Chapter 22 – Parallel Construction

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“Parallel construction?”

 Lectures to Sophia continue. Currently, I am teaching something that won’t be an exaggeration if described as indispensable for A Rank Magicians – “parallel construction”.

“Yes. Just as the name suggests, a technique for constructing two or more formulae at the same time.”  

“Two or more at the same time… Can that be done? It sounds very difficult…”

 Certainly, parallel construction is difficult. Enough to be called one of the breaking points for Magicians.

 In the first place, the construction of a formula involves performing a huge amount of calculations in the head. To simultaneously perform multiple calculations requires some getting used to. 

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“Once you can get used to it, you’ll be able to do around two. Some people can construct dozens of formulae at the same time.”

“Dozens… I can’t do that… But why is parallel construction a necessary technique? I mean, I feel there won’t be any problems if you can just use special-grade magic.”

 Attack magic is divided into four grades: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and special.

 The higher the grade, the greater the power and the wider the range, but of course, the difficulty of constructing the formula also increases, so it adds more time to formula construction.

“Starting from the demonic beasts in the lower layers, it will be challenging for even special-grade magic to kill them one shot. You know that the time between a Magician activating one magic to their next magic is called the ‘interval’, right? Most Magicians become powerless during this interval. Because of that, parallel construction becomes useful. Its fundamental use is when one formula is half-completed, to begin constructing another formula. With this, and over-simplifying the calculation, the interval time will be halved.”

“I, I see. It’s definitely sounds good that the time you can’t do anything becomes shorter. Also, lower layer demonic beasts are so strong that even special-grade magic can’t defeat them…”

“It’s not simply the case that it would be ideal to just cast powerful magic repeatedly. Even A Rank Magicians often use intermediate magic. Although naturally, most of them no longer use beginner magic. The important point is in how you use it. Certainly, special-grade magic has high power, but its range is also large. Consequently, there’s a chance that your party members in the Vanguard might be wrapped up in the attack. Opening with special-grade magic, following up with intermediate or advanced magic, this sequence has come to be considered as the standard approach for A Rank Magicians.”

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“I’ve learnt a lot! I thought that I should try to learn special-grade magic as soon as possible. But only learning special-grade magic is no good for a Magician, I realise now. I will try my best and work hard to be able to perform parallel construction!”

“Yeah, do your best. Sophia, you already have the ability to fight in the middle layers. That’s why from now on, take this chance to practice parallel construction so you can fight in the lower layers. Fortunately, you have a lot of seniors in ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’. You can get your seniors to teach you. Particularly Selma, I think if it’s her, she will be very happy to teach you.”

 From how Selma doted on Sophia at that restaurant, this can’t be wrong. 

“Understood! B, but, the one I want to be taught by, is not my sister, Orn will be better, just kidding…”

 Sophia’s face turns red as her face turns down and she whispers in a small voice.

 It was so soft that I barely missed it. 

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“Y, yes, is it, not okay…?”

 Sophia’s looked at me with upturned, moist eyes.

 To be honest, it’s very cute.

 She, she’s not doing this on purpose, no way right?

 Nevertheless, you want me to teach you, huh? I can do that but, I do wonder if it’s okay for me to teach, seeing that I’m an outsider.

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 ”Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” probably has their own training plans, so should I check with Selma?

 ……Wait, somehow, I have a feeling that it will become very troublesome.

 Though I say that, I do want to respect the will of this child who mustered her courage to make this request of me…

 It can’t be helped, although it’ll probably develop into something annoying, if Selma is willing to provide permission, I will gladly teach Sophia. 

“If Selma says it’s alright, then I’m fine with it. As an outsider, I don’t think I can be allowed to instruct others without permission.”

“Really!? Sister is soft on me so it’s okay! Thank you very much!”

 Selma, it sounds like this is how your little sister thinks of you…

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