Training in the basement continued the next day and the day after that, and it had been several days since then. I learned the proper stance and how to swing a short sword on the first day. On the second day, I learned how to move my body with a weapon, and on the third day, I learned practical combat techniques. I was able to absorb the lessons quickly thanks to my ‘Short Sword Technique,’ thanks to Guldo-intense san’s guidance. Today, on the fourth day, we were currently having a mock battle.

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Guldo-san was terrifyingly strong, and I couldn’t land a single hit on him. Furthermore, if I relaxed my attack for even a second, he would hit me all over my body with a wooden sword, so I had no choice but to swing my weapon even though I knew I wouldn’t hit him. In the end, I was completely exhausted and collapsed on the spot.

“For your first mock battle, that was quite good,” Guldo-san said as he sat down next to me.

“No, no, I barely grazed you…”

“Hahaha, even with one leg missing, I haven’t lost my edge enough to be hit by an attack from a newbie… But, Lark, it’s too bad that you were kicked out because you were thought to be incompetent even though you have this much skill. By the way, how did you discover you had a talent? ”

Hmm, I can’t say my memory has suddenly returned, but I have no choice but to tell a small lie

” … Actually, it wasn’t until I was kicked out of my house that I realized I had an appraisal skill. On my way to the capital, I noticed an unknown fruit and observed it, wondering what it was. Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of me, revealing that I possess an appraisal skill. So I tried evaluating myself, and it turns out I have a wide range of abilities,” I said, and Guldo-eyes san’s widened in surprise.

“Oi, oi… You not only storage-related skills but also appraisal-related skills? You could probably make a living as a merchant with those two.”

“Perhaps in terms of abilities, but… I believe you also need other skills, such as management and negotiation, which I lack. Besides, ever since I met Guldo-san, I’ve wanted to live my life as an adventurer.”

“Hey, you’re saying something that makes me happy,” Guldo-san remarked as he patted my head.

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We resumed the second mock battle after a brief break. I couldn’t land a single hit on Guldo-san, as usual. After we finished our training, we headed to the cafeteria for some lunch.

Guldo-san suddenly remembered something while we were eating Fritz-lunch san’s and asked me, “Oh, Lark, by the way. You said you wanted to learn magic the other day, right?”

As I chewed on a piece of bread, I nodded. ‘That’s right, since I can use magic in this world, I told Guldo-san that I wanted to train magic alongside my short sword.’

“When I told the master about it, she was ecstatic. She promised to teach you magic right after this.”

“Fia-san?” Unintentionally, I swallowed my bread and asked.

Initially, I assumed that Guldo-san would be the one to instruct me.

“Yes,” he added. “She’s far superior to me, you know? Despite her outward appearance, she is one of the best magicians in the country.”

“Is that so? It’s great to learn from someone like that. Thank you very much.”

Guldo-san and I went to the guild master’s room after we finished our lunch. When we knocked and opened the door, we saw Fia-san leaping towards us. I remembered almost suffocating the first time I met Fia-san, so I closed the door calmly to avoid being hugged. Then I heard a voice say, “Fugyahh!” through the door and felt an impact on the door. When I opened the door again, Fia-san was rolling on the floor, holding her head.

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“Hello there, Fia-san. What are you doing?” I asked, pretending to be clueless.

Fia-san shook her head and smiled weakly. “Hello, L-Lark-kun. I dropped some money. Sorry, I’ll be out of your way right away.” Fia-san stumbled over to the sofa and collapsed on it.

Lala-san was sighing heavily next to her, “Haa… geez, Master really needs to learn calm down a little more.”

“Hmm, but…”

Immediately, Guldo-san began to give Lala-san a report on my current situation, despite Fia-san being teary-eyed. Fia-san, who had been slouching, abruptly sat up when he mentioned that my sword skills were rapidly improving. “Then, don’t you think you’ll be able to learn magic in no time?” and then approached me with a determined expression, leaning in close.

I responded, ” “W-Well, I’m not sure about that, but I’ll do my best,” I leaned back, feeling intimidated by the proximity of her face.

“Alright then, let’s get started!” Fia-san snatched both of my shoulders with her hand.

The scenery around us changed in an instant the next. Fia-san and I were both in the guild’s basement before I knew it. Guldo-san and Lala-san were nowhere to be seen.

“Um, did we just teleport…?” Inferring from the situation, I asked Fia-san.

“Yes, we did. Isn’t it convenient? By the way, Lark-kun, I have a question for you. Guldo-san told me you can use fire magic, but is that the only one you’ve learned?” Fia-san asked me with a bit more gravity than usual on her face.

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I considered remaining silent but decided that it would be pointless to conceal it from the person who would be teaching me magic from now on. So I made the decision to tell her the truth.

“No, I’ve learned a different kind of magic. I only wrote down the fire magic that I could use the most on the guild exam.”

“I see. To be sure, could you please list the other forms of magic you are familiar with?”

I quickly remembered the status I saw this morning and responded calmly. It was convenient that I didn’t have to check my status every time thanks to my ‘Enhanced Memory Capacity’ ability.

“Yes, I know ten types of magic: fire, wind, water, earth, light, dark, thunder, ice, holy, and null magic.”

“Ten types of magic!? I’m surprised…,” Fia-san widened her eyes.

‘Oh right, I still don’t know what kind of magic exists in this world. From what I remember from my memories before waking up, it seems like I haven’t received any education in the past and hardly know much about the common sense of this world.’

“Is it a lot, after all?” Just as I thought it was a good opportunity to ask, Fia-san looked squarely at me, her face suspicious.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? Oh, could it be that Lark-kun doesn’t know how many types of attribute magic there are?”

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“I don’t know. I’ve never read a book or been taught by anyone.”

Upon hearing this, Fia-san looked downcast, then returned to a serious expression and said, “…I’ve decided. Lark-kun, let’s put magic training on hold for a while. First, let’s study common knowledge of the world. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time later on.”

“T-That’s certainly true, but… I really wanted to be a magician~…”

‘I guess Fia-san is right, but it’s a shame that training was suspended.’ While I was thinking this, the door to the basement suddenly opened with force. Then, Guldo-san and the vice-master, Lala-san, rushed in.

“Hey, don’t teleport out of nowhere like that. We had trouble finding you, you know,” Lala-san scolded Fia-san.

‘Well, I’d be angry too if someone used teleportation magic without saying anything.’

“Sorry, sorry. Anyway, let’s put Lark-kun’s training on hold. First, he needs to study.”

“…What do you mean?”

Fia-san explained the situation to Lala-san, who had previously worn the same expression as Lala. Both Lala-san and Guldo-san were surprised and agreed with Fia-suggestion san’s after hearing the explanation.

And so, for a while, it was a fairly rigorous schedule, with me training with Guldo-san in the morning and studying in the afternoon.

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