The next day, when I went to the living room early in the morning, Leticia was already there, waiting.

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“Good morning.”

“Oh, good morning Lark-kun. Yawn…”

When I greeted her, Leticia replied in a sleepy voice.

“What’s wrong? You look really sleepy.”

“I’ve never slept in such a splendid mansion before, so I couldn’t sleep at all because of the tension… It was the first time I’ve ever seen such a fluffy bed,” Leticia chuckled wryly.

“Is that so… I’m sorry for bringing you here because of my circumstances.”

“No, I’m the one who suggested it, so don’t apologize, Lark-kun.”

As we chatted, Father and the others gathered in the living room. We had breakfast together after everyone was assembled. After breakfast, I talked to my grandparents and uncle about various things. I especially enjoyed hearing my mother’s old stories. However, it wouldn’t be good to overstay our welcome, so we decided to return to Recommetys soon.

When I told Father, Leticia, and Idel that we were leaving, my grandparents and uncle saw us off at the entrance.

“We’ll definitely come to visit you again someday,” I assured them. Each of them, my grandmother, grandfather, and uncle, bid us farewell in their own way.

“You’re welcome anytime.”

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“That’s right. We’re always delighted to have you.”

“If you ever encounter any troubles, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.”

We promised to return soon and left the mansion behind. As we walked, I turned to Idel, who had accompanied us, and inquired about his plans.

“What will you do after this, Idel-san?”

“Hmm? I’ll just head back to Recommetys as usual. It’s easier to live there.”

“In that case, we’ll be traveling back together.”

“Hmm? Do we really need to travel?” Idel seemed taken aback.

Father, walking beside us, explained, “Idel can use various types of magic, including teleportation magic.”

“Teleportation magic?”

“Teleportation magic is incredibly rare, isn’t it? Can you actually use it!?”

Leticia and I expressed our astonishment, and Idel simply nodded without much ado.

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“In that case, should we ask Idel for a ride back?”

We retrieved the carriage we had left at the guild and departed from the town. With Idel’s magic, we were instantly transported, along with the carriage, to the front of the capital of Recommetys Kingdom.

“This is incredible! It’s my first time experiencing teleportation!”

Leticia gleefully exclaimed, while Father and Idel smiled at her reaction. We swiftly entered the capital, returned the borrowed carriage, and proceeded to the guild to make our report.

Upon entering the guild, we caught the attention of Lala, who happened to be near the reception area.

“Oh, welcome back – Idel-kun!?” she exclaimed, surprised. Idel bowed his head and replied, “Lala-san, it’s been a while.”

“It has been a while… You haven’t contacted us in two years, so we were all worried!”

Lala’s loud voice caught the attention of the adventurers around us.

“It’s Idel…”

“Idel has returned.”

Everyone seems to be whispering something. They seem surprised to see Idel.

I tugged at Leticia’s father’s sleeve, leaning down to whisper, “Hey, Leticia’s father, is Idel quite famous?”

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“Hm? Oh, well, I suppose so. He’s the individual who became the fastest A-rank adventurer in the history of the Recommetyis Adventurer Guild. His skills surpass mine.”

“Huh? But Idel’s adventurer’s plate is silver…”

“He left the capital before he could upgrade his plate to A-rank two years ago… So technically, he’s still considered B-rank until he completes the formalities.”

“I see… He’s a pretty free-spirited person. And to think he became A-rank (provisional) faster than Leticia’s father and is stronger than him, too… I’m surprised.”

Idel, who was receiving a scolding from Lala, anxiously scanned his surroundings.

Although his behavior might have been improper, Lala felt a throbbing sensation in her temple. “…Idel-kun, how dare you look around while you’re in front of me?”

“Oh, no, I was just reminiscing…”

“No excuses.”

Lala then proceeded to drag Idel away.

“Well, let’s proceed with the completion process for Lark’s friend’s escort request,” Lala stated.

“Yes, that sounds good,” Idel agreed.

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“I wonder if Idel-san is alright…” I pondered to myself.

After completing the necessary procedures, Idel returned. His face appeared slightly swollen, but we refrained from asking him about it. Subsequently, we decided to dine together at the guild cafeteria.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, Fritz emerged from the kitchen. “Hey, we have a rare visitor here,” he remarked.

“Fritz-san, it’s been a while,” Idel responded.

It seemed like the two of them were acquainted.

After exchanging some anecdotes, Fritz said, “Let me prepare something special for you all,” and returned to the kitchen.

Eventually, another staff member brought our food to the table.

Idel took a bite of his meal and smiled. “Mmm! Fritz-san’s cooking is truly delicious. I should have come back here more often.”

Upon hearing Idel’s words, Father reacted, “That’s right, Idel. You possess teleportation magic, so why didn’t you visit more frequently?”

“Well… I had made a decision to return only after everything was accomplished. Besides, I didn’t want to waste a single day seeking revenge on those who abandoned my sister,” Idel replied with a smile.

After realizing the meaning behind his words, I chose not to further provoke Idel.

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