Chapter 28 – Orn Vs. Black Dragon ④ Conclusion

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 Since then, the Black Dragon and I have been fighting back and forth. 

 I’ve either evaded or parried all the attacks of the Black Dragon, so I have almost no external wounds. 

 However, I’ve already recast my buffs ten times.

 My headache has reached a peak, and my nose has bled many times. 

 I know this is a sign warning me that my body is being pushed to its limits, but every time my nose bleeds, I just roughly wipe with my left hand and ignore it. 

 The Black Dragon I’m facing has holes on its back and belly. 

 Furthermore, its right eye is crushed, parts of the scales over its body are shattered, leaking blood. 

 And the number of haze tendrils has decreased from ten to two. 

 It won’t be going too far to say that both of us were hurt all over. 

 The Black Dragon’s altitude has dropped considerably, and now it’s just a few metres above the sky.

 And at long last, the Black Dragon can no longer continue to fly, landing on the ground.

 Seeing that, I also land.

“Hah… hah… finally, he fell.”

 To be honest, it was dangerous.

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 If it had been able to stick in the air for any more than this, I didn’t see myself winning.

 Judging from intuition, I can use magic for at most a few more times.

 I can already no longer recast the buff that requires me to simultaneously activate thirty magics.

 If I do that, I’ll definitely collapse on the spot. 

 I take my right hand off the hilt of my sword.

 The sword naturally falls to the ground, ringing out with a high pitched sound. 

 Without worrying about that, I stick my right hand forward.

 The place where I’m standing now is — the first time I used [Reflective Barrier] to repel a flame bullet, and when I had set magic in the ground. 

 A huge magic formation with radius about ten metres appears in response to my movement. 

“…[Magic Sword Destruction].”

 As I mutter, the core of the magic formation rises, and a dusky mass appears.

 When I touch it with my right hand, pressure that can be mistaken for a blast of wind is released from the centre of this dim mass, shuddering the space. 

 Following that, the dusky mass changes shape, and becomes a huge, terrifying, pitch black sword, about the same height as me.

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 [Magic Sword Destruction] is originally a support magic known as [Clay Weapon], which solidifies the surrounding ground and makes it into an instant weapon. 

 And when that magic is used together with [Magic Convergence], it becomes this [Magic Sword Destruction].

 The sword created from [Magic Sword Destruction] is in a state where mana has been converged to a limit. 

 Even without activating [Impact] its destructive power can exceed special-grade magic. 

 It’s a “Magic Sword” because it’s made from converging mana. 

 While dragging the magic sword, I slowly approach the black dragon.

 Perhaps fearful of the pressure emanating from the magic sword, the Black Dragon attacks with two haze tendrils. 

“…[Reflective Barrier].”

 [Reflective Barrier] activates on the ground and I step on it with all my strength. 

 It’s a wall that could easily bounce even the Black Dragon’’s attacks.

 So of course, it doesn’t break when I step on it, and I’m bounced straight up.

 ”[Reflective Barrier],…… [Reflective Barrier]!”

 Again I activate [Reflective Barrier] in the air, at an angle this time.

 I touch the wall while spinning, and I’m bounced again — to the head of the Black Dragon.

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 And above the Black Dragon is a [Reflective Barrier] set parallel to the ground. 

 When I touch that, I plummet directly downwards. 

 Having just attacked with all of its haze tendrils, the Black Dragon has no way of meeting me while I dive at it from overhead.

“[Weight Up]! “

 Make the magic sword, which is already quite heavy, even heavier.

 Taking full advantage of my physical abilities that were violently increased by the buff, while rotating, I swing the magic sword down with all I have.

 A re-enactment of my first attack — except for the sword I currently hold. 

 Of course, if I’m re-enacting my first attack, there would need to be–

“[Impact] Ooooooohhh!!!”

 Just before the blade strikes, I activate the magic that had continued to support the Hero Party, my forte, [Impact].

 The magic sword slices through the neck of the Black Dragon without it even being able to put up the thought of any resistance, and then slams into the ground.

 ――But still, its momentum does not stop.

 After severing the neck, and digging into the ground, it finally stops. 


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 The Black Dragon, who has been decapitated, is dead. 

 I’m in a state where I can only somehow stand by leaning on the magic sword that’s stuck into the ground.

“Haa… haa​​… haaa​​…”

(I managed to win……. My head hurts. I want to sleep right now……………… By the way, is everyone else safe?)

 In the second half of the battle, I had completely forgotten about their presence.

 When I turn my gaze toward the members of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”, the atmosphere freezes over.

 Some are relieved that the threat has passed, some have yet to accept reality, but what they had in common was — the fear of me.

 An enemy that even Selma, who boasts the top ability of the clan they belong to, feared, was single-handedly defeated. 

 It’s natural to be scared.

(I’d prepared myself to be exposed to such looks hah still… Just like before, they’re frightened. ――What? “Just like before”, isn’t it the first time I’ve received these kinds of looks? Why did I just have the feeling that I’d already experienced this…?)

 Right now, I have a strange sense of uneasiness that I shouldn’t ignore.

 However, I didn’t feel like thinking any more because I’m covered in pain.

(Well, if everyone is safe, then that’s okay. I don’t want to think about anything now. Though… what to do about the aftermath….. I have absolutely no strength left to spare…)

 While I was thinking about that, all the explorers, including me, and the corpse of the Black Dragon are wrapped in a pale light.

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