Chapter 17 – [side Hero Party, Oliver] Loaded

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 A short time after Luna left the living room, several reporters finally arrive at the mansion.

 I lead them to the living room.

 The reporters have a strange reaction, but there are a lot of people after all, so there should be no problem with this room, right?

“No, no, for Oliver yourself to kindly receive our requests for an interview, it’s a great honour.”

“What, accepting interviews is also part of our responsibility. Besides, it’s also because today, I have something I want to talk about.”

“Something you want to talk about, you say? That’s indeed something to be very curious about!”

“Hmm, there’s no use trying to hide, so I’ll tell you straight away. We have replaced one of our party members.”

 From then, without concealing anything, I tell the reporters everything. 

 The fact that Orn is an incompetent Enchanter.

 That as his replacement, we have welcomed Philly, previously active in the Western Great Labyrinth. 

 That even with one hand tied behind our backs, we were able to reach the 94th Floor. 

 And that with this now flawless party, we will be able to reach the 95th Floor, no, to achieve clearing the Southern Great Labyrinth in the not too distant future. 

 All of that.

“Why, to think you would let us hear this much, tomorrow’s headlines can already be decided!”

“Ah, make it big.”

 The bigger the scale of the report, the more money we can receive from the aristocrats too.

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 After hearing this news, no aristocrats would not want to invest in me. 

 With this, we can buy all the magic tools that we haven’t been able to because Orn kept saying it would be a waste of money.


 Usually, we each have dinner on our own, but today we decided to have a party dinner as a welcome party for Philly. 

 We hired a famous chef from this city to our mansion to make dinner. 

 At that time, he had praised “even though it looks like it’s been used everyday, I can tell it’s been thoroughly maintained!” 

 Despite there being no one here who uses this kitchen, why did this chef say such nonsense?

 I don’t expect Luna to be the type to neglect the welcome party. 

 She just doesn’t seem to be feeling better yet, she might regain her condition tomorrow. 

“Well then! Once again! Philly, welcome to the Hero Party! Let’s work together from now on! Cheers!”


“Thank you very much. To even prepare such an expensive meal for me.”

“What. It’s no problem. The naggy treasurer is already gone! Did you know? The guy managed the ‘accounts’, that what you call it? I saw a piece of paper that recorded our money! There was so much money I thought my eyes were going to pop out!”

“That was really surprising! Even though we had that much money, why was that guy so stingy! With that much money, we’re only losing out if we don’t use it!”

 Hmm? Accounts?

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 Certainly, the task of managing the money was left to Orn, but did we have that much? 

 Speaking of which, I don’t even know how much we have saved. 

“No, that’s money that guy uses for playing around! Letting that guy manage the money was a mistake! Expelling him was right! Our money was being used in places we didn’t know about!” 

“Err, is that the party’s activity fund?”

 Philly raises a question about Derrick’s remarks.

“Hmm? Activity funds? But we use our own money to pay for the things we need?” 

“No, not that, things other than labyrinth exploration also require money, right? For example, like the rent for this mansion.”

“Ah. Rent huh. I see. Like you say, that’s a thing that costs money. But with that much, wouldn’t it be better to quickly buy this place? What you think, Oliver? We’re not buying this mansion? Anyway we’re going to be using this as a party base for a while. When we leave, we can just sell it!” 

“Derrick, that’s genius! Let’s do it! Then there’ll be no problem in using the remaining money as we like!”

“Regarding that, let me consider it for a little while. Tomorrow will be a free day, and the day after that, I think we will dive into the 92nd Floor.”

 There’s a part of me that wants to say we will challenge the 94th Floor, but naturally, I won’t do such a reckless thing. 

 If there is no problem after testing our cooperation in the 92nd Floor, I plan to embark on our long-awaited challenge of the 94th Floor. 

“Hah? You’re saying something very lukewarm. It can’t be anything but the 94th Floor right!”

“Yeah! Now that Philly has joined, then it should be simple for us to reach even the 95th Floor!” 

“I understand how you two feel. But this will be Philly’s first time in the Southern Great Labyrinth. Up to now, she has never dived in the deep layers. If so, we should practice our coordination not on a floor that we haven’t seen before, but on one where we can cover for her.” 

“Right, Philly’s first time diving into deep layers.”

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“That’s true. Then just as Oliver first suggested, let’s explore the 92nd Floor.”

“Everyone, because of me, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’re comrades. We’re going to the 92nd Floor because we have great expectations for Philly’s participation.”

“I object.”

 Just as the conversation is about to be nicely wrapped up, opposition appears. 

 With the same furrowed brows from earlier, the one who hadn’t been here but still interjected is Luna. 

“You, again! Stop messing up our party vibes!”

“Derrick, calm down. Luna, why are you opposing?”

“It’s simple. I don’t have the desire to commit suicide.”


 It’s like she’s saying we’ll die if we go to the 92nd Floor like this.

“Luna, we can’t die by going to the 92nd Floor.”

“… Why are you so confident in saying so?”

“We reached the 94th Floor while we had Orn. Now we have Philly, an Enchanter several times superior to Orn. If it’s with these members, our overall abilities will be raised by several levels.” 

“But I don’t know anything about Philly’s capabilities?”

 Now that she’s said that, that is true. 

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 I informed Luna about Philly joining only today. 

 If I tell you about Philly’s achievements, your thinking might change. 

“She is an explorer who was active in the Great Labyrinth of the West. Furthermore, she has reached the 100th Floor of the Western Great Labyrinth.”

“Until the West’s 100th Floor… Certainly an excellent Enchanter, it can be said. If the 100th Floor, then did you belong to that ‘Hero’s’ party?’

 ”Hero” is also the alias of the explorer who cleared the Western Great Labyrinth. 

 I don’t know why he is called a Hero.

“No, no. That’s a different party.”

“I see. I can understand that she is an excellent Enchanter. –Still, I am against going to the 92nd Floor.”

 This person, how long is she going to cling onto her illusionary fantasy of Orn!?

 I want you to see the reality. 

“Luna, this is a settled matter. I won’t allow refusal.”

“Haaa… Understood……….. Looks like everything will soon be over.”

 It was likely that no one other than me, who is nearby, was able to hear that. 

 That’s right, it’ll soon be over.

 In the exploration happening the day after tomorrow, you will grasp just how lacking Orn’s abilities are. 

 Then Luna will wake up.

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