Grandma Ji went back to her room and lay down to rest. It was late in the night, there was no ear-splitting doorbell, and the whole house had regained its silence.

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That feeling of being spied on disappeared, and it was only at that moment that Ji Mingxia realized that the ghost had left.


He stood in the living room for a while, turned off the lights downstairs and then went upstairs.


He snuck into Grandma Ji’s room and took a peek and found that she had already fallen asleep.


She was so tired that she fell into a deep sleep within moments.


Ji Mingxia relaxed and went back to his room after confirming that she was safe.


He was now completely sleepless.


The image of Grandma Ji aging within a few minutes kept replaying in his head. He was so angry and anxious, but he didn’t know where the source of all these abnormalities came from.


He was at a loss and would have turned to Yu Ning to help him analyze all this.


However, Yu Ning was now in the capital and his phone couldn’t be reached……


Banana Leaf Village had been haunted for so long but no one has found a way to solve it. All the villagers had become ostriches, choosing to cover their heads in order to survive.


Although he had a golden finger through his knowledge of the plot, Banana Leaf Village wasn’t mentioned at all.


He was unable to foresee the plot, and he had just returned to Banana Leaf village.


In addition, his intelligence was average, so how could he find the solution in a short period of time?


Ji Mingxia never dared to overestimate his abilities, he always felt that his greatest virtue was his self-awareness.


But Grandma Ji had become like this. He couldn’t just stand by and watch her age.


A person in her seventies looked like she was in her nineties, and although Grandma Ji was still alive at the moment, the ghost would only have to come a few more times, and Grandma Ji……


Just the thought made Ji Mingxia’s heart a mess. Just when his mind was about to go round in circles, the cold touch of the ring cleared his brain for a moment.


His hand unconsciously touched the blood-red ring, and its cool feeling made Ji Mingxia inexplicably think of Yu Ning’s fingers.


Ji Mingxia forced himself to calm down.


He and Yu Ning have met more than one ghost during this time, and Yu Ning would always tell him about his analysis. So although he was not Yu Ning, he could learn from Yu Ning and imitate his thought process.


Ji Mingxia immediately went to the desk, found a pen and paper and first listed out the abnormalities he had observed after entering the Banana Leaf Village.


First of all, there was nothing more shocking than tonight’s incident.


The ghost knocked on the gate, and when the main power was turned off, the shadow outside the gate disappeared.


He thought that the ghost had gone, but soon, there was an anomaly in his home.


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A ghost appeared on Grandma Ji’s body and was chewing on something. Immediately the ghost disappeared, Grandma Ji became tired and aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the ghost had eaten away months of her life expectancy.


Seeing the change in Grandma Ji with his own eyes gave him a possible answer to the question as to why she was different from the Grandma Ji of his world.


Why did Grandma Ji look 20 to 30 years older than his grandmother in the original world?


It was not because of the age difference, or physical reasons. It was all because of the ghost haunting her.


Moreover, based on Grandma Ji’s words, it could be confirmed that the entire Banana Leaf Village had been shrouded in the haze of the ghost knocking on the door.


The only living person he met today was Auntie Cheng. He remembered that the Auntie Cheng he saw and the one in his memory were different. She also looked much older and shriveled.


At that time, he didn’t think much about it, but now, he suddenly realized that the ghost would knock on a door every night, and would suck up the life of whoever.


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia wrote down the word “life expectancy” on the paper. 


So, the question is, why was the ghost sucking up people’s life expectancy?


This world was full of mysterious items, and the reason as to why the ghost would purposefully absorb life expectancy was because of someone.


Who was most likely to do such a thing in the entire Banana Leaf Village?


Ji Mingxia used a simple method of elimination.


His parents’ death in a car accident had also happened in his original world so he could rule out any connection to mysterious objects.


According to Grandma Ji, there was an old couple who both passed away in their home….then the mother and son with cancer who, although had little hope, had miraculously healed and returned to Banana Leaf Village.


The day they returned to the village, two unknown middle-aged men died.


Shortly after, two young men went missing.


From there, the nightmare of Banana Leaf Village started and none of the people in the village were spared.


Ji Mingxia looked at the clues listed on the paper. His eyes lit up and he circled “the mother and son” without hesitation.


Their return was the turning point of all events.


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia already had a general direction in mind.


The night passed quickly, and Ji Mingxia went downstairs the next morning at dawn.


The village had few recreational facilities, and the villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Therefore, although Ji Mingxia got up early, it happened to be at the village’s liveliest hour.


The ghost knocking on the door of the had a great impact on the village not just at night. The village is deserted even during the day and almost no one wants to go out.


However, they already lived there so they couldn’t stay at home all day and not go out, which is why the villagers seized the morning hours.


The early morning sunlight shone into the courtyard through the thin morning mist.


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When Ji Mingxia came downstairs, Grandma Ji had already finished her Tai Chi in the courtyard and was preparing to make tea.


Grandma Ji was a little surprised to see Ji Mingxia up so early : “You didn’t sleep last night?”


“I slept.” Ji Mingxia said, “Went early to bed, early to rise.”


Grandma Ji obviously did not believe his words. She thought Ji Mingxia was frightened and her tone softened, “The weather is good in the morning, and since there is nothing to do, go back and sleep a little longer.”


Ji Mingxia saw the worry in her eyes and his heart was inexplicably sour.


The original Grandma Ji was already much older than his grandmother in his world, and after last night’s incident, it was even more prominent. She had more age spots and wrinkles on her face, just like an old pine tree that was about to wither.


Grandma Ji guessed right, Ji Mingxia did not sleep all night. He couldn’t sleep after getting to know her circumstances.


But he naturally wouldn’t reveal his worries to her. He stretched lazily and said, “I’m fine, I don’t want to sleep. I’ll eat breakfast and go out to buy food later.”


His plan was to observe the whole Banana Leaf Village while he was buying vegetables, and when he had the chance, he would inquire about the mother and son. It would be even better if he could meet the said people.


However, things didn’t go according to his plans. Grandma Ji said, “There are vegetables in the refrigerator, no need to go out to buy them.”


“The ones in the fridge are not as good as the ones you can buy now, and there doesn’t seem to be much fruit at home, so I’ll buy some later and bring them back to you.” Ji Mingxia said, “The vegetable market is still in the same place, right?”


“No.” Grandma Ji said, “Don’t think about the groceries, just wait for food at home. I’ll make the arrangements.”


Ji Mingxia vaguely felt that Grandma Ji was very resistant to him going out to buy groceries.


The more she refused, the more curious Ji Mingxia became, and as he ate breakfast, he made various side inquiries.


Grandma Ji also expressed impatience, but Ji Mingxia had a thick skin and he continued to ask. Grandma Ji was helpless and she could only say: “The market closed, everyone goes to the supermarket to buy food nowadays. I am an old woman so they deliver to my home for free every day. I do not need to go out.”


Ji Mingxia was stunned, and he suddenly remembered the supermarket convenience bag he saw yesterday.


It was also at that moment when he saw Auntie Cheng, and he remembered that the blood red ring glowed at the time.


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia immediately asked, “Is it where the old Western Mansion used to be? Who owns that supermarket?”


Grandma Ji raised her eyes and looked at Ji Mingxia: “Zhou Mei opened it.”


Zhou Mei?


This name sounded a bit familiar. Ji Mingxia frowned and pondered for a moment, and suddenly his face changed slightly.


Wasn’t Zhou Mei the owner of that Western style mansion?


In Ji Mingxia’s original world, the owner of that building had already died of illness, and after his death, the mansion was taken over by the government and transformed into a café, which became one of Banana Leaf Village’s popular spots.


 Ji Mingxia only thought that the world’s plot had changed subtly and the building was leased out to the supermarket.


Unexpectedly, the owner of the house did not die, but opened a supermarket?


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Ji Mingxia was in shock: “Is this Zhou Mei the one who recovered from cancer?”


Grandma Ji heard his question and did not answer him but scolded: “What does this have to do with you, why ask so many questions? Quickly finish eating and go back to your room to play with your phone!”


After saying this, Grandma Ji did not even eat her breakfast, and returned to the kitchen with her bowl.


Ji Mingxia stared at Grandma Ji’s back blankly, not understanding why she reacted so strongly.


Last night, Grandma Ji had already told him about the ghost knocking on the doors of the villages in Banana Leaf Village.


He asked some questions today but it was as if he touched Grandma Ji’s reverse scale. 


The vegetable market was no more, and if the villagers wanted to buy vegetables, they could only go to the supermarket to buy them.


Grandma Ji didn’t want him to go out to buy vegetables. And she was also very resistant when he asked about Zhou Mei. 


It was obvious! There was something fishy about this supermarket!


At the same time, Ji Mingxia also discovered that Grandma Ji was hiding something from him.


He had no way of finding out about Grandma Ji’s secret, but he had to visit the supermarket.


His grandmother may die at any time if he did nothing; there might be a chance for her if he explored the heart of the matter.


Even if he knew that the supermarket was dangerous and that he had chicken strength, he still had to go.


This was the same as the situation at Quanzhuang hotel, only that Yu Ning wasn’t here and he had to go alone ……


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia gripped the ring and tried to cheer himself up.


Anyway, he was just a supporting role, it hadn’t even reached the time for him to appear according to the original book. Although the plot has completely changed, his survival rate was a little higher than others!


Ji Mingxia quietly slipped out of the house during Grandma Ji’s nap after lunch.


It was after lunch hours but Banana Leaf Village was completely deserted.


The distance from his home Ji Mingxia to the mini supermarket was not far. On the way, Ji Mingxia did some psychological construction, and was even prepared for a big battle once he entered the supermarket.


The entrance to the supermarket came into view and Ji Mingxia saw a medium sized truck parked there. Some staff members were moving goods in and out of the mini supermarket, and were carrying all kinds of sacks and suitcases, as if someone was moving.


Ji Mingxia froze at this scene. Before he could understand the situation, a man who was carrying luggage saw Ji Mingxia standing in the corner.


He waved his hand at Ji Mingxia and shouted, “Mingxia, you’re back?”


Ji Mingxia looked at his familiar and unfamiliar face.


The young man looked about twenty years old, he had short hair, dark skin and was a little short. He looked around 1.7 meters tall. 


He had a long face with large eyebrows, but weirdly, the eyes were too small, and *lazy eyed.

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*A condition where one eye looks either in or outwards, or up and downwards, while the other eye looks straight forward.


The man burst into a smile once he saw Ji Mingxia. In contrast to his face, his teeth were surprisingly extraordinarily white, even a bit bizarrely white. 


His mouth was so wide that the grin showed a full set of neatly rowed teeth and perfect dentals.


With such teeth, the smile should be exceptionally bright but, perhaps it was because of his small eyes as it didn’t reach his eyes.


Ji Mingxia looked at his smile and felt uncomfortable. He wanted to look away and never see it again.


But after calling Ji Mingxia’s name, the man ran up to him.


He saw Ji Mingxia looking at him in confusion and the man immediately pointed at himself and said, “It's me, Zhou Tao, don’t you remember me?”


Zhou Tao?


The expression on Ji Mingxia’s face stiffened for a moment.


Now he remembered. Zhou Tao was Zhou Mei’s son.


Banana Leaf village wasn’t big, and Zhou Tao was the same age as him so they often played together when they were young.


But not long after the death of his parents, Zhou Tao and his mother died one after another.


There was a possibility of inheriting cancer genes, and the first to be diagnosed was Zhou Tao. He had mid-stage cancer and was followed by Zhou Mei, who was found to have advanced stage cancer.


In his original world, Zhou Tao and Zhou Mei worked very hard to cooperate with the treatment, however, human medicine had not yet overcome cancer. They eventually died in the hospital and were buried at the back of the Banana Leaf Village.


Ji Mingxia’s impression of Zhou Tao was fixed at his middle school appearance that had not yet fully opened.


He didn’t expect the grown up Zhou Tao to look like this.


When Zhou Tao was a child, although not good-looking, he at least looked like his father, Zhou Zheng.


His eyes were not so small, he didn't have a lazy eye, and his smiles weren't so strange.


The people in the village may think that Zhou Tao’s change was caused by chemotherapy, the cancer was cured anyway, so appearances were nothing compared to life.


After experiencing several supernatural events, he immediately thought of Lin Si Yun, who had used the blood red ring once he saw Zhou Tao.


With that, he remembered the head that was on Grandma Ji’s shoulders and chewing on something with its big mouth.


He could now confirm that the incident of the ghost knocking on the door must be related to Zhou Mei and Zhou Tao.


However, Zhou Tao’s next words left Ji Mingxia astonished.


“It’s too bad that you could only come back after the college entrance exams. I would have liked to get together with you, but unfortunately ……” Zhou Tao glanced at the small supermarket, “we have to leave today. “


“You guys are leaving Banana Leaf Village?” Ji Mingxia asked in shock.

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