Yu Ning jumped into the lake to save  Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye.

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At this moment, not only was Ji Mingxia’s body wet with lake water, but Yu Ning was also drenched.


When Ji Mingxia suddenly woke up, Yu Ning’s movements gave a start.


A drop of water fell along Yu Ning’s cheek and onto his lips, and with a “ta-da”, the drop of water slid from Yu Ning’s lips and landed on the corner of Ji Mingxia’s mouth.


The cold drop of water haloed at the corners of his lips and then slipped into his mouth.


A slight tremor shook Ji Mingxia’s body.


In the next instant, lights shone over in the distance, accompanied by rescue workers arriving with equipment, and the surroundings gradually became noisy.


“Over there!”


“Towards the left bank of the central lake!”


“Come on, come on!”


The light from the powerful torch woke up the two boys who were intimately close.


Ji Mingxia was stung by the light and he squinted his eyes. Seeing this, Yu Ning hastily shielded his eyes with his hand and helped Ji Mingxia up before the rescuers arrived.


Ji Mingxia had just been fished out of the water, and although he was awake, he had little strength in his body, so he could only lean on Yu Ning.


“Thanks.” Ji Mingxia said. His voice was hoarse as his throat had been filled with water.


Yu Ning held him up while helping him to button his collar back up.


When the rescuers arrived at the scene, they saw that Ji Mingxia was already awake and put the focus of the rescue on Zhao Zhuoye.


Although Zhao Zhuoye had been in the water longer than Ji Mingxia, he could swim and instinctively protected himself the moment he entered the water.


Once Yu Ning dragged him to shore in time, he regained some consciousness. The staff quickly arrived to rescue him, and with the perfect equipment on site, Zhao Zhouye spat out a large mouthful of water after the first aid measures were done, and came back to his senses.


“Mingxia? Yu Ning?” Zhao Zhouye looked at the two in confusion, and a few seconds later, he remembered what had happened before he passed out and his face changed.


The area around the scene had been cordoned off, not allowing any guests to approach the area near the lake. It was at this moment that the hotel manager finally arrived, also bringing bathrobes and hot water, and took Ji Mingxia and the others to the lounge.


The journey was uneventful and it was only when they sat down in the lounge that Ji Mingxia’s body temperature gradually warmed up.


The hotel manager was a middle-aged woman with gentle features and mild eyebrows. She waited patiently for Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye to settle down before sitting in front of them and slowly said, “The hotel’s safety measures were not perfect, causing you two to fall into the water. On behalf of Quanzhuang, I would like to sincerely apologise to you both.”


She said, first bowing deeply to Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye, and then continued, “Our hotel is willing to take full responsibility for everything that happened today. The two of you will have your food and accommodation at the Quanzhuang for the next few days for free, and will be upgraded to lifetime VIP members. As for the compensation for mental damage, everything is negotiable.”


Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye had just come from the brink of death and we’re feeling relieved. On hearing what the hotel manager said, they both froze.


They had no intention of blaming the hotel, and the person in charge was so sincere that Ji Mingxia and Zhaoye could not possibly make any trouble. They quickly shook their heads and said that there was no need to do so.


The hotel manager did insist on the need to make compensation, and after confirming that Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye had no more demands in this matter, she said, “We have just checked the surveillance in the corridor and confirmed that no suspicious person appeared. There were also no dangerous objects on the bridge, so may I ask what caused you two to fall into the lake? “


At this point, let alone the hotel staff, even Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye didn’t quite understand it.


They looked at each other, and it was Ji Mingxia who finally said, “Can you let us see the surveillance too?”

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“Of course.” The hotel manager said, and directly brought a computer over. She played the surveillance in front of everyone’s eyes.


The hotel was well-equipped and the surveillance was very clear. In the video, Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye appeared in the picture.


After the two of them came out of the restaurant, they were walking and chatting, and at first, the atmosphere between them was still normal.


Suddenly, Zhao Zhuoye pointed in a certain direction ahead and said a few words to Ji Mingxia, and the two, who were originally idle, suddenly changed, apparently walking with a purpose towards the front.


Seeing this, Ji Mingxia immediately said, “We were originally going out to find the men’s washroom, but we met Li Youzi on the way. Li Youzi updated her Weibo that she is currently staying in the hotel as well. I am a fan of hers and originally wanted to go up to her for an autograph, but I didn’t expect to accidentally fall into the lake later.”


Ji Mingxia said, looking at the hotel manager, “Can you help us find out if Li Youzi was near us at the time?”


The hotel manager quickly refused, “Sorry, you have no contact with Ms. Li, and the incident of falling into the lake is completely unrelated to Ms. Li at the moment. As it relates to the client’s privacy, we will not provide any information related to Ms. Li unless she herself voluntarily agrees.”


Ji Mingxia had wanted to take this opportunity to ascertain Li Youzi’s situation, but it did involve a guest’s privacy, and it made sense that the hotel would refuse.


He was not annoyed and added, “Then can you pull up the surveillance in the wider area of the walkway and take a look at it as well?”


“Yes, we can, just a moment.” The hotel manager said, and quickly turned over the videos from several other cameras.


At Ji Mingxia’s request, they played the surveillance near Box 14.


To Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye eyes, the woman in the cheongsam had already appeared at this point in time, but in the video, the image of this location was calm up to the end.


It was only after Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuo had walked to this location that the anomaly appeared.


In other words, no one had ever entered or left Box 14.


Whether it was the back that Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuo saw together, or the beautiful dancing woman in a cheongsam that Zhao Zhouye saw, it was all a fake.


The picture that followed was more or less the same as Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye remembered.


After the two of them reached the door of Box 14, Zhao Zhuoye suddenly went crazy and ran away, pulling Ji Mingxia with him.


After the two of them reached the lake, Zhao Zhuoye suddenly shrieked and fell into the lake, taking Ji Mingxia down with him.


From the time Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye left the restaurant to the time they fell into the water, it was only ten minutes.


The video was quickly played and Ji Mingxia had a partial answer in his mind, but still had some questions.


He couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Yu Ning and said curiously, “Yu Ning, how did you come to save us from the lake?”


Yu Ning said, “You and Zhao Zhouye never came back, so I went out to take a look. I had just walked outside the restaurant when I heard the sound of something falling into water.  I was walking near the left bank when I heard you calling my name.”


Ji Mingxia didn’t expect that his last cry for help before he lost consciousness would really bring Yu Ning to him.


He was a little embarrassed, but he was still quite happy and felt that he was very resourceful.


'I’m so good at hugging thighs!'


Otherwise, he and Zhao Zhuoye would have died here tonight.


Although Yu Ning almost gave him artificially respiration after being fished out, that was because of the situation.

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With his life at stake, artificial respiration was nothing, he could have stripped naked.


As for the drop of water that fell from Yu Ning’s lips into the corner of his mouth…why did it make his heart beat faster and his body go weak…


Ji Mingxia naturally ignored this detail. If he didn’t say anything, no one would know what was going through his mind at the time.


As long as he pretended that nothing happened, then this matter can happen without incident.


Ji Mingxia had a super self-regulation ability. He could quickly fall asleep after seeing a ghost, and sleep soundly all night. Such a trivial matter like that, would naturally not affect him.


It was the staff member at the side who heard Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning’s conversation and said in a deep voice: “When the two of you fell into the water, only Mr. Yu heard the sound and it was at his strong request that the security guards asked the rescuers to rush over with the equipment. If Mr Yu had not alerted us in time, the consequences would have been unthinkable.”


“This incident today was a negligence of the patrolling security guards. They did not spot the two of you falling into the water in the first place, and on behalf of the hotel, I would like to apologize to you both once again.”


The hotel manager had such a good attitude, so naturally Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye would not blame them.


After seeing the contents of this bizarre surveillance, one could only come to two conclusions.


Either Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye were crazy; or the hotel was haunted.


The hotel didn’t blame them, but instead offered to pay compensation. So naturally, Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye couldn’t shout that there was a paranormal event in this hotel.


Before everything was investigated clearly, they could only choose to wait and see what would happen.


All that had to be explained was done, and seeing that it was already late, the hotel staff did not bother them anymore and quickly left, giving Ji Mingxia and the others space to go rest.


Immediately after the staff left, the roommates came in from outside.


Seeing Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhuoye’s pale faces, the roommates could not help but ask about them with concern.


Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye briefly told them what had happened tonight.


Zhao Zhouye, in particular, was in quite a shock. Just listening to him recount that process made everyone feel a bit creeped out. They couldn’t even imagine how Zhao Zhouye felt at that moment.


Chen Zhen’s face changed slightly, “How did you meet with something like this for no good reason?”


“I don’t know, ah, it changed into Li Youzi’s appearance to deceive us! It's too sinister!” Zhao Zhouye had gradually recovered and said angrily.


Chen Zhen said, “Could it be …… what that driver said before, a situation similar to a ghost hitting a wall?”


It was okay before Chen Zhen mentioned it, but once he did, everyone immediately remembered the strange events that happened near the hotel.


Zhao Zhouye said in wonder, “But up until now, no one had ever encountered a ghost ever since the hotel was opened. There wasn’t a single bad review, so how come we bumped into it by chance?”


Today’s incident was bizarre, and there were many suspicious points that were puzzling.


But considering that Ji Mingxia and Zhao Zhouye had just experienced life and death, the crowd eventually stopped asking more questions.


They decided to go back to their rooms and rest for a while, so they could talk about what happened tomorrow.


Everyone had a psychological shadow of the lake and they tried to avoid the waterfront paths on the way back, choosing to take a detour.


It was only when they came to the fork in the road between the general and VIP areas that the two groups went their separate ways.

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Only Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia remained on the quiet stone path. The two walked side by side while discussing from time to time.


Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were both dripping wet as they had both jumped into the lake, and when they returned to their double room, they both grabbed a quick shower.


Ji Mingxia took a quick hot shower first. He came out wrapped in a towel and was then replaced by Yu Ning.


While Yu Ning showered, Ji Mingxia stood on the sink just outside the bathroom, blow-drying his hair while thinking about what had happened tonight.


At the moment, it could be confirmed that, firstly, the ghost had manifested in Li Youzi’s appearance, so this incident was related to Li Youzi.


Secondly, although this paranormal event was bizarre, the ghost did not seem to show strong aggression. Zhao Zhuoye fell into the lake by himself. So the ghost was not actively attacking people at the moment.


In any case, it was lucky that Yu Ning was there.


If he hadn’t invited Yu Ning, he and Zhao Zhuoye would have died tonight.


Ji Mingxia saw that his hair was almost dry, so he turned off the hairdryer and walked towards the bedroom.


Halfway there, the sound of the shower in the bathroom stopped, and Ji Mingxia suddenly noticed Yu Ning’s clothes hanging on the glass door of the bathroom.


A dark blue set of pyjamas, and a pair of black male underwear.


This minimalist colour scheme was indeed Yu Ning’s style.


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning’s underwear and suddenly thought of something. He knocked on the glass door of the bathroom, calling out to Yu Ning inside the bathroom, “Yu Ning, Yu Ning.”


“What’s wrong?” Yu Ning’s voice came from inside the bathroom.


“I brought a lot of disposable underwear with me, and I put them all in the bathroom. I put on one per day, and throw it away when done. This room doesn’t have a balcony, so it’s inconvenient to wash your underwear. Don’t wear the ones you brought, just use mine.” Ji Mingxia said.


Yu Ning did not respond for a moment.


Ji Mingxia only thought he was shy and hurriedly said, “Those underwear are one size. I bought a box of them, and shared some with our roommates. But I still had dozens of them remaining. You hurry up and we share them together ah, please please please!”


After saying that, Ji Mingxia was still deeply afraid that Yu Ning would not agree and continued, “I’ll take it as a yes if you don’t say anything!”


Yu Ning was silent for a long time, but finally took out Ji Mingxia’s disposable underwear from the bathroom.


Ji Mingxia heard the sound of him unpacking and he knew that Yu Ning had used them and was quite happy in his heart.


The next moment, he heard Yu Ning say, “It doesn’t seem to fit.”


Ji Mingxia heard this and he froze for a moment.


'They didn’t fit?'


These panties were one size, so as long as there was not too much difference in height and body type, they could basically be worn.


Ji Mingxia didn’t lie to Yu Ning, he really bought a box and divided it with the whole dormitory.


They fit the five people in the dormitory quite well, so how come when it came to Yu Ning, they didn’t fit?


In the next instant, Ji Mingxia’s mind had a realization and he suddenly reacted.

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This was a danmei book, and Yu Ning was on the receiving end in the book although he was the main protagonist.


Although the book did not explicitly mention Yu Ning’s size, it could not be much bigger since he was the one below and there wasn’t much use for the front.


‘The author is too inhumane. Although Yu Ning is a sufferer, he was a man with a normal sexual orientation before he met Pei Yuan.’


As long as a man is a man, they care about size.


Even if you can’t use it in the future, it’s okay to keep it for viewing!


Like Ji Mingxia, he would peek at the next stall every now and then when he goes to the toilet to see who was bigger.


Although he was not considered to be gifted, he was considered to be of a decent size among ordinary people.


If he found out that he was bigger than someone else, he would secretly snigger for a long time.


Unexpectedly, Yu Ning was so small that even his underwear, which was one size, did not fit.


Coupled with Yu Ning's pitiful background, and what had happened to him over the years ...


Ji Mingxia simply couldn't imagine how Yu Ning had survived all these years.


And he, who originally wanted to share good things with Yu Ning, ended up poking at Yu Ning's sore point!


Yu Ning had just saved him, and for him to hurt Yu Ning like that was simply not human!


Ji Mingxia was extraordinarily chagrined, and he hurriedly looked for a remedy: "Is it too loose? That is the design of one size underwear, they are looser and more comfortable. It won't be able to fit unless one is very big so don't worry, they are loose like that even when I wear them."


 Ji Mingxia finished speaking and he waited nervously for Yu Ning's reply.


But it was only after a long time that Yu Ning sullenly replied with an "mmm".


Ji Mingxia was already imagining Yu Ning standing in the bathroom, holding his underwear in his hands, frustrated and helpless.


The guilt in Ji Mingxia's heart was almost overflowing.


He couldn't help but knock on the bathroom door again: "Why don't I come in and adjust it for you? We Asian men are generally not big in size, but what's that saying, enough is enough, right? Yu Ning? Yu Ning?"


He didn't get Yu Ning's reply, so he was even more anxious, but he didn't dare to barge in. He could only stand at the glass door and wait.


Yu Ning had finished his shower and he found that Ji Mingxia's disposable underwear did not fit. Hearing Ji Mingxia call his name, he could only walk outside to get his own clothes, intending to put them on and then talk to Ji Mingxia.


To his surprise, he walked out and found Ji Mingxia still standing at the glass door, staring anxiously into the bathroom.


Yu Ning froze for a moment and hurriedly took a bath towel from the side to wrap around his body before taking away the pyjamas hanging on the glass door.


Seeing Ji Mingxia stand in place and staring dumbly at him, a slightly unnatural expression crossed Yu Ning's face, but he still called out, "Mingxia?"


Ji Mingxia's eyes widened as he looked at Yu Ning incredulously.


Although Yu Ning had wrapped the bath towel around himself in time, he was standing outside the glass door after all, and Ji Mingxia saw what he shouldn't have, all of it.


"This big?!"

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