"Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia!"

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"Hey, Mingxia, wake up!"


Ji Mingxia rolled over and muttered, "What's up, it's not even dawn yet."

"You're going to be late for morning study, get up!"


‘Morning study?’


Ji Mingxia was stupefied for a moment and slowly sat up. He didn’t react until he saw the dormitory full of people. ‘Right, I transmigrated into a book!’


It was still the eve of the heinous college entrance examination. Although the school had no written regulations about it, the senior students in the final stages of the sprint have defaulted to the routine of waking up at 5:30 and starting classes at 6:00.


Ji Mingxia was really sad. He just experienced such exciting things last night, and even had to go to the class the next day. Was this something a human could do!


He turned to look at the opposite side. Yu Ning’s bed was folded neatly, and the person had already disappeared. It seemed that the person had already gone for morning study.


At night, he struggled with ghosts and spirits, but did not fall behind in his studies during the day. According to the original book, Yu Ning finally got first place in the city and directly went to a top college to change his life.


‘Look at this young and energetic person, worthy of being the protagonist.’


Ji Mingxia lamented in his heart and resigned himself to getting up, to follow his roommates to the canteen.


It was around six o'clock in the summer morning. The sun was supposed to have risen in the bright sky, but that day, it was particularly gloomy.


The sky was dimly lit and the whole campus was shrouded in gloomy grey and black clouds.


Students in black uniforms walked quietly along the road. Most of them had their heads bowed and their faces unreadable.


In the gusts of the chilly wind, it did not look like the campus he was familiar with, looking from a distance. Rather, it was like the ghost school game he played a while ago......


"What are you looking at?" One of his roommates came over, asking curiously.


Ji Mingxia transmigrated into a body he was familiar with, both in terms of location and school environment.


There were only slight nuances because of Yu Ning's presence.


For example, the five roommates in front of him were all strangers to the current Ji Mingxia.


However, he memorized the names of the five people by heart when he was taking a shower.


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The person who was talking to him at the moment was named Zhao Zhuoyue. He loved to play football and was Ji Mingxia’s deskmate. They had a good relationship.


"It feels like there are many people going to class today." Ji Mingxia said.


At that time of the day, only the senior resident students would come to the morning study session. There were three entrances to the school, and generally speaking, the probability of running into classmates on the way was very low.


Hearing this, Zhao Zhouyue glanced around curiously, "Really, isn't it just the five of us? Where are the other people?"


Ji Mingxia froze for a moment. He then looked at the group of people walking with their heads down, indistinctly moving forward under the thick fog, their figures blurred and silent as they walked suspended in the air.


A chill ran down Ji Mingxia's back and he almost got goosebumps!


He suddenly remembered that last night, when all his roommates were sleeping, he was the only one woken up by the cold and even saw the ghost with his own eyes!


‘Shit, no way!


I’m just a plain and simple supporting role, why is there a need to light up such a perverted skill ah!’


Along the way, Ji Mingxia was in a bad mood.


Although he was panicking on the inside, he was so calm on the outside that none of his roommates noticed anything unusual about him. At most, they only wondered why Ji Mingxia was always walking pressed up to them.


The feeling of chill lasted for the entire journey, until the moment he walked into class and saw Yu Ning. Ji Mingxia's cold hands and feet then warmed up a bit.


‘For an online novel, what kind of thunder is most likely to be blackened by the readers?


Is it a watered down plot, bland emotional scenes, or messy trash writing?


No, it's none.


It's playing with the CP, it’s the BE where the protagonist, doesn’t end up well and dies of depression!’

*BE-bad ending, CP- Couple Pairing.


As the protagonist's love mentor, Ji Mingxia looked unimportant at first glance. But without his advice, Yu Ning would not have recognized his feelings. The emotional line is equivalent to the story.


So can that be tolerated? Even Ji Mingxia, who was a straight male reader, could not tolerate it. Not to mention that he had knocked on CP on the fly, and just had to wait to be eaten by the readers.


So as long as Yu Ning lived, he would definitely have a chance to make an appearance for the sake of blessing Yu Ning's lower body.


Even if he lighted up useless ghost skills, as long as he tried his best to stay hidden and remain as quiet as a chicken until the plot officially unfolds, who will come for a rookie supporting role like him with the protagonist around?


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At that moment, Yu Ning, who had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Ji Mingxia.


Ji Mingxia was startled, but fortunately his face remained very calm.


He instantly activated his *squint. He did not move his head or his body but focused his eyes on the desk in front of Yu Ning where one of the roommates was writing furiously to catch up on his homework.

*He was looking at Yu Ning, but in an indirect way.


"The answer to this question is wrong, it's B." Ji Mingxia said.


Hearing that, the roommate quickly asked a follow up question, "What about this one?"


"A" said Ji Mingxia.


"Holy shit, bro!" The roommate blew a rainbow fart.


"That’s it." Ji Mingxia smiled, then turned around and sat down naturally, not daring to look at Yu Ning again for the rest of the day.


Gloomy clouds hung over Funan County all day, until it finally started raining during the evening self study session.


They were all students who were about to take the college entrance examination, so the school was more nervous about their health than they were.


The teachers specially notified the parents to come and pick their children up. As for the residential students, the school handed out umbrellas, one for every two students. After taking a hot shower and having ginger soup back at the dormitory, they basically wouldn't be in any serious trouble.


"Mingxia, let's go, the lights in the classroom are going to be turned off. You can finish your homework back in the dormitory.


The evening study period for residential students ended a little later than for day students. When the last bell finally rang, the students left the classroom in a flurry.


Seeing Ji Mingxia still scribbling in his seat, Zhao Zhou urged him.


“I’m done. I’m coming, I’m coming.”Ji Mingxia had just stuffed his book into the desk when the classroom lights went off. He didn’t bother to tidy up and quickly followed his roommates' pace.


Within just two minutes, the whole school building was deserted.


Without the energetic voices of the students, there was only a torrential downpour pounding on the building. The already bleak campus was like it had entered autumn and winter ahead of schedule.


A gust of wind blew, and the coolness almost penetrated into people’s bones.


Ji Mingxia came out late. He had just walked to the door of the classroom when the wind laden with raindrops hit him on the head. He was already cold and his whole body shivered.


“Are you alright?” Zhao Zhou saw that Ji Mingxia’s face looked bad, and hurriedly asked.


The rest of the roommates also turned their heads and saw that Ji Mingxia’s face was a bit pale, obviously suffering from the cold. After conferring with each other, they evened out an umbrella and gave it to Ji Mingxia so that he could walk alone with it, not easily getting wet from the rain.

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“Wasn’t it one umbrella for two, how come there’s a separate umbrella for me.” Ji Mingxia asked strangely.


“Just take it as a reward for teaching your buddy how to do problems today.” Zhao Zhuo said.


“Take it. We’ll have to take care of you if you catch a cold and it’ll affect our exams.” Another roommate, Chen Zhendao, said.


Ji Mingxia twitched at the corner of his mouth, “Are you sure you guys can take care of me?”


“What, you’ve gotten bold enough to dare to talk back now, haven’t you?”


“Have you forgotten who woke us up last night?”


“You’re not finished until you get your umbrella!”


His roommates were ferocious, but Ji Mingxia felt everyone’s concern. For the first time, he felt that the world was, perhaps, slightly better than he had imagined.


He said helplessly, “I’m serious, this umbrella is so big, no need for three people to share one. Zhao Zhou, you can walk with me under the umbrella.”


“No, I want to walk with Brother Chen.” Zhao Zhou quickly said.


Ji Mingxia took a closer look, realizing that his roommates were in front of him, two people under each umbrella and they were distributed just right.


Then the extra umbrella ……


He suddenly thought of something and quickly turned around, glancing at the classroom behind him.


The lights in the classroom had already gone out, leaving only the not-so-bright lights in the walkway that barely reflected the surroundings.


Inside the dark classroom, Yu Ning stood by his seat, his head bowed. They didn’t know what he was doing.


Zhao Zhou noticed Ji Mingxia’s movements and quickly said, “Why are you looking at him? He has his own umbrella, I saw him bring it today.”


Another roommate said, “You don’t want to go back with him, do you?”


“It’s almost the college entrance exams Ji Mingxia, calm down. Whoever gets involved with that guy becomes unlucky.”


Most of the students in the senior year were already adults, and were not as impulsive as junior high school students.


Everyone hated and feared Yu Ning, yet few people directly confronted him head-on.


Most of them chose to avoid him.

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Not looking at him, not interacting with him, treating him like air, and at the same time avoiding him.


Although cold violence was not as bloody as pushing, shoving and beating, it was more lethal to the mature minded.


Everyone was using their actions to tell Yu Ning that he was a deviant, a monster that everyone loathed.




Reason told Ji Mingxia that, as a qualified supporting character, he should obey everyone’s wishes, remain isolated from Yu Ning, and go back to the dormitory under the umbrella alone.


But emotionally, Ji Mingxia couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t have this umbrella all to himself when it originally belonged to him and Yu Ning.


He didn’t think much before, but now that he’s transmigrated as a character, he realized that the vicious supporting role was not for the average person!


A pay rise, he strongly demanded that the world give him a pay rise!


The answer to Ji Mingxia’s inner cry was a gust of chilly wind that was colder than winter.


A black shadow appeared on the glass inside the classroom, its long nails poking out and crawling up Yu Ning’s back.


At first glance, it looked like Yu Ning was carrying a big lump of things on his back.


And that thing was burrowing into his body bit by bit.


Yu Ning lowered his head, his fists clenched, and stood motionless. No one knew what was going on in his mind.


Ji Mingxia’s pupils shrank and he almost jumped up in shock!


‘Holy fucking shit!


I’m really afraid of what’s coming.’


He wondered why it was so cold that evening. It wasn’t because of the rain, but because of the terrifying shadow. ‘It’s here again!’


“Mingxia, Mingxia, the school building is closing soon.”


“Don’t mind him, Mingxia. Let’s go.”


His roommates urged but Ji Mingxia only wanted to cry without tears.


‘I now really want to leave, but I can’t.’

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