Charlotte Mersenne is a person who is obligated to serve the Kingdom of Rayuere.

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As a daughter of a duke’s family, it is only natural, but what makes her special is her talent.

One of them is her “magical power. Her magical power was so great that from the moment she was born, she was destined to marry into the royal family and have children.

Another point was that she possessed silvery white magic power.

Normally, there are four attributes of magic that a person is born with: fire, water, earth, and wind. While some individuals are better or worse at these attributes depending on their personal qualities, there are basically only these four attributes that a person can possess.

—-, but not for royalty.

The fifth element. The magical power of the “celestial attribute ether.

The magic power that gives off the golden glow is the miraculous fifth attribute ···· that dwells only in the royal bloodline.

Charlotte’s silvery-white magic is as close to that as you can get.

In terms of category, it is a magic power similar to “celestial attribute ether”. Of course, the purity is not as high as that of the royal family, so it is only “silvery white”, but it is a talent that has not been seen in the past.

There is no one else who is more qualified to support the royal family.

Therefore, becoming the first prince’s fiancée was an obligation for Charlotte, and she did not question it.

Live for the king, live for the country, live for others.

That is my life. A mission given to the existence of Charlotte Mersenne. The meaning of life.

I thought it would be fine to stay like this. I thought I could just follow the path as I was told. —- Until that time.

It was when I was a child.

At a tea party with Leor, the first prince, he presented Charlotte with a single gift.

“I hear it’s a popular book. I even gave it to my brother.”

It was a picture book that Leal had given to her. Charlotte, who until then had only read books for her studies, was tickled with curiosity.

The contents were quite ordinary: a boy from a small village goes on a journey, eventually defeats a demon king and becomes a hero. Above all, she admired the hero.

The importance of friends. The strength to believe in others. The power of bonds.

He carries out his will and lights up the hearts of people with hope.

In the end, he even formed a bond with the demon king, who was his enemy. —- I admired that figure more than anything.

But what about me, on the other hand?

I’m not sure if I have the will to be like the hero in this book, as I’m just following the path as I’m told.

Do I have the conviction in my heart to carry on?

The answer was no.

When Charlotte realized this, she felt empty.

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She was like an empty doll. A mere empty doll. It’s as if you’ve lost sight of the path you should be walking.

It was —-, so she decided right away.

“Master Leor. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just be friends?”

“Yeah, I guess so. If we can get along, so much the better.”

“….. I’ve made up my mind! Just like the main character in this book that Leol-sama gave me, I want to make this country a place where everyone can get along!”

What she said was the innocent wish of a child. But Leol, who was older than her, smiled bitterly, not unlike a child.

“…… Unfortunately, reality doesn’t work that way. It is difficult to make beautiful things come true. It is good to have dreams, but if the person who will become queen is like that, the country will not be able to run.”

At the time, I falsely said, “Yes, you’re right,” but I was secretly shocked to hear my fiancé deny the dream I had.

Leor had always been mature, and as the first prince, he was the closest thing to an adult. That’s probably why the words came out, but even Charlotte wants to dream. However, since the prince said it, it would be better to abandon this dream. That’s when I put the book down and was about to leave the place.

“………… this. you dropped it.”

Ah, ………….”

The boy with dark hair and eyes who had brought me the book I had left behind appeared.

I only knew his name. Alfred Berg Rayuere.

The cursed third prince. He was a boy that I hadn’t heard many good things about. At that time, Charlotte was at most aware of him as the younger brother of her fiancé.

—- Abominable child.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Rayuere are all born with golden magic power.

However, Alfred was the exception to the rule.

He is born with the same black magical power as the “Night Witch” who once plunged this world into darkness.

The power is not called the “Fifth Attribute Ether” but the “Sixth Attribute Erevos,” and has been a symbol of bad luck since ancient times as one who has been blessed with the curse of the Witch of the Night.

He is often seen being avoided by people in the castle. If he attended a nobleman’s party, it was natural for everyone to avoid him, dislike him, and talk about him behind his back.

It was the first time that Charlotte had ever spoken to him up close like this. Until then, the adults around her had kept her away from him. Now that I think about it, I suppose they were thinking about what might happen to someone with the magic of silver.

“I don’t need ……. I’ve already thrown that away.”

“What a waste. It’s a shame.”

“I know ……. At least that much.”

“Then why did you throw it away?”

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“…… because it is difficult to make beautiful things happen. This is not the time for a would-be queen to be talking like that.”

“That’s what Brother Leo said.”

My cheeks burned as I felt as if I had been seen through. In fact, it was true, and I felt as if I had been confronted once again with my emptiness.

“It’s getting more and more of a waste.”

“What’s such a waste?

“How hard can it be to make something beautiful happen? Then just be the queen who can make beautiful things happen.”

“I can make it happen with …… the queen, but it’s hard to ……

“It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible. But if you don’t try, nothing will happen.”

“It’s ………….”

“It’s just a pretty line from a storybook about a hero.”

I like that book, too. Alfred threw the book at me, saying.
Without thinking, I caught it and held it carefully in both hands.

“Reality is just the status quo, you know. It’s always been the beautiful challengers who have made the world a better place.”

“Challenge …….”

‘…… If it is to be realized, ideals are better than reality. So I’m counting on you, my queen…”

That was the real meeting between Charlotte and Alfred.

At the same time, it was also the beginning of a girl named Charlotte Mersenne.

The picture book was a treasure for Charlotte, and she still rereads it whenever she has time.

And every time I read it, I think.

—- I like beautiful things.

—- If you want to make it happen, the beautiful thing is the best thing.

I’m tired of hearing that reality isn’t that sweet, or that pretty things alone won’t change reality.

But still. I pursue what is beautiful. That’s why I decided to be right.

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To one day become a queen and realize my ideal.

I am —-

A back going away. Charlotte declares to the black-haired boy.

“I will be the queen who makes beautiful things happen!”

The black-haired boy who was leaving did not look back. However, he waved his hand firmly.

That was it. It was then that I began to exchange words with Alfred, the younger brother of my fiancé.

The first prince of the kingdom of Rayuere, Leor Berg Rayuere, declares: —- Charlotte Mersenne. As of this moment, I am breaking my engagement to you!”

No life, no mission, no meaning, not even —- dreams that were obligatory.

That day. That night. All of that was shattered in an instant.

I felt as if the questioning glances I was receiving from the people around me were confronting me with the things I had accumulated.

I felt as if I had been thrown out into the pitch-black darkness.

I felt as if even the ideals I had been holding on to for dear life had been trampled upon.

What should I do now? What should I do now, what should I do? I couldn’t understand anything anymore.

However, Charlotte was saved.

She had lost everything and was on her knees at the bottom of the abyss, but the hand of salvation was extended to her.

Alfred Berg Rayuere.

The third prince of the Kingdom of Rayuere.

A cursed child. The abominable child. The hated third prince.

(It’s the same …… as that time.)

I was a fairy cave, crammed with dreams, and denied by the people I wanted to understand me.

The person who wanted to understand me denied me. He picked up the dream that I had once almost given up immediately and gave it to me.

It’s the same.

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I was at my wits’ end after my engagement was broken off, but he held me together.

“Charlotte. What do you want to do?”

It was the day after the exchange party that I was summoned by the king. The king apologized after hearing about the incident, and Charlotte stopped him.

The king asked Charlotte.

There is no way that an apology can forgive what happened. The least I could do is to give you what you want as much as possible.”

“No. …… It is also my fault for failing to keep Leor’s heart intact. There is no need for His Majesty to make any kind of atonement …….”

I don’t believe that all the blame lies with Leor.

Even though there was no love there, Charlotte, as a fiancée, should have made an effort to keep Leor’s heart. But Charlotte did not do that.

I was shallow enough to think that if I was right, they would believe me in the end. ……

“I want neither apology nor atonement. I do not wish to apologize or make amends, for I have brought this upon myself through my own shallowness.”

“……. I’m sure Leor is a fool. It’s a shame that he let such a good fiancée slip away.”

Charlotte felt as if she saw the face of her father in the king who said so.

“However, I have to be very careful about the future of ……. I don’t know what to do. ……”


Charlotte knew that she was now a tumor.

A fiancée who was severely rejected by the first prince. She is sure to be a problem even for the nobility.

—- I’ll be the queen of making beautiful things happen!

Suddenly, I remembered something from my childhood.

I remembered that day, that time, when a girl named Charlotte Mersenne had her true beginning.

“……, Your Majesty. If it’s what you want, there is only one thing.”

“Tell me.”

“I want to make this country a better place. …… where everyone can live hand in hand. If I could, I would like to be in a place where I can realize that beautiful dream. I don’t care if I’m not the queen, as long as I can realize my ideals.”

“…… I see.”

The king looked thoughtful, and then.

“If there is, at …….” I have one open seat.”

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