ning said coldly, “No need.”


Since childhood, Ke Chengxuan had always been the center of attention wherever he went because of his good family background, excellent grades, and good looks.


Especially after he became a star, he became even more popular.


When people saw him, they would always be polite to him even if they didn’t like him.


It had been a long time since someone had rejected him so bluntly.


It was fine for Yu Ning to treat him coldly but Ji Mingxia hadn’t even noticed him. Although Ke Chengxuan tried his best to hide it, his face was inevitably a little twisted. He pulled the corner of his mouth and said to Yu Ning, “Then let me introduce myself, my name is Ke Chengxuan, I’m Little Xia’s boyfriend. Little Xia was injured and I found medicine for him. He used part of it and saved the rest to carry with him, so he must have given it to you.”

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