Chapter 73 – [Side Sophia] 30th Floor Capture Start

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 After Orn sends us off, we teleport to the entrance of the 30th floor.

“How’s it? Does it match-?”

 Carol shows me the necklace around her neck that she had received from Orn earlier and asks. 

“Yeah, it looks good on you.”

“Thanks-. Sophie looks good with too!”

“R, really?”

 I look down at the red pendent necklace I’m wearing that Orn gave me.

(A present from Orn…….. Eheheh, I’m so happy.)

“Focus, both of you. Even though we’re in the safe zone, we’re already in the Great Labyrinth, okay?”

 Logs warns.

 But he has a weird look on his face, like he’s trying desperately to hold back a smile.

“You can’t say that with that kind of face~”

 Sure enough, Carol points it out.

“C, can’t be helped, can it! I didn’t think I would be getting a gift from Master! It’s too much of a surprise!”

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 I think Log has changed so much in this past month.

 Not long ago, it felt like he was always making fun of everyone around him, but now that feeling is completely gone.

 I wonder if Orn not only defeated the Black Dragon, but also the bad parts of Log? Just kidding.

“For now, let’s go over the route and strategy again?”

 I want to keep looking at the necklace I got, but the reason we came here is to complete the 30th floor.

 We asked a big favour from Orn to challenge it with us three alone. 

 So I want to show Orn that we’ve grown. I don’t want to disappoint him.

 The other two agree with my suggestion.

 I take out the map of the 30th floor from my storage magic tool and make a final check.

 I memorised most of the layout of the 30th floor, including the main route.

 In case of emergency, I have also picked out escape routes in each area, so it should be fine. 

 As for combat, Carol is in front, Log is in the middle, and I am in the rear.

 Carol and I are the damage dealers. Log fights by switching between Vanguard and Rearguard depending on the situation while buffing us.

 This is a lot of work for Log.

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 As Orn said, we should try not to make it into a long battle as much as possible.

“Yes, this will work out. It also has Orn’s stamp of approval, so let’s keep moving forward and not get distracted!”


  ◇ ◇

 While watching the surroundings and trying to calm ourselves to not get too nervous, we go along our chosen route. 

“Stop! I hear footsteps from ahead.”

 Log is in charge of this party’s scouting.

 Log has activated [Hearing Up], taught to him by Orn, so his hearing is much better. 

 It sounds like Log’s improved hearing has caught the sound of demonic beast footsteps.

“Do you know what kind?”

“Sorry, I can’t get that much. But there’s probably three.”

 This is a narrow, one way path, so magic is the better way to fight here.

 The 30th floor also has enemies with long-range attacks, but they have low power, so it’s okay to not worry about them.

“If they’re coming from the front, Log and me will intercept with magic. Carol, please check to see if there are any demonic beasts coming from behind us.”

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“Got it.”

“Aye aye-“

 I give instructions to the two of them while constructing the magic formula.

 Then four Goblins walk toward us from the front.

 They haven’t noticed us yet.

“Sorry. I got the number wrong.”

“Don’t worry. As planned, defeat them with magic! I’ll strike all their legs, so Log, please take the three on the right! I’ll take the left one! [Aero Cutter]!”

 Like crawling on the ground, a blade of wind as wide as the width of the passage slashes the Goblins from the knees down.

“[Rock Needle]!”

 The ground rises up like a spear, stabbing the critical points of three fallen Goblins accurately.

“[Thunder Arrow]!”

 With the magic I constructed immediately after activating the [Aero Cutter], the left Goblin is defeated.

 I still haven’t gotten the hang of parallel construction.

 Log looks like he’s already mastered it and is able to activate magic faster and more accurately than me, a Magician.

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 There’s no point in being jealous of something I don’t have, but I’m still frustrated.

 I’m a Magician, so I have to be the best in this party at attack magic!

 I have to work harder, right……..

“Nice job, you guys-!

“Sophie’s instructions are precise and easy to follow. Now I can see why Master said my instructions were poor the other day…….”

“I still have a long way to go. My sister is teaching me a lot of things, but I’m not doing very well at all.”

“You two are too negative, okay-. Your experience levels are different, so there’s nothing you can do. We’re just getting started! I think it’s too early to compare ourselves with advanced explorers, you know?”

“Yes, that’s true. I’ve learnt a lot from Orn this month, and I do feel that I’ve grown a lot. Let’s work even harder and catch up with the seniors!”

“Alright! To do that, we need to first conquer the 30th floor and advance to the middle layers! If we do that, we can be part of the 3rd Unit. And we can start working as real explorers! The three of us will do our best!”


 ……Eh? If we go to the 3rd Unit, will we no longer get lessons from Orn?

 Orn is instructing us as part of the training for beginners.

 It’s a bit sad that we won’t be able to receive guidance from Orn once we clear the 30th layer…

 But we can’t be spoiled by Orn forever.

 We have to become real explorers as soon as possible.

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