The next morning when I woke up and went downstairs to the living room, Idel was there. I was startled because I thought he was a burglar.

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“Lark, can you come with me for a bit?”

“Huh? Oh, sure…I don’t have school today, and I don’t have any plans for adventuring either.”

When I reflexively respond, Idel placed his hand on my shoulder and teleported us without further explanation.

We arrived in front of a dilapidated mansion-like building. Looking around, the building was surrounded by a forest. The place had a somewhat eerie atmosphere.

“Um, where is this?”

“This is deep in a forest known as the Forest of Death. Geographically, it’s located on a different continent from where Recommetys and Leblanc are.”

“Wait, did I just hear a really ominous name!?”

Why did you bring me to such a dangerous place!?

Just as I was about to ask that, the gate of the mansion opened automatically.

I shuddered at the sight. Actually, I’ve always been scared of things like ghosts and monsters since my previous life. Once, a friend from my previous life asked me why I was scared, but I couldn’t understand the question. After all, ghosts can pass through walls and monsters use mysterious powers, don’t they? It’s nothing but terrifying!

…Well, now I’m the one using more fantastical powers. But fear is still fear!

“Wait, Idel-san. I just remembered something important. Let’s go home. Right now!”

“What’s the rush… Don’t tell me, Lark, you’re afraid of ghosts?”

“…N-no, of course not.”

Just as I tride to bluff by blowing a poor whistle, I suddenly felt an eerie presence behind me.

Slowly turning around…there stands a tall old man with white hair and red eyes, dressed in a butler’s uniform!?


I screamed and quickly hid behind Idel.

“Oh my, it seems I’ve startled you. I apologize, it’s a habit of mine…to approach silently.”

The old man with a smile said this to which Idel replied, “Sevis, is he awake?”

“Yes, if you’re referring to Weed-sama, he’s currently reading in the study… Could this child be the one…?”

What’s going on? Do these two know each other?

As I was trembling and listening to the conversation between Idel and the old man, I sensed a surge of magical power stronger than anything I’d ever felt coming from the mansion, making me jump.

Then Idel addressed me with a wry smile. “Lark, calm down already. This guy works as a butler in this mansion. I’ve promised an acquaintance living here to introduce you, and that’s why I brought you.”

“…Is that so? Ok, I understand.”

I wish they’d told me that in advance. I’m already exhausted from the shock…

Under the guidance of Butler Sevis, Idel and I entered the mansion.

“Excuse me. Weed-sama, I’ve brought Idel-sama and the aforementioned Lark-kun.”

Upon arriving at what appeared to be a study, Butler Sevis knocked on the door and announced our arrival.

After a moment of silence, a surprisingly youthful voice responded, “Alright, come in.”

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When Sevis opened the door, we entered to find a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed man with a radiant smile. He seemed to be the source of the immense magical power we had felt earlier.

“Hello there, you must be Lark-kun, Idel’s nephew. I’m Weed, a hermit living in this forest of death.”

“Uh, hello… I’m Lark.” I awkwardly returned the greeting to the man who introduced himself as Weed.

“I heard your scream all the way here, are you okay? That must have been quite tiring. For now, please have a seat on that sofa.”

As instructed, Idel and I took a seat on the sofa.

Weed also sat on the opposite sofa and began to speak, “First off… Idel, thank you for bringing Lark-kun here.”

After bowing his head to Idel, Weed turned his serious gaze towards me. “Lark-kun, it might be sudden, but would you hear my request?”

“Your request…?”

What on earth could he be asking for? It’s unlikely, but what if he wants me to become a sacrifice for black magic… Hearing him described as a hermit in this eerie forest, I couldn’t help but conjure up such images.

“I-it depends on what it is, but I’ll do it if it’s within my abilities.”

As I reluctantly agreed to listen, Weed’s eyes brightened. “Really?! In that case… would you cook me some fried rice that Idel occasionally eats? I’ve been wanting to try it since I heard about it from Idel!”

“Understood… excuse me?”

Despite my mental preparation, his request was so unexpectedly simple that I had to ask him to repeat it.

Idel opened his mouth with a blank look on his face. “Weed, did you seriously ask me to bring Lark here just for that?”

“Yep. Plus, if Lark-kun cooks it here, Sevis can observe and learn how to make it. Then in the future, we can enjoy the dish without having to call for Lark-kun.”

At Weed’s words, Idel muttered, “I’m dumbfounded.”

To be honest, I was also taken aback. I didn’t expect such a simple request after all the scary build-up with the forest of death, mysterious elderly butler, and immense magic power…

“If it’s just that, I don’t mind.”

Once I had given my response, Weed’s face lightened up with joy, and he instructed Sevis to show me to the kitchen.

Led by Sevis, I headed to the kitchen and started taking out the ingredients for fried rice, including rice and various condiments from my “Useful Box.”

As I explained how to make it while cooking, Sevis murmured, “I see, there are many ways to use rice.”

“Sevis-san, you’re familiar with rice? I thought it wasn’t a well-known ingredient.”

“Long ago, a man came to this mansion, claiming to spread the wonders of rice. I heard a lot from him, even learned how to cultivate it. He also gave us some seeds, so we’re growing it on the property.”

“Really!? You’re growing rice here?”

“Yes. Apparently, this location has the perfect environment to grow rice throughout the year… That gentleman stayed for about three years and created a paddy field for cultivation. He also made several modifications to the rice plants, so we can harvest them all year round now. Would you like to see?”


Upon my reply, Sevis placed his hand on my shoulder, and in an instant, we were outside the mansion. Sevis was able to use teleportation magic.

Walking a little way into the forest with Sevis, we arrived at our destination. The field was filled with ripe rice plants, something you wouldn’t see in winter. Come to think of it, I realize it’s not particularly cold here.

“It’s amazing to see rice ripening in this season. You wouldn’t see this in Recommetys.”

“Yes, the man who came to deliver the rice said that the year-round warm climate here is ideal for growing rice. I remember him crying, saying ‘This is my ideal land!'”

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It seems that the man who came here had an extraordinary passion for rice. Come to think of it, I remember someone else who had a similar enthusiasm…

As I thought that, an image of a man popped into my head.

“Um, wasn’t the man’s name Taro El?” I asked, suspecting that it might be him. Taro El is the author of a book about rice that I own, and the book mentioned how he had exhausted all means to spread rice in this world.

“Um… I think that was the name. How do you know him, Lark-kun?”

I was asked back by Sevis.

“Actually, I have a book written by Taro-san. I am currently working with Taro-san’s descendants to run a restaurant that serves rice dishes.”

“I see, the world sure is small,” Sevis said with a deep emotion.

…Wait a minute? Taro-san lived hundreds of years ago. How old is Sevis-san if he met him?

“However, from what I heard, Taro-san was amazing. The continent where the Forest of Death is located is a bit far from the continent where you, Lark-kun, live. He did well to find this place.”

I was brought back to reality by Sevis’s words as I was lost in thought.

…Well, I guess I won’t ask too much. In this world, there might be people who live that long.

With that thought, I nodded to Sevis’s words.

“Right… The book mentioned that he ‘traveled to spread rice’, so he might have found it by continuing his journey for a long time, right?”

“I see, I take my hat off to that passion.”

After that, we returned to the kitchen with Sevis’s teleportation magic, finished making the fried rice, and returned to the study.

For some reason, Idel and Weed were arm wrestling in the study.

“…Those two get along well, don’t they?”

“Yes, they do. Among the few guests who visit here, especially Idel-sama, takes care of Weed-sama the most.”

We watched the arm wrestling match in silence. In the end, the match ended with Idel’s victory.

Then, Weed, possibly noticing the smell of the fried rice, turned around. “Oh, so that’s fried rice!” Weed, not particularly upset about losing, said happily.

“Yes, it’s hot and freshly made. Please eat slowly.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

As he put the food on the table, Weed took a spoon and slowly brought the fried rice into his mouth. As soon as he took a bite, Weed’s face lit up with a smile. “I’ve never eaten anything so delicious!” After expressing his impression, Weed-san continued to bring the fried rice to his mouth slowly but incessantly. He choked a little on the way, but he finished it all.

“Thank you for the meal.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve taught Sevis-san how to make it, and since rice is being cultivated here, I think you can ask Sevis-san to make it anytime.”

“That’s great. Sevis, can you make fried rice for dinner tonight?”

Weed said with a big smile, and Sevis replied with a graceful bow, “Understood. However, some of the ingredients are not available in this forest and were given to us by Lark-kun, so we will first go to Recommetys with Idel-sama and others to procure the ingredients.”

After a little relaxation, Idel, Sevis, and I teleported to the royal capital together.

After returning to the royal capital, I asked Sevis about what had been bothering me since earlier. “…I couldn’t ask over there, but why does Weed-san live so deep in the forest?”

Sevis didn’t answer immediately, but glanced at Idel.

“Right… Idel-sama, may I tell Lark-kun?”

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“Hmm, it should be fine, shouldn’t it?”

“Understood… Actually, Weed-sama and I are originally from the Holy Kingdom Lavlian on this continent.”

“The Holy Kingdom…”

That name again. Recently, I hear about the Holy Kingdom from various places.

I was a little surprised, but I listened to the rest of the story in silence.

“To tell the truth, Weed-sama is the first prince of the Holy Kingdom, but it was found out soon after he was born that he could not use holy attribute magic, and he was confined to a distant tower by royal decree. I have been taking care of Weed-sama as his attendant since then.”

“Such a past…”

“Yes. And when Weed-sama turned ten, an assassin believed to be from the Holy King was sent in. I took this as a good opportunity, and left the country with Weed-sama. That’s how we ended up living in the forest.”

I see… I thought Weed-san had a royal-like atmosphere, but I never thought he was the first prince of the Holy Kingdom…

“Ah, I dealt with the assassin at that time, and didn’t let him lay a finger on Weed-sama, so please don’t worry.”

As I was left speechless in surprise, Sevis added another remark for reasons I didn’t understand.

“…Sevis-san, ever since our first encounter, I had this feeling you were no ordinary person, because of the way you approached without making a sound. But, it seems you are indeed terrifyingly strong.”

“Terrifyingly strong is an exaggeration. At best, I was just an adventurer who was referred to as the ‘Grim Reaper’ by those around me. I wasn’t particularly feared.”

“Normally, wouldn’t one be feared by others to be called the ‘Grim Reaper’? By the way, what was your adventurer rank at the time?”

“I was A-rank.”

So, it’s the highest rank after all…

Afterwards, both Sevis and Idel said they were going shopping in the commercial district, so we parted ways there.

Several days had passed since I met Weed and Sevis. The academy, which was on winter break until recently, is about to go on spring break. Incidentally, the spring break is also one month long, just like the winter break. Isn’t that a bit too long for a holiday at this school?

When I asked my friends about this, they told me that the break is that long because many students at the Laktoria Academy are from other countries and need this time to return home.

That kinda makes sense when you think about it.

“Uhmm, what should I do for the four weeks of spring break… I can’t just spend all the time adventuring.”

After the closing ceremony ended and I returned to my classroom, muttering to myself in my seat, Lia, who was sitting in the seat next to me, started a conversation, “You do have a store to run, Lark-kun.”

“Well, yes. It would be a big problem if I were out adventuring and something happened at the store.”

After all, I am the owner of a popular store in the royal capital, so I have to always keep the store in mind.

“Perhaps I should take it easy this time…”

“I plan to stay mostly in the castle during this break, so come visit if you have time.”

“Sure, can I bring Asura and the others with me when I do?”

“They are your party members, right? Yes, that’s fine.”

After making plans to hang out with Lia during spring break, I also made arrangements to hang out with my friends.

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The third day of spring break.

Just like the winter break, the homework given by the teachers was finished quickly in the first two days with all my classmates gathering at my house. While I felt relieved, it was also boring as there was nothing to do. Even the store had fewer customers, maybe because many people returned home from the royal capital, and I was informed yesterday by Naraba that it would be alright even if I wasn’t there.

I was thinking of going to visit Lia, but Ars-san had suddenly decided to take the family on a trip…

So, with nothing to do, I was lazing around in the living room from early in the morning when I was called from behind.

“Hey, Lark, you’re slacking off.”

“Huh? Father, weren’t you going to work?”

“…There were few people, so I was sent back.”

So, Father is also free… It’s amazing how we are alike in this aspect.

“It’s hard to keep motivated when there’s nothing to do. Father, do you have anything interesting to do?”

“Well… How about a sword fight for the first time in a long time?”

“Hmm, yes. I might get rusty if I don’t move.”

“Hmm, you’re right. My body will become dull if I don’t move.”

After that, Father and I moved to the garden for about an hour of mock battle. As I was taking a shower and preparing lunch, Rin, who had gone out early in the morning to take on a town’s request, came home.

“Welcome back, Rin. How was the request?”

“Yeah, it was a shopping errand. But because there were few people and the shop was empty, I finished quickly. I thought about taking other requests, but I didn’t feel like it, so I came back.”

It seems Rin is not in the best of spirits either. Well, spring tends to make one feel laid-back.

“I see… Anyway, lunch will be ready soon, so wait in the living room.”

Saying so, I served the dishes on plates and carried them to the living room. As the three of us were eating leisurely, we heard someone knocking at the entrance. When Father went to handle the visitor, my name was immediately called. “Lark, they are asking for you.”

When I stood up from the chair and went to the entrance, there was Asura, who should be returning home to the Kingdom of Leblanc.

“Asura! Didn’t you say you were going back to the castle to spend time with your family at this time?”

“Yeah, I did… but I was kind of bored, so I thought I’d go to Lark-kun’s place and learn some magic.”

“Did you get permission from the king and the others?”

“Of course. When I said I was going to Lark-kun’s house, I was warned not to cause any trouble,” Asura said with a good smile.

Then, Father, who was standing behind me, called out to Asura. “We are having lunch right now, do you want to join us, Asura-kun?”

“Is that okay!?” He responded energetically.

Asura had eaten not only the food I cooked but also the food cooked by Rin before, so he changed his attitude when it came to the food in this house.

“You don’t mind, do you, Lark?”

When Father confirmed, I nodded in response. “Yep, I made a lot so we should be fine.”

With that, we returned to the living room and had lunch with Asura.

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