Chapter 65 – Cheers Of Encouragement

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 Two days after exploring the 91st floor. 

 Today is the day “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” finally sets out to challenge the 92nd floor.

 I reach the operations room as usual at seven to find that there’s someone earlier than me.

“Morning, Orn. You always here this early?”

 Will greets me after confirming it’s me that enters the operations room.

 –A stiffer tone than usual.

 His face is tense, and his usual chirpy air is completely absent.

“Morning. You slept okay?”

“Ah, more or less. Feels like I kept going in and out of light sleep. Though, it’s not like I’m lacking sleep, so it’s no problem, yeah?”

 ……Of course..

 For the four of them, today’s labyrinth exploration should be more emotionally significant than usual.

 I’ve got to be careful with my words.

“……Will, can you come along with me for a bit?”


 The place I bring Will to is the indoor training area.

 I didn’t get permission to use it, but after checking the schedule on the wall, it doesn’t look like it’ll be used until ten, so I’ll make use of it.

“You going to tell me what you’re trying to do, bringing me to a place like this?”

 I produce a wooden double-bladed sword from my storage magic tool and toss it to Will.

“Oh oh!”

 After confirming Will has received the double-bladed sword even while puzzled, I retrieve a wooden longsword.

“If you’re going to space out and kill time over there, then why don’t you warm up with me in a mock battle?”

“…………Hmm, that might be a good idea.”

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 Will, who agrees to my proposal with a bitter smile, takes up his stance.

 And from then, the sound of wood hitting wood echoes through the training area over and over again.

 An hour and a bit has passed since Will and I started fighting.

 We’re both out of breath.

“Haa…… ha……. ha….. For a, warm up, that was, tough.”

“That’s cause, Will, you were, really going, at it.”

“Hahaha, I’m still, only at, 40%, you know.”

“For that, aren’t you, breathing too heavily?”

“…….Huu…… Thanks. I feel much better now.” 

 Will, who’s regained his breath, expresses gratitude to me.

“…..I was just using you as a warm up. I didn’t do anything that deserves your thanks.”

“Haha, that so. Then let’s leave it at that. Okay, I’ll have a shower and return to the operations room. It’s ’bout time for those guys to be there.”

 I think Will’s expression has lost some of its stiffness.

 Though it’d been good if I could have thought of a  better way.

 So much for a ‘jack of all trades’.

 Aren’t I too awkward…….

 After washing off my sweat in the shower room attached to the training ground, I head to the operation room.

 By the way, we changed into different clothes for the mock battle, alright?

 Since we’re going to explore the labyrinth, we can’t have our exploration clothes used in a duel.



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 Returning to the operations room, the other three had already gathered there.

“Good morning, you two. Will’s the usual, but it’s rare to see Orn at the last minute”

“We were just deepening our friendship.”

 They all have tense expressions.

 The one who usually livens up the atmosphere, Lucre, also doesn’t seem very energetic today.

 I’d like to do something to help them relax them, but no good idea comes to mind

“Well then, today, we will finally proceed to the 92nd floor. The objective, naturally, is to subjugate the Black Dragon and reach the 93rd floor. Let’s step on the 93rd floor today!”


 I feel Selma’s expression is more relaxed compared to the other three.

 Even so, I can see she’s more nervous than usual.

 It’ll be good if everyone can get back to normal once we start exploring the labyrinth.


 Following that, we leave the operations room and start making our way towards the Great Labyrinth.

 The area of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”‘s headquarters is quite large.

 In addition to the main building, which houses the living quarters and rooms for the Exploration Department, there are several other buildings.

 After exiting the main building, it’s a short walk to the gate that leads out.

 Arriving at the gate, there are many members gathered there.

“1st Unit. please do your best!”

“Smash that Black Dragon today!”

“If it’s you lot now, you can make it to the 93rd floor!”

 All the members are sending cheers for the 1st Unit.

 When I was a member of the Hero Party, I sometimes received encouragement from the people when I dived into the Great Labyrinth.

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 I felt like I was receiving a lot of strength back then, but somehow, I feel even more strength surging up right now.

 Even though I had just joined the Clan, I’m getting this much support.

 I think the other four are probably feeling something undescribable.

“Master! One more time, please slay that Black Dragon!”

“Masterrr-! I’m cheering for you-. Good luck-!

“Orn! Definitely please come back safely!”

 The members of the 10th Squad rush over and send me support.

 I couldn’t help but pat the three of them on the head.

“Thanks a bunch. I’ll be… heading ahead to the 93rd floor.”

“Heheh, we’ll catch up to you soon, so please wait for us!”

“Yeah, I’ll be waiting. I’m sure you guys can catch up with me.”

“Eheheh~ I like it when Master pats me on the head. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow too, I’ll make you pat my head, so make sure you come back, okay? I don’t want you to not come back like Albert, alright?”

“Of course. I’ll be back, so be a good girl and wait for me, yeah?”

“Uhm, ah, all, all the best.”

“Thank you. I’ll do all I can.”

  ◇ ◇

“Sis Lain. good luck-!”

“Lain is the strongest Magician in the world, don’t lose!”

“Please protect everyone-!”

“Urgh, I didn’t hear about this……”

 Lain’s tears are streaming.

 I’ve seen many different expressions on Lain’s face during this short period, but this is the first time I’ve seen tears.

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 Lain takes in on herself to act as everyone’s elder sister, but there’s definitely a part of her pushing herself to keep it up.

 This may be my first time seeing the real Lain.

“Oraaaa! Wilkes! Don’t look so glum! You’re the best Defender in this Clan! Defenders don’t make faces like that! You’re making your mates nervous!”

“That’s right, that’s right! You look best when you look like you’re having a good time! Don’t give us that dumb look!”

“Lucre’s there! That means everyone’s going to be back in one piece!”

“Don’t worry, Lucre! You’re strong! Haven’t you worked hard! You won’t lose again!”

“Hahaha, how encouraging……”

 Will’s voice trembles as he mutters.

“Mm, yeah. We’re not fighting alone, right?”

 Lucre agrees with Will.

“Good luck, leader!”

“The continent’s best Enchanter can’t just camp on the 92nd floor, right! Quickly overtake the Hero Party and become the best in name and reality! Today’s the first step!”

“You guys……”

 As we are being cheered by many, the President appears in front of us, the 1st Unit.

“‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ has changed a lot in the past year. Including myself, the executive members are all new, we do not have the same momentum as we did back then. Some have even said that ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ is no longer worth much. However, I think that this past year has been worthwhile. I want the world to know that ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ can still make great strides! And above all, I want you all to do your best for your own sake. All our members, as well as myself, are praying that you will all return here unscathed and with smiles on your faces.”

 Selma, upon hearing the President’s words, looks up at the sky while closing her eyes.

 After a few moments, she opens her eyes and looks straight at the President.

“We will surely reach the 93rd floor. Everyone, let’s go!”

 With the cheers of our friends at our backs, we step out the gate.

 And somewhere along the way, the tension had gone from the faces of those four.

 Having people support you is a great thing, I truly realised.

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