Chapter 52 – Reunion ① Preaching

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 Entering the room I’m directed to by Estella, it looks like a smaller version of the operations room where we had gathered yesterday, 

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 As I’d anticipated, there are the three members of the 10th Squad sitting on chairs. 

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 They sound like they’d been chatting with each other right up until I entered the room, but the moment I come in, they stop talking and look at me with nervous faces. 

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 Logan used to have a condescending attitude towards me, but perhaps because he saw me defeat the Black Dragon with his own eyes, he doesn’t feel the same way as he did the other day.

 Rather, I sense that he is in awe.

“……….It’s been four days, yeah. How have you all been? As I’m sure you’ve heard, I’ll be instructing you guys from today. Once again, let’s work well together.”

 I try my best to speak to them in a cheerful voice.

 After I finish greeting them, the three of them got up from their seats.

“I sincerely apologise for being rude to you the other day!”

“”I sincerely apologise!””

 Logan apologises for his attitude a few days ago and then bows, Sophia and Caroline follows suit. 

 No, Sophia, you don’t have to do it.

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 She’s a really earnest girl.

“I am aware that you would surely be reluctant to have to accompany people like us, but somehow, could we receive your guidance? Please!”

 Logan begs me to instruct them. 

 This is somewhat anti-climactic…….

 Regardless of whether he was arrogant or frightened, I thought we would be beginning from a negative start. 

 Well, it’s easier this way so it’s all good. 

 ……Then, how should I reply?

“I’m not particularly bothered. The difference in abilities between you and me is like the difference between an adult and a child, so I just considered you as a barking puppy.”

 I purposely say something mean.

“Ugh…… that is true. That’s indeed the kind of difference between our strength……”

 Maybe my words have made a cut in Logan’s heart, but he has a grim face.

“…….During the guided exploration, our relationship was, in the end, just temporary. That’s why, although I did pay attention, I somewhat let you do as you liked. –But, from here on it’ll be different. As members of the same Clan, and as someone in the position of teaching you things, I’ll treat you with all seriousness. I may say harsh things. I may act coldly. Even so, I’ll always be on your side. So I want you guys to come at me with all you’ve got.”

 This is an oath.

 By putting it into words, I feel even more determined.

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 For me, Grandpa is my mentor. 

 Like Grandpa, I will watch over them warmly, sometimes strictly, and give them advice when they are in trouble.

 And no matter what, to always be on their side. 

 That’s the kind of ideal mentor I think I want to be.

 After confirming all three of them have nodded, I continue.

“From now on, I’ll be teaching you all the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired so far. But before I do, there is one thing I want you to keep in mind…… No, two things. Firstly, always think. There are many various ways to solve problems. Don’t get stuck in one way of doing things. Random conversations, random events, contrary to what you might think, can also lead to unexpected solutions. And second, don’t just assume that what I say is right.”

 All three of them understand the first part, but the second part doesn’t seem to make sense to them, they look puzzled. 

“I’m by no means all-knowing. So don’t think the things I say are always going to be right. Even I have failed and made many mistakes. Don’t just swallow what I say, chew through and use what you know to try it out. Whenever you have any doubts, you can ask me anything and I won’t mind. Understood?”


 Pleasant replies sound out from the three.


“Now then, the first thing I’ll be doing is– preaching.”


 Logan twitches at the word “preaching”

“I know this might be annoying, but still listen. You three are overflowing with talent. In the future, there’s a chance you might be explorers that represent this Clan. But the way you behaved previously was not right. Not only to your fellow members, but if you adopt that attitude towards outsiders, the dignity of ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ itself will be questioned. Each and every one of you should be conscious that you’re carrying the weight of the Clan on your shoulders.”

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 That attitude was way too rude.

 If you continued to act that way, you’d definitely end up isolated.

 Given that you can avoid this, there’s no need to purposely cut yourself off from other people. 

“For you guys, even if you can make it to being an S Rank party, if you keep behaving like that, there’ll be no one left willing to help you. Besides, I think that those who look down on others have a narrow view of the world. People who respect others and are willing to accept the opinions of others that are different from your own will naturally attract people to you and lead you to the path of success, don’t you think so?”

 Who would want to follow someone who arrogantly views people with contempt?

 People cannot live on their own. In order to be able to cooperate, I think it’s important to approach others with a willingness to compromise. 

“‘Don’t forget we were all beginners once’, why did you guys become explorers? Was it to show off your power and indulge in self-satisfaction? If you say ‘that’s right’, I’ll be troubled, but you didn’t, right? I want you to think over your attitude and actions up to now and whether they’re appropriate to achieving the goals you’ve set.”

 I’d said everything I wanted to in one go.

 Unlike the other day, my words do look like they’re resonating.

 The three of them looked down with sullen expressions.

 I soften my face and try to speak kindly,

“I’m relieved to see that my words look like they’re echoing with you this time. If that’s so, there’s still time. If you can change your behaviour from now on, I think how others perceive you will improve. After all, starting from a negative, the only way left is to go up, right?”

“Ahaha…….Yeah, that’s, true.”

 Logan acknowledges with a wry smile.

“That is true, well, seeing as we have the chance, if you don’t mind, can I ask all of you for the reason why you became an explorer? I’d like to hear about your dreams and goals. Let’s start with Sophia.”

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“Y, yes! Um, I, want to be like my big sister — Selma Claudel, I thought. I don’t want to do what’s decided for me, I want to do the things I want, based on my own wishes! I h, haven’t decided what exactly that is yet, but after joining this Clan, I had many opportunities to meet many different people, and I realised how small the world I knew was. That’s why, I, became an explorer to find my goals and dreams.”

 Regarding Sophia, I’ve had one doubt about her.

 She is Selma’s younger sister.

 That means she is the daughter of a Count.

 If that’s the case, why did this girl not go to the House of Peers?

 The House of Peers is a place that provides education for children of nobles between the ages of ten and fifteen.

 Selma should have become an explorer after graduating from the House of Peers.

 And not only Selma, all the other aristocrats who are explorers also graduated from the House of Peers. 

 It seems that the reason why aristocrats become explorers is because the lowest floor they descend to in a Great Labyrinth is also a sign of status in aristocratic society.

 I don’t know the finer details though.

 The Claudel family sounds like they have some kind of complicated situation.

“Yeah, I think that’s great. As an explorer, and as someone who belongs to a Clan, you’ll definitely get to learn a lot of things. I’ll also be helping out, so let’s search for your dream together.”

“Y, yes…….. I, I’m looking forward, to working with you…….”

 Sophia’s face turned bright red.

 Did I try a bit too much to act cool…….

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