Chapter 1 – The Iceblade Magician – Part 1

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「Oh… So this is it… Huge, as expected」


I stand in front of the arch entrance.

I finally reached this place, the Arnold Academy of Magical Arts.

In this world, people who studied the magical arts considered enrolling here as both a dream and a waypoint. Most of the magicians who flourished in society had their origins in this Academy and, for that reason, people who aimed at becoming a great magician came here wishing to enter.

And It was also possible for me, Ray White, to enrol in this Academy.

As for the entry test, well… To be honest, I was exempted from it. Not that it was a backdoor admission in the least.

The real exam appeared to be both written and practical, but the standard at this Academy was considerably high. Particularly because many nobles, as well as the children of other distinguished families of magicians attended this place.

And among all of them, only I come from an average family apparently.

Neither my father or mother, grandfather or grandmother had been magicians. There isn’t a single magician in my entire family line.

It’s something that seldomly happens, but I’m what’s called a biological mutation. Starting with me, my family lineage will henceforth be able to use magic. So… after many complications, I finally arrive here to fulfil my goal of becoming a magician. 


「That’s good Ray. It’s alright to come back when things get difficult」

「Mom, it’s okay. Someone like me is already an unimportant magician. I’m quite prepared for this」

「That’s right, isn’t it? … You turned up great, didn’t you?」

「That’s right. Papa here is happy too!」

「Oniichan!I’ll be going next year, so wait for me! 」

「Ah! Of course」


With the backing of my family, I came to this place by myself. Just me, from a rural household… to this Academy…!

In reality, I had gotten lost many times on the way…  

So I pass under the arch entrance. People from the surroundings are glancing at me repeatedly, but I don’t care about that… Yes, I’m probably being excessively self-conscious. No doubt about that.

Wearing a brand new uniform with gray as a basic theme, and with my once jet black longish hair tidied up for this occasion , there shouldn’t be anything particularly strange in my appearance.


「Hey… is that… 」

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「Yep… the rumoured one, right?」

「Ah. Him?」

「It’s him… no doubt about it…」


I hear the whispering voices but continue walking without a pause.


「Emm… Which way now?」


I look at the map attached to student’s handbook. This academy is really huge. Enough to get lost if walking normally through it. Certainly, if one were to follow the waves of people it would be possible to reach my destination, but for the time being, I want to catch it all inside my own head.

So I come to a stop to look hard at it, when an impact comes from behind me. THUMP!


「Hey, be careful!」

「I’m sorry. I was looking at the map a bit」


Of course I apologize at once. It was me who was at fault, suddenly stopping like that, surrounded by people walking, right? I obediently bow my head to apologize.


「Eh? You… No way… are you Ray White?」

「Oh! Do you know about me? That’s reassuring. I come from the countryside and I don’t know anyone here. I hope we can get along」


I say, holding out my right hand…

BANG! My hand is brushed away.


「Hey, you bastard… you’re the Academy’s first coming from “ordinary” origins right?」

「That’s right… Is there a problem with that?」


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This man, as well as his followers, look at me smirking.


「Don’t you get it? If you want to be here, the bare minimum of decency is to at least belong to a family of Magicians. Clearly, it’s even preferable to be an aristocrat」

「Hmm…?What do you mean? Sorry, I’m still unfamiliar with magician society. Could you explain that in more detail?」

「Ha? … Like hell I would take the trouble… Well, hang in there, I have high hopes for you, “ordinary”!」


He walks ahead briskly.

It’s inevitable that something like this happened to me, wanting to get a friend this quickly. I guess it’s bad to try to force the other party if they don’t feel like it.


「Hey, you…」

「Hm? Can I help you?」

「I… I heard you taking… Ah! Before that, let me introduce myself. I’m Amelia Rose」

「Miss Rose. Nice to meet you. I’m Ray White. Feel free to call me Ray」

「Then Amelia is fine too. I’m also a new student, you know?」

「Really? Nice to meet you then, Amelia」

「Well then, we shouldn’t stay standing here. Let’s walk while we talk」

「Ah, you’re right. Thanks」


Amelia and I walk together.

Amelia Rose.

With her characteristic long crimson hair, as well as a burning pair of eyes that seem to see through everything, her appearance has to be described as a true beauty. Her schoolgirl uniform, that also has red as its basic tone, really suits her.

At a glance, she looks clearly lively. Her proportions are also good, she’s tall for a girl. I’m just shy of 180 cm, so she must be around 170 cm I guess?

Did growth in magic power also influence the body of a person? There is a tendency towards higher heights compared to the days of old… But even taking that into account, she’s probably on the tall side.

Both slender and tall, her bearing gives an impression of elegance.

Come to think of it, the Rose surname sounds familiar, but…


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「So it seems you’re the Academy’s first “ordinary” right?」

「Yes. It was a kind of mutation apparently」

「Oh… really? If you run into trouble from now on, you can come to me, whatever it is」

「That would be nice, you’re a kind person Amelia」

「By the way, don’t you know who I am? To be honest, I’m kind of a celebrity… ?」

「I’m sorry, but I’m just hearing about it right now. Sorry for my shallow knowledge, it would be great if you could tell me more」

「Is that so? Well, maybe it’s natural it hasn’t reached an “ordinary”. Ok… so, do you know there are nobles among magicians? 」


「Haven’t you heard that among them, there are the Three Big Families?」

「Ah! Yes! Don’t tell me your family is one of those?」

「Yes. The Rose family is the first of the Three Noble Families. By the way, I’m this year top student」

「Oh! Being able to meet a mastermind like you… could I ask for your autograph?」

「Sure… but, you sure are strange Ray…」

「You think so? Well, for now, would you mind signing here? And this other for my little sister… 」

「You’re surprisingly intense, aren’t you? Well, it’s fine, I don’t mind」


I get her to sign a fancy cardboard square I was carrying. I’m glad I had this hidden, as well as a color pen, for times like this.


「Ok, here」

「Oh, great! Beautiful handwriting!」

「Well, it’s because I’m pretty much a celebrity, you know?〜」


Amelia is a bit proud of herself, though not as bad as one might expect.


「Anyway, are you… okay?」

「Hm? What do you mean?」

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「Weren’t you being harassed just now?」

「? Not really… Just a rejection to my greeting. Saluting in the city is quite complicated I guess. In any event, it seems my manners were incorrect… Yes, it certainly was enlighting」

「As long as you didn’t mind, it’s alright but… honestly, be careful, ok?」

「Of what?」

「In this Academy, rivalry between factions is fierce. Belonging to a particular faction could determine whether you are able to graduate or not. That’s why the Three Noble Families receive favorable treatment here, trust me, I know what I’m saying. In this situation, an “ordinary” like you will certainly… have a hard time I think」

「Oh, it’s fine. Faction or no faction, I just want to fully enjoy Academy life」

「You’re optimistic… Or maybe just carefree?」

「I cast my vote for the latter!」

「Haha, what’s that!? Hahaha, I think I might be starting to take a liking to you」

「Is that so? I come from the countryside so I don’t have any friends here. I’m lucky to have you as my first friend in the Academy, Amelia」

「You’re making me feel a bit embarrassed by saying that…. But yes, let’s be friends from now on」



This time, we shake hands firmly.


「Which reminds me, do you know, Ray?」

「Hm? What about?」

「The rumour of the Iceblade Magician」

「…No, I don’t think so. Could you tell me more?」

「A genius magician who apeared a few years ago. He was nicknamed the Iceblade Magician because he was specially proficient in Ice Magic. It is said that he’s already one of the greatest 7 magicians in the world. The story says he is mastering the essence of Ice Magic…」

「… Is something wrong with that guy?」

「As a matter of fact, there’s a rumour that he might be here among the new first year students. But that’s impossible, isn’t it? Besides, I wouldn’t expect a person like that to come to this Academy」

「… Yeah, you’re right」


After that, while making some idle talk, we head to the auditorium where the school entrance ceremony is taking place.

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