The next morning.

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I woke up and changed into my usual clothes before stepping outside of the room. I then went to the yard and took out a bucket from the “Useful Box.” Using water magic, I filled it with water and washed my face.

After drying my face and returning inside, I noticed a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. Intrigued by the scent, I went to the kitchen and found Rin preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, Rin.”

“Ah, good morning. I was planning to wake you up once everything was ready, but it seems you’re an early riser, Lark-kun.”

Saying so, Rin transferred the fish she was frying to a plate and scooped some soup, similar to miso soup, that she had been preparing into a bowl. Finally, she served the cooked rice and placed everything on the table.

Considering they cultivate rice, the breakfast in Nihori has a Japanese touch. It’s much appreciated for someone like me, who used to be Japanese.

Once the dishes were served, Rin and I said “Itadakimasu” and started eating.

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“Mmm, it’s delicious.”

“Thank you.”

When I honestly expressed my impression of the food, Rin blushed and smiled.

After finishing the meal and exchanging a few words, we were done with breakfast.

“Phew, I’m stuffed. Thanks, Rin.”

“It was my first time cooking for someone, so I was a bit nervous, but I’m glad you liked it,” Rin said with a relieved expression.

As a gesture of gratitude for the meal, I used magic to wash and dry the dishes, and I put them away in the cupboard. Since it was a sunny day, I also took the opportunity to wash and hang the futons we used yesterday, as well as Rin’s futon, in the yard.

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Rin’s eyes sparkled, and she spoke to me, “Magic is really convenient, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, once you get used to it, it can be helpful for various household chores.”

“I envy you. I can only use a little bit of fire magic.”

Saying so, Rin conjured a small flame on her fingertip.

“Hahaha, you’ll get better with practice. I’ve practiced a lot too… By the way, Rin, we still have time until noon, so how about going to the river again?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

We finished getting ready and left the house.

While we were walking, I suddenly asked Rin a question, “By the way, how old are you, Rin?”

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“Did I not mention it? I’m 13 years old.”

“Oh, really?” I couldn’t help but be surprised at that response.

While I have grown taller in these two years, my height is still quite short compared to other kids my age, perhaps because my life before coming to the capital city was miserable. However, Rin’s height isn’t much different from mine. So I thought she might be around 10 or 11 years old at most…

“So, you’re one year older than me?”

“Is that so? Then I guess I’m an onee-chan for you~” Rin said with a smile.

Seeing her expression, I suddenly became worried and stopped.

“What’s wrong, Lark-kun?” Rin asked, looking puzzled.

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I cut to the chase and asked her directly, “Rin, are you eating properly?”

“Uh, yeah. I eat properly every day. Why?”

“Well, I’m shorter than those around me, and even though you’re older than me, we’re almost the same height, so I was wondering…”

“You’re worried about me? Thank you. But don’t worry, I’m fine. I had a good meal this morning, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I remember now.”

Maybe I’m worrying too much.

Apologizing for asking strange things, I regained my composure and started walking again. Eventually, we arrived at the river and decided to play there until it was time.

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