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Cairo, Egypt.

December 19, 2009.

3:20 pm.

Farah sat alone in the investigation room nervously shaking her legs and roughly rubbing her left balm with her right thumb. The room was rather on the small size with a big square mirror across Farah who kept looking at the door next to the mirror. She took a deep breath and rested her elbows on a metal rectangle table across from her chair. She impatiently waited for anyone to tell her what was happening but since the moment she landed in Cairo everyone she saw in her way to the investigation room eyed her with curious yet intimidating eyes.

The door opened rapidly causing Farah's breath to suppress inside her shaking lungs for a long second. A middle-aged prosecutor closed the door behind him, he locked eyes with Farah who stared back then sat across from her. A creepy smirk laid slowly on his face making her breath harshly. "I will ask you some questions and I want you to answer honestly"— she nodded her head and looked at his now steady poker face— "good, now, tell me your real name."

"Farah Nizar"— what a dumb question, she thought to herself— he was already holding her ID between his hands. A small smile crawled into the right corner of her mouth, the prosecutor looked oddly familiar, he reminded her of someone. His bushy eyebrows pulled down together in an almost comedic way and the tips of his ears turned to a soft darker shade of red.

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A whispered chuckle escaped her lips when her mind reminded her of his resemblances. It was a manga character who has identical reactions to the prosecutor, both had bushy eyebrows and overgrown black mustache and the same stating the obvious type of questions. The character had a memorable name, yet she could only remember his last name, Mori.

The prosecutor sighed and his eyes shifted darkly with an impatient look and a creepy smirk appeared again on his lips covered slightly with his black mustache. "I told you to answer honestly."

"I did," she said.

The prosecutor's smile disappeared and said, "You need to stop before you get yourself in more trouble."

"I don't understand what you want me to say, that's my real name." she narrowed her eyes truly bewildered from his meaningless question.

"No, it's not, there is no one by this name," he said firmly.
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"I am!" Farah said and felt a strong sensation of anger rising inside her chest.

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"We already checked your ID, your blood, and your fingerprint, you don't exist in our system."

"How is that even possible?! So, what am I now?! A ghost?!" she said loudly not able to bottle up her angry sarcastic thoughts any longer. He looked at her sharply, she sighed and said, "I swear I don't understand how I don't exist in the system! Or why I'm even here!"

"You are accused of Espionage," he said calmly that made Farah even more furious.

"Espionage!"— she moved her hair behind her ears and looked at him— "a minute ago, you said I don't even exist in the system! And now I'm a spy! That doesn't make sense," she said slowly as if she was talking to a five-year-old.

He didn't even blink. "We're investigating your partner in another room and apparently, both of you don't want to admit the truth," he said, sounding like a machine repeating a programmed message.

"What… partner? WHO!?" she was practicality screaming.

"He called himself Noah Kim," he said, resting his back and looking antagonistically at Farah's confused face.

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"Noah…" Farah was shocked, why the prosecutor was accusing her of spying, and what brought Noah into all of this. "you must be mistaking, prosecutor! We have nothing to do with spying!"

The prosecutor got up and told someone outside to get him a laptop. In seconds he brought it to him. "Explain this footage." security footage on the computer showed Farah and Noah in the middle of the night receiving two bags full of money from a man in a black suit.

The video showed both making deals and agreements for the black-suited man in order to give him more information. Farah's eyes widened in shock and confusion; the deadly information that they said is like threatening national security type of deadly. "That's… not… me," Farah said, narrowing her eyes.

"Your face is pretty obvious." he paused the video and pointed at her face on the screen.

"I'm telling you that's not me," Farah said, looking at him then at the screen. "I don't know any of this… I don't even know how a citizen like me would ever know this type of information."

He took a deep breath, closed her eyes and clenched his jaw then said, "I tried to be calm and asked you nicely but what are you facing here could let to the death penalty, be smart and confess."

"Execution! But I didn't do anything wrong, why the hell I would be a spy!!?" Farah said with widened eyes and astonished face.

He stared motionlessly right into her eyes. "Where have you been on the 16th of December?!" he yelled suddenly.

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She startled and blinked a couple of times from his sudden change of mood. "I went to Dubai for several hours then got back."

"There are no records of you leaving the country," he said in a lower tone. "We have been following you and Noah for months and we have all the evidence to prove you guilty put we need your confessions to finish the whole picture."

"No offense but you're hallucinating," she said, smirking.

He banged both his hands on the table. "You think it's funny! You're one call away from being dead!"

"It's not funny but all your evidence is fake!! don't you know who I am?! I'm the daughter of Murad Nizar! We are well known in the country! I want to call my Father right now."

"You already called him, no need to say more lies we know that you're not his daughter." Farah didn't know why her father denied her existence. The door opened; it was an officer. "what is the update with him?" the prosecutor said to the officer who also shared the same steady comedic face.

The officer eyed her disgustingly— they looked like robots, Farah thought— "Nothing," the officer answered cutting Farah's random thoughts.

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