Pei Yuan had only just taken a step when an additional figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

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He was a little taller than Ji Mingxia, and his body was a little wider, completely shielding Ji Mingxia.


Pei Yuan tried to look over but he couldn’t see any part of Ji Mingxia’s face, only Yu Ning’s rather gloomy face.


Their eyes met and they saw the aloofness and indifference in each other’s eyes.


Ji Mingxia, who was standing behind Yu Ning, was just about to speak to Pei Yuan when Yu Ning suddenly got in the way, directly blocking him and Pei Yuan and cutting off their eye contact.


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning’s back in surprise. If it were normal, he would have held Yu Ning’s body and poked his head out to see what was going on.


But thinking of Pei Yuan who was going to confront him, Ji Mingxia immediately withdrew his arms and hid himself.


Although the plot was completely skewed, Yu Ning had inexplicably come into contact with mysterious items in high school, and Pei Yuan had appeared in front of Yu Ning two years earlier.


At the moment, the characters were wrong, the occasion was wrong, and the setting of the story was wrong.


But no matter what, at least the protagonist gong and shou had met!


They’re even face to face, about to start a dialogue!


At times like this, the supporting characters should just back off voluntarily.


Especially a supporting character like him. He shouldn’t add drama to himself and interfere with the scene of the protagonists!


Yu Ning and Pei Yuan were destined to be together and they had finally met. From today onwards, they’d start the drama of loving each other for life, Ji Mingxia’s heart was relieved and inexplicably a little heavy at the thought.


He was like a mixed bag of emotions, and he couldn’t tell what he felt exactly.


He couldn’t add drama to himself, so he simply lowered his head and hid his emotions, ready to listen to what Yu Ning intended to say to Pei Yuan.


Yu Ning stopped between Pei Yuan and Ji Mingxia, and he said coldly, “Why are you here?”


His pale face, the black and grey pupils, and cold expression made him look like a mountain spirit, and at first glance, he did not look like a living person.


In addition, the voice was cold and clear, a little more chilly than the wind on the mountainside.


Although the words he spoke were interrogative, he exuded a detachment and indifference around him that rejected people from a thousand miles away.


Any person standing in front of Yu Ning would have been scared to the point of retreating three feet but Pei Yuan was used to seeing all kinds of evil spirits. He looked very calm at the moment, and only looked at Yu Ning with a slightly wary look in his eyes.


Pei Yuan had come uninvited, and although he and Ji Mingxia were considered old acquaintances, Yu Ning was wary of him, so Bao Guangyuan also became cautious.

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Pei Yuan stopped and said, “I am one of the state-certified heads for those who track mysterious items. I was passing through the city when I noticed an energy fluctuation. I pursued it all the way to the edge of the forest, where I happened to meet Li Youzi, and pursued her all the way here.”


“A state-certified person who has also met Li Youzi?” Bao Guangyuan couldn’t help but say in shock, “This country has someone specialised in that kind of thing, huh?”


He usually had nothing to do at home, so he often read all kinds of supernatural novels. He knew about Taoist priests who confronted ghosts, but this was his first time hearing that there were special public officials in charge of this kind of thing.


Suddenly, ghosts and what not were suddenly less scary after knowing that!


“There are.” Pei Yuan said, “Some items have special energy and trigger supernatural events on specific occasions. Our duty is to recover these special items and stop them from creating tragedies and hurting the innocent.”


Pei Yuan said and looked in Ji Mingxia’s direction.


Unfortunately, he had just moved his eyes when Yu Ning also slightly adjusted his posture, blocking Ji Mingxia tightly.


Pei Yuan could not see the corner of Ji Mingxia’s coat, not to mention make eye contact with him.


Yu Ning’s defensive gesture stunned Pei Yuan for a moment, but he quickly adjusted his facial expression and didn’t let himself show it.


Bao Guangyuan listened to Pei Yuan’s words, and his whole body froze for a moment.


He suddenly remembered the ring that flew out of Li Youzi’s body when she died, and that ring was now on Yu Ning’s body……


Bao Guangyuan reflexively looked at Yu Ning and was just about to tell Pei Yuan that he had seen that kind of thing, only to end up seeing Pei Yuan and Yu Ning facing each other.


Two men with powerful auras stood face to face, one with a calm expression, the other with a cold one.


Yu Ning had never looked like a normal person.


This Pei Yuan, at first glance, looked a bit more normal than Yu Ning, but on closer inspection, he also felt quite frightening, after all, he had been dealing with those things for years.  Although Pei Yuan had a handsome appearance, he was tainted with a unique and strange aura.


He would avoid these two people if he met them alone, and now that they stood together……


Bao Guangyuan obediently shrank back a step.


Sure enough, Bao Guangyuan heard Yu Ning say the next instant, “Was that crest on Li Youzi’s head your handiwork.”


Yu Ning said this in an expository tone, so he was obviously certain that this matter was related to Pei Yuan.


Pei Yuan was constantly blocked by Yu Ning, so he could only withdraw his eyes, his gaze once again falling back to Yu Ning’s face.


This cold face looked even colder than before.

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Faced with Yu Ning’s questioning, Pei Yuan was honest enough to admit it, “That’s right, that was my tracking mark. It helps me in retrieving the mysterious items. I met Li Youzi as soon as I entered the forest, and I only managed to put the tracking mark before she escaped.”


Pei Yuan finished speaking and there was a moment of silence all around.


No one expected that the triangular-shaped crest on Li Youzi’s body would be something Pei Yuan had put .


Ji Mingxia, who was standing behind Yu Ning, heard what he said and it also dawned on him.


No wonder the triangular crest was very familiar but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it before. In the book, Pei Yuan used it to deal with the evil spirits.


As the novel was a textual description, Ji Mingxia relied on his imagination for the description in the book, so he was unable to react in time when he saw Pei Yuan’s triangular crest in the real world.


He only felt that the crest was very familiar, but he thought it was a mysterious item and he unconsciously thought back in that direction.


How could he expect that the protagonist gong, who was only supposed to appear two years later, had appeared in advance, and that triangular crest was like an advance warning.


Unfortunately, Ji Mingxia failed to seize the opportunity to prepare for the protagonist gong, resulting in his passiveness. He could only watch Yu Ning and Pei Yuan play freely.


While Ji Mingxia’s were going wild, Bao Guangyuan also thought of something after hearing Pei Yuan’s words, and he looked at the latter in deep thought.


Compared to Bao Guangyuan’s cowardly and subtle actions, Yu Ning was much more direct.


He directly pulled the corner of his mouth and said, “Your tracking mark has been hanging on Li Youzi’s head for at least two days.”


Pei Yuan heard the implication of Yu Ning’s words and said, “Sorry, I got lost in the forest and couldn’t find my way.”


He had accidentally found an anomaly in the area and entered the forest.


He was not prepared for the situation within the forest, and not having taken preparatory measures, he had barged straight into a completely unfamiliar territory.


There was a boundary, and Pei Yuan didn’t notice it until he was lost in the forest. It was only after Li Youzi died and the boundary was broken that he finally found his way out and headed straight for the direction he was looking for.


He was prepared to meet people, but he didn’t expect to meet these three, the most difficult of whom was this young man with different pupils.


Sure enough, after listening to Pei Yuan’s explanation, Yu Ning’s coldness was tinged with a bit of sarcasm: “You had the tracking mark and couldn’t find her when she was alive. With her death, the tracking mark disappeared, but you still came straight to us.”


Pei Yuan was blocked by Yu Ning again and again, and he was starting to get impatient.


Hearing other meanings in Yu Ning’s words, Pei Yuan thought of his shaking bronze bell and did not hide it anymore, “I did not come for you, but there is indeed an anomaly with you.”


Yu Ning finally heard his true purpose and immediately sneered, “So, your target wasn’t Li Youzi, but the ring, or rather, us.”


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As he said this, he directly spread his hand and took the rings out.


The two blood-red rings were like living creatures that had sucked more than enough blood. They silently lay on Yu Ning’s white palm.


In front of Pei Yuan, the rings pulsed gently, and then, as if they had suddenly woken up, the two rings transformed into two fiery red worms that crawled up along Yu Ning’s fingers.


The rings crawled up to Yu Ning’s fingertips and instantly transformed into two red flames.


The flames burned directly in Pei Yuan’s direction!


Pei Yuan did not expect Yu Ning to make such a sudden move, but he was not slow to react. With a calm expression, the bronze bells at his waist flew out at once, directly blocking the blood-red rings.


In just a blink of an eye, three mysterious items suddenly confronted each other, and a crisis was imminent!


Bao Guangyuan took three steps back in fright, fleeing away from the battlefield to save his life!


Bao Guangyuan was tall and fat, and his movements were so large that he immediately caught Ji Mingxia’s attention.


His actions made Ji Mingxia stunned for a moment.


Ji Mingxia had been held back by Yu Ning. As a diligent supporting character, he only listened to Yu Ning and Pei Yuan’s conversation and his eyes couldn’t see what was happening in front of him.


While listening, Ji Mingxia kept trying to review the original plot in passing, lest he exposed himself to Yu Ning and Pei Yuan later.


Seeing Bao Guangyuan’s actions, Ji Mingxia finally couldn’t help but poke his head out to take a look.


With just one look, Ji Mingxia’s scalp exploded on the spot and he almost fainted.


The blood red rings and the bronze bell were facing each other, and Pei Yuan and Yu Ning were looking at each other coldly. Leave alone loving each other, it would be a relief that they didn’t kill each other!


Ji Mingxia: “!!!?”


What’s going on here, the promised first meeting of the gong and the shou, the promised meeting of the golden breeze and the jade dew, why are they suddenly going to fight?


In the original story, the time Yu Ning and Pei Yuan met was during the outbreak of a paranormal event. The two worked together to catch the ghost and recovered the mysterious item.


Although they were two complete strangers, they worked together with a tacit understanding, and the big battle went down soundly for both of them.


When the lights came on, Yu Ning’s face was completely revealed, and Yu Ning thought that Pei Yuan would turn around and leave.


Instead, it was as if Pei Yuan had not noticed the abnormality in Yu Ning’s appearance and continued to walk alongside him.


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At that moment, Yu Ning could not help but ask Pei Yuan, “Aren’t you afraid of me?”


Pei Yuan replied, “In terms of strength, you are inferior to me; in terms of luck, you are not as unlucky as I am. Only one eye is a little different in colour, could you be more frightening to me than those ghosts and monsters?”


Yu Ning received such an answer for the first time, and it was the first time he saw such a relaxed and carefree person. From that moment on, the way he looked at Pei Yuan changed slightly, and he felt that Pei Yuan was different from the others.


Now, Ji Mingxia had caused many changes in the plot and although many things had changed drastically, Yu Ning’s appearance had not changed, Pei Yuan’s personality had not changed, the surroundings.… although there was an additional him and Bao Guangyuan, the two eyesore supporting characters, there was a monster out there earlier.


This scene was improvised but Pei Yuan and Yu Ning’s CP was so strong that Ji Mingxia thought they’d get to know and appreciate each other quickly.


So he stood behind Yu Ning, not daring to interfere with the protagonists’ scene in the slightest.


In the end, what had gone wrong. This was the first time the protagonists met but it was not as warm and harmonious as in the original. How did it become a disagreement in just a few minutes?


Not to mention, both Pei Yuan and Yu Ning’s personas have collapsed.


Wasn’t this a total disregard for his role as love mentor?!


What would be his use if the main protagonists didn’t have a budding love.


The only value of his existence in this horrible world was to help the protagonists fall in love. If this role was gone, Ji Mingxia was afraid that his life would be lost in a minute.


Ji Mingxia didn’t have time to think too much, he hurriedly rushed up and pulled Yu Ning’s hand first!


“Yu Ning, what Pei Yuan said is true.” Ji Mingxia shouted.


Both Yu Ning and Pei Yuan looked at him, and Ji Mingxia could only say stiffly, “There must be some misunderstanding here, let’s sit down and slowly communicate, exchange ideas and clear up the misunderstanding, okay?”


“You trust him?” Yu Ning looked at Pei Yuan and asked.


“I ……” Ji Mingxia did not expect the sudden death question and was suddenly stuck.


He stole a glance at Pei Yuan, hesitating to show his trust in front of Pei Yuan.


If the original owner and Pei Yuan did not know each other and had no past history, Ji Mingxia could have bullshitted about how he had seen Pei Yuan fight the ghost and was a righteous person.


But now that the original owner and Pei Yuan had already met, Ji Mingxia had no idea what had actually happened between the two of them.


Would it look suspicious if he abruptly expressed his trust?


Ji Mingxia hesitated for less than two seconds, unaware that Yu Ning had taken in all of his reactions.


Yu Ning had only been sullen, but when he saw Ji Mingxia hesitate for Pei Yuan’s sake, his face instantly turned gloomy.

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