The Indomitable Master of Elixirs

Chapter 653: Chapter 653 - You Have Come (1)

Chapter 653: You Have Come (1)

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Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

This was Bai Ze’s first mission. Since being adopted by Ji Fengyan, he had lived like a pet, keeping by her side day and night, eating and sleeping so well its coat radiated a healthy glow. Nearly everyone forgot that he was actually Ji Fengyan’s mount.


The moment Bai Ze realized Liu Huo’s intention to search for Ji Fengyan, he instantly stretched out his white hoofs and took off like a flash of light!

The extreme speed exhibited left the crowd in a daze.

Bai Ze traveled at a lightning speed far quicker than any war horse—nearly imperceptible.

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“Bai Ze… is actually… so fast?” Linghe was amazed at Bai Ze’s instantaneous disappearance. He swallowed discreetly. At the start, Ji Fengyan had ignored the advice of others and insisted on making Bai Ze her mount. Linghe and the rest had also thought she must have gone mad.

But now things appeared otherwise.

There were few other mounts in the world which could match up to Bai Ze’s speed.

After Liu Huo rode Bai Ze out of everyone’s line of sight, he hurriedly had Bai Ze stop. With no one around, his eyes took on a red cast.

A faint beam of light shot out of his chest towards a distant spot in the Plain of Corpses.

“Follow that,” Liu Huo commanded in a low voice.

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Bai Ze seemed to understand Liu Huo’s words and once again took off in a flash of light.

On the other side, Chang Pu was nearly swooning with hunger, but he would rather die than eat some dead bugs. Ji Fengyan was worried he might really die of hunger and went to hunt for something else for him to eat.

After much effort, she found two sand rabbits. Chang Pu finally soothed his hunger pangs but his face still looked peaky.

Ji Fengyan refused to release him and he was still tied up by that Demon Binding Rope, unable to escape. For a demon, the sustenance afforded by animals were far below that of human flesh—no matter how much he ate, it would never abate that innate craving.

Chang Pu eyed Ji Fengyan’s back with a peculiar glint.

But the moment she turned around, that glimmer vanished and he took on a half-dead look of misery.

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As time ticked by, Ji Fengyan paced around. But other than dispatching one or two small paper figures at regular intervals, she didn’t do anything in particular.

Chang Pu observed her movements for some time but couldn’t understand them. He also knew Ji Fengyan wouldn’t tell him about those paper figures, so he just kept his mouth shut.

As night fell, strong winds swept across the Plain of Corpses. The temperature also dropped significantly. Ji Fengyan lit a fire and watched the flames dancing in the wind as she considered her next steps.

“Are you prepared to stay on at the Plain of Corpses in this way?” Chang Pu asked.

Ji Fengyan glanced at Chang Pu but ignored him. She continued staring at the fire.

Suddenly, Ji Fengyan looked up towards a distant spot amidst the darkness.

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A soft sound drifted into Ji Fengyan’s ear. Chang Pu’s face shifted as he hurriedly said, “I didn’t summon them.”

But Ji Fengyan had already risen and she didn’t make any move to escape. Instead, the corners of her lips held traces of a smile.

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