Chapter 44 – Deep Layer Materials

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“O, Orn. That, those materials, are?” 

 Rare for Selma, she’s asking in a stutter.

“Materials from the deep layers?”

“I can tell that just from looking! Why do you have this amount of deep layer materials on hand!?” 

“Because I got them when I was in the Hero Party and didn’t get to use them…”

“Amazing… Do the other Hero Party members also have this many?”

“Hmm, I think probably not. Except for Luna, because those guys are the type to splurge. They got meaningless magic tools made, sold their materials to go and have fun, they’re quite wild in how they spend money.” 

 Yes, Oliver used to manage the party activity fund, but he bought a lot of things that ended up being unused, and there was a time when the fund was on the verge of being empty. 

 I couldn’t just watch without doing anything, so I decided to manage the money. 

 After that, the savings had gradually accumulated, but now that I’m gone, I feel like the Hero Party’s financial situation is in serious trouble…

 Though Luna might follow up on the issue.

“Alan, with this much, can a sword be made?” 

“Ah, yeah. If this is all, it should be alright. Fact is, with this much, you should’ve gotten it done already.” 

“Ahaha……. I thought that even if I got one made, there wouldn’t be a chance to use it, so it would be a waste…”

“Wow, wow!

This is a Griffon claw, and here’s a Manticore fang! There’s also materials I haven’t seen before! Hey, hey! Is this a material from a demonic beast on the 93rd floor?” 

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 Lucre asks me, holding up a shiny white material.

“Yeah, it’s the horn of a Unicorn that appears on the 93rd floor.” 

“Oh, amzing! Cool! ——Ah, this is…….”

 Lucre, in high spirits, sees something and her excitement plummets. 

 –That being the Black Dragon scales I obtained yesterday. 

 The Black Dragon probably symbolises trauma for this party. 

 When she saw the Black Dragon that appeared on the 50th floor, Selma’s agitation was abnormal. 

 The atmosphere turns heavy in an instant.

 Was it a mistake to take out the Black Dragon materials……

 But it’s a Floor Boss, and the quality is a level above the materials of the other demonic beasts that appear on the 93rd floor. 

 If you’re going to make a sword from the materials here, you should mainly be using the Black Dragon’s scales.

“…………This, the Black Dragon’s scales, I think you can get a great sword made, can’t you? What do you think, Alan?”

 Lain makes an effort to speak in a cheerful tone.

 It’s in this kind of situation that makes you realise she’s the oldest in the party. 

“Ah! I can make the best sword!”

“Though, for this large amount, you managed to store everything in your storage magic tool. It looks like you’re also storing all kinds of materials from the lower and middle layers, consumables and equipment, right? Isn’t that more than one storage tool can hold?”

 Selma asks.

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“It’s true that a standard storage tool can’t hold this much, yeah. But this one is specially made.” 

 I explain while tapping the bracelet on my left wrist.

“When I was in the Hero Party, I was the one who temporarily kept all the magic stones and materials obtained from labyrinth exploration. But for that, standard storage tools didn’t have enough capacity. I didn’t like holding more than one, so I got a certain magic tool engineer to make me one that could hold as much as several different individual tools.” 

“….Can you introduce us to that magic tool engineer?”

 Well, that’s how it’d turn out.

“Sorry. The conditions for having this made are that the magic tool engineer’s identity must be kept secret and the formula of this magic tool must not be shown to others. So I can’t introduce you. Also, even revealing that it has such large storage is on the borderline, so if you can, please don’t tell anyone else.” 

“I see. That’s unfortunate but it can’t be helped. We’ll promise not to tell other people about this storage magic tool. Does everyone understand?”

 Everyone nods in response to Selma’s question.

“We’re getting off track, but I can use the Black Dragon’s scales as the main ingredient to make a sword, right?” 

 Alan brings the conversation back.

“Yes. Please do.”

“Then, let me hear what you want.”

“I guess we’ll have the welcome party another time.” 

Will mutters ruefully.

“Sorry, Will.”

“Don’t apologise. We can always go out to eat anytime.”

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“That’s true. Well then, if we stay any longer we’ll just be a bother, so let’s head back.” 

 Lain says, and the other members leave.

 Then the discussion with Alan starts.


“Oi oi, you serious?”

 After I tell him about my ideal sword, Alan lets out his shock.

“I’m seriously serious. It’s going to be custom-made, so please be thorough!” 

“Well, if you say it ain’t a problem, it’s fine. Cause it might take a bit before it’s complete, yeah? And you’ll have to do the formula yourself. That ain’t my expertise.”

“Yes, no problem.”

“Got it. Getting late today, so I’ll start the crafting tomorrow. Afraid it should take about a month.” 

“…….That’s fast. I’m aware that I’m making quite an unreasonable demand, so I thought it might take longer.” 

“True that it’s an absurd request, but if it’s just about making the sword, then I’ve got no issue. It’s more about the formula. You can handle that?” 

“Probably, it’s doable.”

“That ain’t a very confident reply. Well, as a Blacksmith, it’s impossible for me, so I’ve got doubts.”   

“I can vaguely envision it, so all that’s left is to make it into a formula. Though that’s the hard part…….”

 I’ll have to consult my magic master — Grandpa. 

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“Hear that developing magic’s pretty tough, of course. Seems like those lot in the Magic Development section have got to work hard too… For now, the sword itself, I’ll make the best thing, so look forward to it.” 

“I understand. Please. –Ah, is it okay for me to have this sword? I was surprised at how well it fits my hand. I’d like to use it until you’re finished. Of course, I’ll pay for it.” 

 When we were deciding the sword’s centre of gravity and other features with Alan’s handcrafted sword, I also verified that it would be good for labyrinth exploration.

“Yeah, no problem. And there ain’t no need to pay. Since you’ve provided so many materials.” 

“Eh, why is that? I’m having a sword made, so I thought it’d be my duty to prepare the materials.”

“Ah, you’re new here so it’s natural you don’t know. Our explorers don’t individually own magic cores or materials. Everything’s bought by the Exploration Management Department. Then that money goes to the party’s funds, and within what’s allowed by that fund, they commission equipment and magical tools from craftsmen.”

“……In other words, the explorers aren’t the ones providing the materials?” 

“That’s right. Materials are shipped from the Exploration Management Department, and we make what we’re requested of.”

 I see. This might be an interesting system.

 To sum up, if a party that can only descend to the middle layers can raise funds, they can get equipment using materials from the lower layers that they can’t obtain on their own. 

 Furthermore, by consolidating materials and magic cores in one place, it becomes easier to manage inventory.

 Additionally, there will be no more disputes between parties when distributing the loot.

 It’s no exaggeration to say that the distribution of drops is the biggest cause of discord within parties.

“That’s how it is, huh. Well, I’ll use it gratefully.”

 The meeting went on for several hours, and finally ended late into the night.

 I’d conveyed everything I desired and I hope a good sword can be made. 

 After returning to my room, just like that, I immediately fall asleep.

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