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Aswan security directorate.

2:30 pm.

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Farah was shaking her legs nervously. The officer opened the door and order the soldier to take her outside. "Where are you taking me?!"

"The head of the Cairo security directorate ordered to get you to Cairo now," the officer said coldly. Farah wanted to scream but her voice didn't come out. The soldier took her outside and they walked to ride the police vehicle.

"What is happening to me!?" Farah said to herself.

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"What did you do?" the soldier said as he was locking the handcuffs. "They wanted you in Cairo now! They even ordered a special airplane to get you there as fast as possible."

"I didn't do anything wrong!"

"They all say the same thing before getting thrown in prison," the soldier said and eyed her suspiciously. He left her in the car and head back to the station. Officer Gamal was standing in front of the vehicle talking on the phone then rode the car.

"Officer! Please tell me what is happening!!" she begged. The officer looked away and told the driver to head to the airport. Farah begged him again to tell her anything, yet he looked stern and angry. She took a long breath and rested her head on the window glass looking at the road.

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The vehicle was fast heading to the airport, the intense anxiousness filled the small space of the car. Officer Gamal talked on the phone most of the ride in codes; not one actual sentence came out of his thin lips. He was watching Farah through the side mirror shooting her with disgusted looks and whispered curses.

Farah was staring at the fast-moving ground. As the last curse came out of the officer's mouth, she closed her eyes wishing for anyone to tell her what was happening to her. She felt a soft breeze of wind hit her face— she frowned; all four windows were up and the air conditioner was on, even if one of the windows was down, it would bring hot wind not a cold soft one— another soft breeze hit her again yet this time followed by a sound of wings thrust.

She slowly opened her eyes. Her pupils dilated obtaining what was before her. She was sitting on the air on an invisible chair moving fast like the police vehicle and the handcuffs around her hands were long gone. The thrust sound came again with the soft breeze slowly showing what caused it.

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Golden strings floating in the air slowly shaped into an angelic golden bird. Its eyes were almond in shape and its gaze was an incandescent blue fire astounded her to the core. Its wings were enormous, and its primaries were flaming in the same incandescent blue fire as its eyes.

Its thrusts were getting stronger and stronger hitting Farah with ice breezing wind. She hugged herself and bent her head down. The wind became unbearable for her shivering body. She wanted to scream for help, yet her voice couldn't find a way to get out.

She felt something nudging her roughly. She clenched her hand tighter around herself. The nudge came back and felt almost like a punch in the shoulder. She shot her eyes open and found Officer Gamal looking back at her with one hand over her shoulder.

"Was the ride that relaxing for you to sleep?" he said with a clenched jaw and narrowed angered eyes. Farah looked at him puzzled and then her eyes shifted to looked outside the window and saw that they had arrived at the airport.

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