Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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On the second day of the long break, I was preparing breakfast when the doorbell rang, which was unusual.

Turning off the stove, I made my way to the front door, where a familiar face was standing at the entrance. It was Doldos, an adventurer.

“Doldos-san, what brings you here so early in the morning?”

“Well, I heard from Anna-chan that the academy is currently on a long break, so I thought I’d accept a suitable request and go with you, Lark.”

Anna-chan is the daughter of the owner of the inn where Doldos is staying, the “Little Bear Inn.” Although Anna-chan and I are in different classes, we both attend the same academy.

He then continued speaking, “You already have permission from Guldo-san to go outside the city, right?”

“Yes, I have, but… is it okay with you, Doldos-san? I might just slow you down.”

Doldos-san is an A-rank adventurer. I’m only E-rank, so I might just get in his way, right?

However, Doldos shook his head with a smile in response to my concern.

“No problem. Besides, my guys also wanted you to join. What do you say? Will you come along?”

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Hmm, I have no plans today, so I’d like to go, but I wonder if I’ll be a nuisance…?

As I hesitated, Father came out of the living room.

“I heard the conversation. It’s a great opportunity, Lark. It’s not often you get a chance to take on a request with a high-ranking adventurer. Why don’t you take up the offer and go?”

“…You’re right. I’ll go. Doldos-san, please take care of me.”

As I bowed my head, Doldos laughed and said, “Sure, you too.”

Joining a top adventurer’s crew is not something you get to do every day. Alright, I’ll study a lot!

An hour later, with my preparations in order, I was led by Doldos to the place where his members were waiting.

“Pl-please take care of me today.”

Although I was familiar with everyone from the inn, they were still my senior adventurers.

I bowed my head nervously, but all of Doldos’s group members responded kindly.

“Don’t be so formal.”

“Yeah, let’s take it easy.”

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I’m glad they’re welcoming me with ease.

Doldos-san’s party, the “Bear’s Family,” consisted of four members, including himself. It was such a famous party in the royal capital that no one didn’t know about them.

First of all, the leader Doldos primarily takes on the role of a main attacker. His swordsmanship is particularly impressive; even Father commended Doldos-san’s skills by saying that the man’s skills are almost on par with his own.

Next is Barba-san, who also serves as a main fighter alongside Doldos-san. His role leans more towards tanker, taking the brunt of the enemy’s attacks, and he is also equipped with a flashy, heavy crimson armor.

I once asked him why he chose such a color, to which he replied, “Well, if it’s red, you won’t notice when it’s stained with monster blood, right?” He’s a bit of a dangerous character but also had a playful side, as he added, “Besides, if my armor were black, I wouldn’t stand out.”

Behind these two, coordinating the team and giving instructions from the rear is Marco, who serves as something of a vice leader. He has a tough-looking face, but contrary to his appearance, he excels in delicate magic. He was one of the people who taught me about magic when I first arrived in the royal capital and was staying at an inn. Marco has also mastered “Synthesis Magic,” so he can use powerful offensive magic when needed.

Robto, who is another support fighter, is primarily a support mage. He excels in “Buff Magic,” which temporarily increases the stats of his allies, and sometimes heals wounded teammates with recovery magic. He’s the unsung hero of the group.

Assisting the party not only in combat but also in dungeon exploration is Lubro, the most nimble of the five. Lubro is Robto’s younger brother and, while he lacks the magical aptitude of his sibling, he uses his dexterity and keen instinct for detecting monsters and traps to play a crucial role in dungeon conquests. Doldos-san once said, “If we were to lose the brothers Robto and Lubro, this party would likely fall apart immediately.”

On the way to the guild to accept a request, Doldos told me about how the party was formed.

“The reason we named our party the Bear’s Family is that all of us were regulars at the Little Bear Inn. Initially, Barba, Marco, and I were solo adventurers, and Robto and Lubro formed a duo. However, we all bonded over drinks at the inn and eventually I decided to form a party together.”

“It’s amazing how you’ve become a highly respected party in the royal capital now.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that… By the way, Lark, what’s with the grin you’ve had on your face?”

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“Oh, did it show? I’m just really happy to be going on an adventure with Doldos-san and the others. It’d be a great learning experience.”

“I had always wanted to go with you, Lark,” Doldos said, smiling shyly.

After accepting a request at the guild, we left the royal capital and headed to the forest. We all chatted and laughed on the way to the forest, but now everyone is moving cautiously through the woods with serious expressions, keeping an eye out for danger.

The request we accepted this time is to subdue a monster called the Forest Wolf that was dwelling in the woods. Although it was a C-rank request, since I was temporarily joining Doldos’s party, I, an E-rank adventurer, was allowed to participate.

While we were walking silently, Lubro, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped. “Everyone, halt. There’s a pack up ahead.”

At his words, we all readied our weapons.

I have the “Presence Detection” skill, so I was confident in my ability to scout, but I couldn’t sense anything. Lubro-san’s scouting ability really is exceptional.

We then proceeded slowly, paying close attention.

The Bear’s Family, consisting of only high-ranked adventurers, including the A-ranked Doldos, was being so cautious against Forest Wolves.

Is it because of me? When I asked quietly, Marco told me, “We’re always like this.” Apparently, it’s the Bear’s Family’s creed to give their all without being arrogant, no matter the opponent. It’s probably this caution that has made us a top-tier party.

We gradually closed in and caught sight of the pack of Forest Wolves.

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Doldos and Barba hid in nearby bushes to avoid being detected. After confirming that the two were in position, Marco and I simultaneously cast our magic. Our magic hit its mark, and several wolves fell, bleeding. The surviving Forest Wolves noticed the anomaly and bristled their green fur.

At that moment, Doldos and Barba, who had been hiding, sprang out to catch them off guard.

“Barba, take the right.”

“Alright, leave it to me!”

Doldos and the others attacked the bewildered pack of Forest Wolves. While most were defeated by the continuous ambush, two survivors lunged at Doldos and his companion. However, Lubro and Robto worked together seamlessly to finish off both of them.

I wonder if we’ve defeated the entire pack now.

After collecting the disassembled materials in the “Useful Box,” we decided to explore the forest for a while longer as part of my training.

As we walked, I learned how to find traces of monsters and what to do if lost. I had learned how to move in the forest from Father, but listening to Doldos’s and the others’ different perspective was truly insightful. This experience will undoubtedly be useful in my future adventurer life.

“You’re late. Was the request difficult?”

That night, after returning home, Father asked me.

“The request itself was over quickly, but we were exploring the forest. It was a great experience.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Lark.”

As I reported with a smile, Father affectionately patted my head.

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