Day three since the beginning of training. Leticia had indeed become stronger, just as Idel said. Her movements were more stable, and the sound of her swinging the sword was more powerful than before. She was also getting better at landing attacks on the clone Idel.

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‘Though it’s not something I can visibly notice, Idel-san has started praising me, saying “Your footwork has improved compared to before.” However, I still haven’t managed to land a single hit on him…’

Today, I was sparring with the clone Idel once again.

“Here I go!”

I faithfully executed the moves I learned from Father and launched an attack with my training sword. However, the clone Idel easily dodged my attack. As I was pondering why I failed to land a hit, the real Idel gave me some advice.

“It’s good to focus on making clean moves, but being too stuck to a particular form can be dangerous, you know? Didn’t Guldo-san tell you the same thing?”

At that moment, I recalled the words Father told me during swordsmanship training.

“Lark, listen carefully. The swordsmanship I’m teaching you is just the basics. From here on, you’ll have to come up with your own way of fighting.”

I see. If I only rely on basic swordsmanship, opponents like Idel-san will be able to predict my movements. To land an attack, I have to think and move flexibly…!

I took a deep breath and cleared my head.

The current clone Idel is only observing my movements with a sword. In that case, how about I fight by combining martial arts and unarmed techniques when I don’t have a sword?

…Let’s give it a try.

I swung my sword at the clone Idel, as if launching an attack, and then let go of the sword. The clone Idel, who was prepared to guard with a shield, momentarily lost his balance due to my unexpected movement.

This is my chance!

I immediately tried to kick Idel away, but he narrowly avoided my attack at the last minute.

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However, I didn’t give up. I thought about the next move and unleashed a series of continuous attacks.

The clone Idel, who had been on the defensive for a while, gradually got used to my movements, his expression regaining its composure. ‘If things continue like this, I’ll end up without landing a hit again.;

However, I still had a hidden move up my sleeve.

I threw a wide punch, intentionally allowing it to be dodged, and pretended to stumble forward. Instantly, I sensed the clone Idel approaching from behind, attempting to attack me.

This is going according to plan. In this position, the clone Idel should be obstructed by my body and unable to see. The sword I dropped earlier is right at my feet!

I swiftly picked up the sword, turned around, and stepped into cloned Idel’s range, sweeping the sword horizontally.

The sword hit the clone Idel in the side. That was undoubtedly an effective strike.


“Amazing! Lark-kun, you’ve landed a hit on Idel-san!”

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I raised my fist triumphantly, and Leticia cheered with me as if it were her own achievement.

I must not forget this feeling. Let’s keep going with this momentum!


The final day of training had finally arrived. Today, we were given the task of using all the techniques we had learned in the past few days to defeat Idel’s clone.

However, lately, Leticia and I had grown to the point where we could hold our own against Idel’s clone. Therefore, I thought it would be relatively easy. But soon, that idea changed. Idel told us that we could use magic, which had been prohibited until now, on the final day.

I was confident in my magic skills, but Idel was a far superior user compared to me. Right after the mock battle began, I was overwhelmed by the combination of his magic and swordsmanship and was blown away in an instant.

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“You seemed confident, but there are many people in this world who are better at magic than you, Lark.”


Rubbing my sore waist, I switched places with Leticia.

Leticia, who hadn’t used magic even after it was allowed, was also blown away just like me.

I helped her up and asked curiously, “Leticia-san, why didn’t you use magic?”

“To be honest, I’m a little weak in magic… I find it easier to fight with swordsmanship.”

Upon hearing that response, the real Idel spoke to Leticia, “Even if you’re not good at it, it’s better to practice. There’s no harm in having a variety of combat styles to choose from.”

Hearing this, Leticia just smiled wryly and nodded.

Several hours later. We still couldn’t defeat Idel’s clone by the end of the training, but we had a very fulfilling time.

“Thank you, Idel-san!”

We both bowed our heads and expressed our gratitude, to which Idel-san kindly replied, “Yeah, good job to both of you.”

We left the underground training room and stepped outside the guild. The sun was setting, with the sky was turning red.

It’s almost dinner time… Oh, right! Maybe I should invite Leticia-san and Idel-san for dinner.

I immediately made the suggestion, and both of them were delighted.

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We returned home, and I asked the two of them to wait in the living room while I prepared the meal. My father had already come back home, so I had to make enough food for four people (including one for Shafal).

Today’s menu consisted of breaded and deep-fried meat from a magical beast, Tonkatsu-style, with a side salad, soup, and freshly cooked rice. As I finished plating the dishes, Father suddenly appeared in the kitchen.

“Lark, today’s meal looks delicious!”

“Yes, I put in extra effort today,” I answered, and together with my father, I placed the dishes on the table.

When Leticia and Idel saw the spread of food, their eyes sparkled with excitement. We then all took our seats and joined our hands, about to say “Itadakimasu,” when Shafal appeared, unexpectedly.

“For my share as well.”

“I got it.”

Having prepared the portion for Shafal that had been set aside in advance, I finally begin to eat.

Idel soon took a bite of the magical beast cutlet first, his eyes widening, exclaiming, “This is delicious!” He then continued to eat, taking two, three bites. Next, he put some rice in his mouth and his eyes open even wider, asking, “Lark, what’s this?”

“It’s a food called rice. I don’t think you’re very familiar with it, but how do you find it?”

“It’s incredibly delicious!” He said with a beaming smile.

I’m glad he seems to like it.

Leticia was also saying, “Delicious!” and eating the food with a smile.

By the way, Shafal was silently eating away. Is this dragon really savoring the food?

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During the meal, Idel asked me, “Lark, you’re good at cooking. Do you have any tips or something?”

“Actually, I have a skill called ‘Cooking’. And then… maybe experience?”

“I’m sure skills matter, but I think Lark, you’re just naturally good at cooking. I was surprised at all the unusual dishes.”

“Thank you very much.”

Everyone finished their meals while continuing the cheerful conversation.

I cleaned up the dishes, and then brewed some tea as an after-meal relaxation.

Idel and Leticia were sipping their tea with satisfied expressions on their faces.

“…Ahh, that was delicious.”

“Lark, today’s meal was also very delicious.”

“Thank you, Leticia-san.”

After a while of relaxing, Idel stood up. “Well then, I have some things to take care of, so I’ll be going soon. Training is over, but I think we’ll see each other at the guild, so take care.”

“Yes, thank you very much!”

“Thank you very much.”

Waving his hand in response to our words of gratitude, he then left the place. Not long after, Leticia also returned home.

After washing dishes with Father, I returned to my room and spent some time reading a book until I fall asleep for the first time in a while.

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