Once an ordinary high school student, I, Shinomiya Raku, one day, was suddenly struck by a truck, lost my life, and reincarnated in another world as a silver-haired boy named Lark.

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According to Samadyla-san, the head of the divine realm, my death was apparently caused by the mischief of one of the gods. As an apology, she granted me three handy initial skills, and thus, I achieved the reincarnation I had dreamed of.

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Since reincarnating, I’ve been honing my skills as an adventurer with my adoptive father, Guldo, and attending school to study with my friends. Recently, I’ve learned about my unexpected origins and even opened a grilled rice ball shop, using my knowledge from Earth. In short, I’m having fun in various ways.

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Also, I happened to make a contract with Shafal, the legendary silver dragon. The condition was that I would keep providing my magic power until Shafal grew up… But just the other day, an ogre attack incident in a village called Nihori triggered Shafal to grow rapidly. Well, thanks to that, I was able to defeat the ogre, so I’m grateful to Shafal.

By the way, I was also able to make new friends in Nihori. Her name is Rin. She’s a girl, one year older than me.

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Rin lost her parents a few years ago and lost her house when she was attacked by an ogre. She had a hard time living in the village to begin with, so she decided to come to the royal capital, Rekommetys, with me at the recommendation of the village chief. I intend to look after Rin as her senior in the royal capital for a while.

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I’m glad I can spend time with Rin again, but I’m worried about how to explain it to my adoptive father.

After all, it’s not everyday your son brings a girl home from his journey…

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