A few days later, Rio’s love situation progressed significantly with the involvement of Rene-sempai.

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First, Rene-sempai not only acted as Rio’s conversation partner but also actively provided opportunities for him to talk with other female students. In fact, she forcefully dragged him into groups of girls, leaving him there and then leaving herself. It was quite irresponsible behavior.

However, surprisingly, this method proved to be very effective. Rio gradually developed immunity towards girls and eventually reached the point where he could have a conversation with Aruna.

“Rene-sempai is amazing, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, she effortlessly achieved what we struggled with.”

While watching Rio chatting with girls in the school corridor, Wallis and I had a conversation.

By the way, I later heard from Wallis that even Ars was surprised, saying, “I never expected Rio to be able to talk to girls like this.”

“At this rate, we probably don’t need to have strategy meetings in the library during lunch breaks or after school. Now it’s up to my brother to do his best… Oh, by the way, Lark-kun, my father asked if you and Guldo-san could come to the castle. Can you come on the next day off?” “Ars-san? Yeah, I got it.”

I wonder what it’s about?

For now, I didn’t ask for details on the spot. I went home and conveyed what I heard from Wallis to Father as it was.

“Understood. I’ll also keep my schedule open… By the way, I wonder what it’s about?” Father said, seemingly clueless as well.

On the promised day, Father and I boarded a carriage and headed to the castle.

During the carriage ride, Father spoke up, “By the way, I heard a rumor that Rio can now talk to girls. Is that true?”

Oh… I wonder if everyone knows that Rio-kun couldn’t talk to girls…

Feeling a little sorry for Rio, I nodded in response to Father’s words. “Yes, I worked hard with Wallis-kun and our senpai at school, and somehow we managed to overcome it.”

“So Lark was involved too… However, I’m surprised that Rio can now have conversations with girls.”

“It seems that Ars-san was surprised by that too.”

“I suppose so. Rio has grown, huh…” My father murmured with deep emotion.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the castle and we got off in front of the gate, entering the premises. While greeting the soldiers we met within the premises, we headed into the castle.

“Excuse me, but where is Ars?”

My father asked a passing maid, who replied that he was in the study. We moved to the study, and my father knocked on the luxurious door and opened it with a creak.

Ars was sitting on the sofa. He gestured for us to sit on the opposite sofa as he said, “I thought you would come around this time. Sorry for calling you suddenly.”

“Yeah, so what’s the matter? If you called me, it must be something significant, right?”

“Well, it’s significant in a way, but it’s just a report, so there’s no need to be too formal,” Ars said so and placed a piece of paper on the table.

My father and I peered at the paper and read its contents. The paper was a report stating that my biological parents’ former residence had been completely demolished.

“Sorry for the belated report, but the other day, we finally finished demolishing the Marquis’s house that abandoned Lark-kun. By the way, Idel-kun helped too,” Ars casually said.

I was taken aback by the sudden news and couldn’t find the words to say. After a moment of silence, my father spoke quietly, “What do you mean by demolished?”

“We took away the Marquis’s title, expelled him from the country. When we investigated the matter of falsifying Lark-kun’s death certificate, various crimes came to light. There were plenty of evidence recorded in the documents I received from Idel-kun, so I thought, let’s crush them all! That’s what I thought,” he answered with a smile.

Come to think of it, when I first met Idel-san, he said he delivered the documents to Ars-san. So, they turned out to be useful.

“…I see. But is there no problem?” Father asked while slightly taken aback by Ars’s enthusiasm.

“Yeah, I informed the nearby nobles to look after the land that the Marquis used to govern for a while, so it should be fine.”

“I see. Well, if you say it’s fine, then it must be.” After Father let out a sigh, he continued speaking, “Well then, is that all for the discussion?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Although Lark-kun and the Marquis have no connection anymore, I thought I would report it just in case. Oh, and I have a message from Idel-kun. He said he will visit the house on Lark-kun’s birthday.”

“What? …Ah!”

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I completely forgot about it since I was busy handling Rio-kun’s matter. It’s our birthdays tomorrow! Oh no, I haven’t prepared a birthday present for Father yet…

After bidding farewell to Ars and returning home, I hurriedly went to the commercial district to buy a present.

Finally, it was my father’s and my birthday. Since it was a holiday, I was busy preparing for the evening party from the morning.

“Lark-kun, how’s the seasoning of this dish?”

“Uh, it’s perfect. It’s really delicious.”

Rin, who was preparing the food, asked me about the seasoning, and I tasted it and gave my feedback. Rin smiled with relief and returned to the kitchen.

Now, I have to prepare for the party too.

While decorating the living room, my father, who had gone shopping, came back and approached me. “Lark, I peeked into your shop earlier, and it was really crowded.”

“Huh, really? …Sorry, Father. I’m in the middle of preparations, but can I go help?”

“Yeah, leave it to me. Make sure to come back by evening.”

With my father’s permission, I left the house and hurried to the shop. When I arrived, there was indeed a long line of people. I entered through the back door and helped Naraba in the kitchen. After a few hours, the number of customers started to settle down.

“Wow, sorry, Lark-kun. I didn’t expect you to come on a day like this.”

During the lunch break, Naraba apologized to me with a guilty look, and I smiled in response, “No, it’s fine. It’s my own shop. The peak time is over, so it should be okay now.”

“That’s true… Oh, I forgot to mention. Happy birthday!”

“Thank you.”

Afterwards, Leticia and the others came to the kitchen and congratulated me as well. I thanked everyone and returned home. As I opened the front door, a delicious smell wafted in.

When I headed to the kitchen, I saw Rin and my father cooking side by side.

“Oh, Father, were you cooking too?”

As I said that, my father flinched and turned around, “H-Have you already come back?”

Huh? That’s a strange reaction… Ah.

“Could it be… you were cooking for me as a surprise…”


“I’m sorry. It’s okay. Um, it seems like the decorations are done too, so I’ll be in my room.”

Saying that, I quickly left the kitchen.

In my room, I summoned Noir and sat on the bed, hugging her tightly and stroking her head.


“Mmm, ah, sorry. I got a little too excited.”

I tightened my grip and Noir let out a meow that seemed to say, “What are you doing?” So I loosened my grip.

Having a family gathering like this to celebrate was something I hadn’t experienced even in my previous life. That’s why this moment is so enjoyable and happy.

Afterwards, I killed time in my room by reading a book, and gradually, the sky outside the window darkened.

“Lark-kun, we’re going in!”

I heard Rin’s voice, and the door opened.

“Sorry for the wait. The food is ready, so come downstairs. The guests have already arrived.”

“Understood, thank you.”

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I closed the book and put it in the ‘Convenient Box’, then left the room and went downstairs with Rin.

When I went to the living room, Idel, Fia, Lala, Mr. Luck, and Roeck, as well as my grandparents, were gathered there. By the way, Ars and the others initially said they would come, but it was decided that it would cause a commotion if all the royal family members came, so they couldn’t make it.

Father and I thanked the people who gathered and the standing-party-style party began.

First, I took a bite of the meat dish in front of me and put it on my plate. “Oh! This meat is delicious. Did Rin season it?”

When I asked that, Rin shook her head, saying, “No, that’s not it. Guldo-san made it.”

Huh? Father, were you this good at cooking?

Surprised, I looked at Father, who scratched his cheek and opened his mouth, “Well, I’ve been finding time and practicing properly.”

“Could it be… You’ve been cooking occasionally for this day?”

“… ”

Father didn’t answer anything, but his face turned bright red.

“Thank you, Father.”

I thanked him and enjoyed the meat dish.

After finishing Father’s dish, I touched the other dishes, and then Mr. Luck approached me. “Lark-kun, happy birthday. Thanks to you, my trading company has been growing bigger and bigger. I hope we can continue working together in the future.”

“Yes, likewise. Thank you.”

After Mr. Luck left, Idel, holding a plate of fried rice, came closer. “Lark, this dish you came up with is really delicious.”

“Thank you. We also sell it at my shop, so please come if you’d like.”

“When I have the time, I’ll make sure to go. If I can eat something this delicious,” Idel said so and headed towards the table with the dishes.

Next, my grandparents came over to me. “Lark-kun, congratulations.”

My grandmother handed me a small box along with her words of celebration. “It’s a modest present, but please accept it.”

“Thank you very much.”

When I opened the box, there was a framed picture with a silver dragon drawn on it. I’ll hang it in my room later.

After that, I exchanged presents with Father. I gave him a cooking book, and Father gave me a new kitchen knife. I was happy because I had been wanting one.

I received words of celebration from Fia, Lala, and Roeck, and it turned out to be a joyful birthday party.

The birthday party ended successfully, and a few days passed.

While stroking Noir in my room, I suddenly remembered Shafal. As always, it’s fine that he hasn’t woken up, but I wonder if Noir has ever seen Shafal inside me.

“Noir, have you ever seen a big dragon inside my body?”


I lifted Noir, who was sitting on my lap, and asked, but he tilted his head. Well, now that I think about it, Noir, being a summon beast, doesn’t stay in my body but returns to the spirit world, so it’s natural that he doesn’t know.

I lay down on the bed and put Noir on my stomach, mumbling to myself, “Well, let’s patiently wait for Shafal to wake up. Today, I’ll go alone to take a request for the first time in a while.”


Then, Noir meowed in protest.

“Oh, sorry, sorry. I meant to say that I’ll go with Noir.”

Equipping my armor, I carried Noir and left the house. I arrived at the guild, greeted the adventurers I hadn’t seen in a while, and approached the bulletin board.

“Hmm, is there anything good…?”

While searching for a suitable request, someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around, there was a boy about the same age as me. It was distinctive that he had long red hair tied up at the back.

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“Are you also an adventurer?” the boy asked, and I nodded in response, “Yeah, that’s right. Why?”

“I haven’t seen many adventurers around the same age. I thought it was rare, so I decided to talk to you.”

“I see, there aren’t many kids indeed. I’m thirteen years old, how about you?”

“I’m also thirteen. We’re the same age. My name is Asura.” The boy named Asura smiled and reached out for a handshake.

I shook his hand and introduced myself, “I’m Lark, nice to meet you. Asura, what adventurer rank are you?”

“I just became an adventurer the other day, so I’m E-rank. How about you, Lark-kun?”

“I recently ranked up to D-rank. Our ranks are close, so if you’re interested, shall we take a request together?”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.”

With that said, we accepted a request to subjugate wolves together and left the guild. By the way, on the way of informing Father about accepting the request, Asura was amazed and said, “It’s Hero Guldo-san…” I thought about telling him that he’s my Father, but decided not to for some reason.

We headed to the location where wolf sightings were reported outside the town, and there were several wolves sleeping there.


Asura aimed multiple fireballs at the sleeping pack of wolves. Despite saying, he was E-rank, the fireballs he fired were much larger than expected. Most of them were engulfed in flames and defeated, but one of them got up unsteadily and attacked.

“Here we go!”

I activated magic with “Chantless Incantation” and defeated it, and Asura looked at me in surprise.

“Lark, do you have the ‘Chantless Incantation’ skill?”

“Yeah, once you get used to it, it’s easier to use. The hard part is getting used to it.”

“I know. I’m also trying my best to study on my own so I can use magic with ‘Chantless Incantation,’ but it’s not going well…”

“On your own? That’s amazing. I learned how to do it from my master, so… If it’s alright with me, shall I teach you what I learned from my master?”

Being able to use magic without being taught by anyone means that Asura undoubtedly has talent. So I thought that if I taught him the method I learned from Ars-san, he would be able to do it.

Then, Asura leaned forward excitedly and said, “You’re going to teach me!?”

“Y-Yeah, I’ll teach you, so let’s calm down for now.”

“Ah! S-Sorry. I’ve never had the opportunity to learn from someone before, so I… got carried away,” with a dejected expression, Asura spoke and pulled his face back.

“You’ve raised your magic skills to such a level through self-study. You must have put in considerable effort…”

“It was desperate… given the circumstances.”

When I said that, Asura looked into the distance and answered in that way.

It seems I shouldn’t touch on the subject of the past too much…

Thinking that, I decided to change the topic: “For now, let’s gather materials for the subjugation proof and return to the guild.”

Asura nodded, so we dismantled the wolf and took it back to the guild. Afterward, we converted the wolf’s materials into money and went outside the town again for magical training.

I interpreted what I had learned from Ars in my own way and conveyed it to Asura. After that, we began practicing “Chantless Incantation,” and in about three hours, Asura succeeded in producing a small fireball without chanting.

“I did it!”

“Amazing, Asura-san. You must have quite a talent for magic to achieve ‘Chantless Incantation’ in such a short time.”

“It’s because Lark-kun’s way of teaching was good… Thank you. For teaching someone you just met today.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Besides, aren’t we already friends? …Well, it might just be what I think.”

Feeling a bit uncertain, I added a timid comment at the end, and Asura shook his head with a smile. “I also consider you a friend.”

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A few days had passed since I met Asura, and winter break had begun. Winter break at Laktoria Academy lasted four weeks, which was considerably longer compared to my previous life. However, it wasn’t all good news since there were plenty of assignments…

On the second day of the break, classmates including Roeck gathered at my house to do homework together. We proposed the idea because we thought it would be easier to concentrate if we worked together and could help each other when we encountered difficulties.

“Well then, let’s take a break soon.”

After about two hours of working on our assignments, I called out, and everyone stopped and said, “Okay.” They took a break, stretching or relaxing on the sofa, each resting in their own way.

I went to the kitchen and took out some rusks that I had prepared and stored in the “Useful Box.” After transferring them to plates and bringing them to the living room, my classmates reached out for the rusks all at once, and they disappeared within a few minutes.

“By the way, does anyone have any plans to go somewhere?”

During snack time, I asked a question, and Melia responded, “Well, I’m thinking of going back to my country once. I didn’t go back during summer break, and my parents asked me in a letter to ‘come and see them once.'”

“I see. Melia, you’re originally from the Holy Kingdom, right? It’s quite a distant country.”

“Yeah… but the so-called Holy Kingdom is now just in name. It’s completely overwhelmed by people consumed by their own self-interest. Unfortunately, my Luvell family is also part of that, and it’s lamentable.”

Upon hearing that, Lia spoke to Melia, “I heard there are dark rumors about the Holy Kingdom. Is it true?”

“Yes, the corruption in the country started more than ten years ago… They even refused to provide treatment to Guldo-sama, who was once a hero. It’s truly pathetic.”

Melia’s tone was quite sharp. Apparently, she was talking about the time when my father was badly injured while repelling a dragon that attacked the capital. I was a bit curious, so I decided to ask more directly, “Melia, do you dislike your own country?”

“Dislike… yes, that’s right. There’s nothing good about that country anymore. After graduating from the academy, I’m thinking of either staying here or moving to the Kingdom of Luvell. It’s better for everyone to stay away from the Holy Kingdom.”

Melia, who is usually calm, said angrily.

If Melia says so, maybe I should also avoid getting involved. Well, the Holy Kingdom is a quite distant country, and I don’t have any business there for now, so I probably won’t go there unless something significant happens.

Next, I asked Leon, “Leon, are you planning to return to your village this time as well?”

“Y-Yeah. My little brothers are waiting for me, and they’ll cry if I don’t go back.”

“Leon’s hometown is a village of beastmen, right?”

Kagura asked, and Leon nodded with a smile, “Yeah, but recently there are other races living there too. The other day, a person from the dragon race moved in.”

“Oh, I see. So, there are dragon people in Leon’s village.”

Suddenly, Doran, who is a dragon person, became interested and joined the conversation.

“There aren’t many of them, though. By the way, Doran, where is your hometown located?”

“I’m from the Kingdom of Luvell… You might not know even if I tell you, but it’s a dragon village located in the Shafalbach Territory.”

“Shafalbach… That’s the name of my grandparents’ house. I never thought I would hear that name in a place like this.”

“Really? Does that mean Lark is from the Shafalbach family?”

“Yeah, my mother was from the Shafalbach family. I only found out recently.”

Upon hearing that, Roeck, who had been listening to the conversation, spoke up, “I met them at Lark’s birthday party the other day. When we introduced ourselves, my father was surprised.”

Well, I hadn’t told Mr. Luck about it.

Ending the conversation there, we regained our focus and resumed studying.

Before it got dark, I announced the end of the study session and sent everyone home. After cleaning up the living room, I returned to my room. I thought I should say my prayers first, so I started praying. Then I heard Samady-san’s voice.

“Lark-kun, could you give me some rusks, please…?”

Well, it’s fine, but why are you being so humble? I told you the other day that you don’t have to use honorifics.

Although I thought that, I didn’t say it out loud. I took out a few rusks and placed them in front of the statue. They disappeared in an instant.

A few minutes later, while I was reading a book in my room, I heard Samady-san’s sobbing-like voice. I found it suspicious, so I prayed again and was asked, “Sniff… Lark-kun. Magilt took the rusks, so can I have some more?” Feeling that the gods should share them amicably, I put down more rusks than before and left the room.

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