Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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Once we moved to a room, we each took a seat on the sofas.

“Um, so you had something you needed from me?” I asked.

The Guild master from the Kingdom of Leblanc began to explain, “Actually, a few days ago, my friend Fia-chan, who is the guild master in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Recommetys, asked me to help search for a missing silver-haired boy.”

“Really? Is that what happened?”

“Yes. So, we were searching for you at the guild in the Kingdom of Leblanc as well. Yesterday, after receiving information that a carriage with a silver-haired boy had passed through a checkpoint, I quickly contacted Fia-chan and started searching the nearby towns,” she said and later sighed before adding, “I’m really glad we’ve found you. It’s the first time I had seen Fia-chan so worried.”

I bowed my head to her, feeling apologetic, “It seems like I’ve caused some trouble without realizing it. I’m sorry.”

“No… Um, I just wanted to ask, how did you go missing in the first place?”

At this instant moment, Glore interjected, “I’ve been curious about that too. Lark, why were you in such a place?”

Come to think of it, I hadn’t properly explained the situation to Glore and the others. Well… I guess I’ll try to be as honest as possible for now.

I then told everyone that I had been sent to the Kingdom of Leblanc by someone’s teleportation magic and my encounter with Glore and the others while walking along the highway trying to find my way back. Of course, I left out the part about Shafal. It would be a hassle if I mentioned that I had tamed a legendary dragon.

By the way, since Shafal entered inside of me, he hasn’t come out even once. It seems that he finds it too comfortable inside me and has been sleeping the entire time.

I had tried calling out to him since I was worried, but after hearing what sounded like sleep-talking through telepathy just once, I decided not to be concerned anymore.

“I see… While the identity and purpose of the person who used the teleportation magic are worrisome, you are lucky. If you had been sent to the far-off empire or holy kingdom instead of the neighboring Leblanc Kingdom, it would have been much more difficult for you to return on your own,” she said solemnly.

After that, Glore opened his mouth with a sympathetic expression, “Lark, I didn’t know you had such a rough time… You should’ve just told us.”

“Well… if a kid you just met said, ‘I was teleported to an unknown land by someone’s magic,’ wouldn’t you think he’s a weirdo and be suspicious? I thought it’d be better to stay quiet in that case…”

“…Well, when you put it that way, I guess you’re right.”

“But you could have told us when we ate together, couldn’t you…?”

Upon hearing Nick’s saddened words, I bowed my head to the two of them and apologized, “I’m sorry.”

Once the conversation settled down, the Guild master spoke again, “Well then, Lark-kun, should we go to the royal capital?”

“Yes… but how do we get there?”

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“I can use teleportation magic, you know. I learned it from Fia-chan a long time ago, and now I can easily travel long distances. Well, I still can’t teleport as far as Fia-chan, but we can reach the royal capital in an instant from here. Glore-san, Nick-san, when we return to Leblanc, please come to the guild so I can thank you for your help.”

As soon as the Guild master said that, she took my hand and started chanting the teleportation spell.

“Wait, please wait a moment!”

When I called out in a panic, the Guild master stopped her chant, looking puzzled. “What’s the matter?”

“Would you mind taking a merchant I came to town with as well? He was planning to go to the royal capital, and he’s been my traveling companion up until now…”

However, Glore and Nick shook their heads at my words. “Lark, don’t worry. We’ll escort Raval-san to the royal capital properly. For now, hurry back and reassure everyone. We’ll tell Raval-san on your behalf.”

“Please go and report your safety to Guldo-dono as soon as possible.”

Then, the Guild master also urged me on. “Glore-san and the others are saying this too, so let’s go. Besides, we don’t have much time, as we have to find Guldo-sama afterward. He’s currently on a journey to find you, Lark-kun.”

“Father has really gone on a journey… Understood. Glore-san, Nick-san, please convey my thanks to Raval-san.”

“Alright, hurry back and show them you’re alright.”

“Next time we meet, please cook us a delicious meal again.”

After exchanging farewells with Glore and the others, we teleported to the gates of the royal capital of Recommetys using the Guild master’s magic.

The soldier who was guarding the gate seemed surprised by our sudden appearance, but upon recognizing my face, he exclaimed, “Ah!”

The guard then asked us various questions, but after giving him a brief explanation, we headed towards the guild. Even so, walking through the royal capital like this made me feel nostalgic, even though it had only been a few days.

“Lark-kun, is something the matter?”

“No, it’s just… I’m starting to feel like I’ve really come back.”

“Hehehe, that’s good to hear.”

“Oh, speaking of which, I know it’s a bit late to ask, but what is your name, Guild master-san?”

As I said that and glanced at the Guild master, I noticed that her ears were slightly different from those of the other elves. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but upon closer inspection, the tips of her ears were less pointed than those of the other elves.

Noticing my gaze, the Guild master touched her ears lightly and answered, “Oh, haven’t I mentioned it already? My name is Liana. Also, are you curious about these ears? People often mistaken by this, but I’m actually part of the Human race.”

“Eh? Really?”

“To be more precise, I’m a mixed blood of Elf and Human, so I’m considered a Half-Human.”

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“Half-Human… So not a Half-Elf, huh?”

“My blood is more concentrated with the Human race, so that’s how I identify myself,” Liana said with a chuckle.

After walking for a while, we arrived at the guild. Upon opening the door and entering, familiar adventurers looked our way, their eyes widening in shock.


With one adventurer raising their voice, the guild quickly became noisy. As the commotion continued for a while, Vice Guild Master Lala came downstairs from the second floor after hearing the uproar.

The moment our eyes met, Lala rushed over to me with great energy and hugged me tightly. This was the first time I saw Lala so emotional, which was surprising. A few seconds later, Lala finally let go and led me to the Guild Master Fia’s room.

As soon as we entered the room, Fia suddenly jumped at me.



I almost fell backward but managed to brace myself.

I somehow peeled off Fia, who was hugging me with incredible force and opened my mouth.

“I-I’m back. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”

“Yes, you really had us worried. Where have you been? I heard you suddenly teleported somewhere from Guldo’s side.”

“Um, if possible, I’d like to explain everything with my father present, so can we wait until we find him?”

“Understood. In that case, Liana-chan, I know it might be difficult, but can you help me find Guldo together?”

At Fia’s words, Liana nodded, and the two disappeared from the scene using teleportation magic.

Left in the room, Lala and I went downstairs to the first floor to calm the still-excited adventurers until Fia and the others returned. At dusk that day, Fia and Liana returned with Father.

Upon seeing me, he hugged me tightly.

“Where have you been all this time…?”

“I’m sorry for worrying you…” I hugged back and apologized.

He must have been incredibly worried about me.

Seeing his pale face, I quickly used holy attribute magic to heal him. As I was about to explain, Ars teleported into the guild master’s room.

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“Hey, Lark-kun. I heard you came back, so I rushed here immediately,” Ars said.

This person’s timing couldn’t be more punctual. Since the timing is just right, I’ll have Ars-san listen in as well.

I started explaining to Father, Ars, Fia, Lala, and Liana who were gathered in the Fia’s room.

“Uh, before we start talking, there’s something I want you to see. Shafal!”

I called out to Shafal who had been inside me all this time, but little to no luck.

It’s going to be a problem if he doesn’t come out…

Just when everyone started to look at me with concern, Shafal finally emerged from my body, stretching and yawning sleepily.

Ars, unusually flustered, asked, “L-Lark-kun, who is this?”

“As you can see, he is a young dragon. He’s the one responsible for the recent incident,” I answered.

After that, I briefly shared the information I had learned from Shafal.

First, this dragon has been alive for a very long time, by repeatedly reincarnating. After reincarnating into a younger form, it cannot grow without receiving mana. A few hundred years ago, my ancestor made a contract with this dragon, stating that in exchange for providing mana during its younger stage, it would protect the family members from any crisis once it became an adult. As its time for reincarnation neared, the dragon located me, a descendant of that family, and utilized teleportation magic to bring me to the place where it could reincarnate itself.

When I finished explaining everything, Father spoke up first, “So, the hooded man who used teleportation magic to take you away a few days ago is related to this dragon?”

“Well, that was actually Shafal’s alter ego. Shafal here can transform itself into a human.”

“I see… It’s true that some high-ranking magical creatures can change their appearance into humans… But they could have used a better method to abduct you.”

(I can’t help it, I was in a hurry too)

Shafal responded to Father’s words through telepathy.

At that moment, everyone present shuddered for a moment.

Father immediately asked in surprise, “Was that… telepathy?”

“Yes, he used to be able to speak normally before reincarnating.”

(I prefer to speak normally too, but my vocal cords haven’t fully developed yet. I can’t even use my breath attack. I learned telepathy by borrowing the power of my previous contractor so that we could communicate even when I’m in my younger form.)

After saying this through telepathy, Shafal put on a smug face.

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“I can’t believe that the legend is true.”

“Yeah, I thought it was just a story too.”

At that moment, Lala and Liana mentioned something intriguing.

Upon asking for more details, it turned out that the tale of my ancestors and Shafal was still being passed down as a famous folklore till this day.

I wonder why such a story spreads? I checked with Shafal to see if there was anything that came to his mind.

(Hmm, come to think of it, when I was with my previous contractor, a poet visited us. That guy bombarded me with questions, but I had a blast answering them all.)

So, the content of that conversation was spread by the poet?

Shafal yawned again and retreated back inside of me. Seems like his job is done, I internally thought.

On the contrary, Lala and the others were excited to hear Shafal’s words. According to Lala, a book containing the story of my ancestors was still circulating among the people, so I promised to have a look at it next time.

“Well, it’s about time we head home. My daughter Lia and the others have been worried about you, so I’ll let them know that Lark is safe. You’ll probably be asked a lot of questions at the academy, so look forward to that.”

Ars left those words and returned home using teleportation magic. With that, an atmosphere of dispersal filled the area. Father and I decided to return home as well and parted ways with Fia and the others.

After returning home, I cooked dinner in the kitchen for the first time in several days. Although I did cook while camping out, it’s still more comforting at home.

As we ate dinner and took a bath together, Father gently stroked my head.

“Thank you for coming back safe, Lark.”

After saying that, Father shyly smiled and got out of the bath first. Once he left the bathroom, Shafal came out on his own and entered the bathtub, stretching his body with satisfaction.

(Did you say your father is Guldo? He seemed quite worried about you…)

“Well, that’s nice to hear… but as Father said earlier, I think there could have been a better way to tell me what you want back then.”

(I didn’t have time back then. But I do regret my hasty decision now. I’ll apologize to him later.)

As Shafal said this, he started swimming leisurely in the bathtub.

It’s kind of hard to believe he’s a legendary dragon…

After a while, when I say I’m getting out of the bath, Shafal disappeared back inside of me. But the way this mechanism works is still unclear. Maybe I’ll ask Father later.

…However when I asked him after the bath, Father just replied, “I’ve never dealt with familiars, so I don’t know.”

Oh well, next time I go to the castle’s library, I’ll just borrow some books on familiars and study those. After all, Prince Wallis, the second prince, is always in the library, so if I ask him, he might help me look for one.

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