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A year ago.


December 16, 2008.

2:30 pm.

Farah and Malika arrived at the hotel very tired from their long flight. Farah wasn't getting any rest; her client was already waiting for her at the hotel lobby, she left Malika and went directly to him after getting their suite keys.

Malika went to their suite; after she got the bags inside, she shut the door behind her and took a quick look into it. It was an outward-facing suite with the view of the opera house. It was enormous that looked like two separate apartments. She put the key next to a fashion magazine and golden colored plate filled with mini chocolates on a creole marble coffee table in front of a dark gray leather couch and two light olive colored chairs facing each other.

One half build wall in the middle hiding half the suite, behind it were two large-sized beds with white cotton sheets and two large pillows on each one. It was separated by a black colored nightstand with a silver-colored modern lamp on it.

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The beds were facing a floor-to-ceiling clear glass window that led to its own private balcony. Malika looked at the view happily, it was her first time to visit Sydney. She opened the balcony glass door heading outside to feel the warm weather and enjoy the smell of the ocean, but she was stopped by the sudden ringing noise of her phone. She went inside to get it from her bag, it was Adam.

"Hello," Malika said.

"Hey, how are you guys doing? I called Farah, but she didn't answer… she's properly screaming from happiness now, right?" Adam said and laughed.

"What?" Malika said.

"She liked it, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Malika said and sat on one of the beds.

"The ring, the proposal," Adam said.

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"What proposal?" Malika was completely muddled.

"Me proposing to her, didn't she tell you?" Malika frowned and stayed quiet for a moment. "Malika, Hello?"

"Tell me what happened," Malika said loudly.

"It was great—"

One day earlier.

10:48 am.

Farah was at the office signing up letters before heading to the airport. Adam went to her office to see her, he knocked on the door and went inside. "Hey, Beautiful," he said and sat on the couch on the right side of the room. "I need to talk to you."

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"About what?" Farah looked at him.

"Not now, when you get back," he said and smiled at her.

"I forgot to tell you… I'll stay for two weeks," Farah said casually.

"What?"— he sat on one of the chairs across her desk with his jaw slightly opened— "I thought it will only take a couple of days."

"Malika is coming, and it's Noah's birthday," Farah said and started to organize her bag to get up. Adam looked at the floor for ten seconds.

"Wait here, don't go anywhere!" he got up and ran fast to get outside while Farah didn't respond or even looked at him.

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Several minutes later.

Adam came back and shut the door behind him. "Farah," he said loudly. She looked at him, a thin layer of sweat was covering his red face, he was breathing hard with his mouth wide open— he looked stupid, she thought— he took a few steps closer to her desk without moving his eyes from hers.
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"What?" she asked, frowning.

He was one step away from her, he got down on one knee and got a Tiffany blue colored ring box from his pocket. "Will you marry me?" Adam said with his usual bright charming smile.

Farah stopped breathing, the blood pounded in her ears, and the frown on her face got stronger. "What?" she said angrily.

"Don't answer now, but I want to see in two weeks wearing the ring." Farah clenched her jaw, yet Adam ignored the obvious anger on her face. He stood up and laid a kiss on her forehead then held her hands to stand up. "You know I love you, right?" he said and squeezed her cheeks.

Farah moved his hands away and looked at the watch she was wearing on her right wrist. "I've to go now," Farah said with the same frown look. She moved quickly to the couch to get her jacket, but she was stopped by Adam who held her hand suddenly.

"Don't forget this," Adam said and put the box in her left palm after kissing it. Farah held the box tight that almost ruined it and got out of the office slamming the door behind her.

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