Chapter 82 – Sophia’s Talent

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“Master! Today is the day I’ll take one off you!”

“Today’s the day I’ll beat Master-!”

 A few days have passed since the battle with “Amunzers”.

 I’m facing Log and Carol in “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”‘s indoor training area.

“Yeah, come at me.”

 My voice signals the two of them to start moving.

 From the front, Log launches thrusts and swipes.

(Looks like he’s also including feints. In the past few days, he’s gotten even better.)

 While I dodge and parry Log’s attacks with my sword, Carol, who goes to flank around me, slashes at me from behind.

 –That’s what she pretends to do, as she throws a dagger in her hand at my right shoulder without closing the distance.

 By the way, the weapons we’re currently holding are all blunted, so they won’t cut or leave big wounds even if they do hit. 

(If you do this poorly, there’s a chance you might hit Log, this is a poor move.)

 While dealing with Log’s attack, I turn my body away from the dagger’s line of fire.

 However, the dagger doesn’t pass by me and stops in mid-air before reaching me.

(Is this [Float]?)

 [Float] is magic that makes objects levitate, the formula I taught the Magic Development Lab when I joined the Clan.

 I didn’t name it after developing it, but since it’s going to be released to the public, the Magic Development Lab has given it a name.

(So you were restricting my actions while eliminating the risk of friendly fire on your allies . Interesting idea.)

 If she aims at my right shoulder, I’d turn my body to the left.

 Knowing what my next move will be, naturally it’ll be easier to get me with an attack. 

 While I focus on Carol’s dagger, Log makes a faster thrust than he’s ever done before.

(Getting better at tactics, aren’t I? Still, I don’t plan to let you beat me just yet.)

 I pull back until just before the tip of the spear touches me, and wait until Log’s in a situation where he can’t immediately move despite being able to notice what I’m doing.

 When the time is right, I enter Log’s space, rotating clockwise.

 Switching my sword to my left hand, along with the momentum of the rotation, I slam my right elbow into Log’s solar plexus.


 Following through, with his posture now unbalanced, I grip Log’s chest with my right hand and pulls backward as hard I he can.

 While choking and unable to stand firm, Log falls forward while being pulled by me and moves a few steps. 


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 As a result, he makes contact with Carol, who was approaching me from behind, and the two of them fall entangled.

 I didn’t think he was going to bury his face in Carol’s chest. You’re good, Log.

“Log-, heavy-!”

“–su!? S, s, sorry!”

 Log, in the middle of a panic, remained motionless for a while, but Carol’s voice brings him back to his senses, and he rushes away from Carol.

“Boo, I thought it was a good plan-“

 Carol, still sprawled out even after Log pulled away, whines.

“I do think it was a good plan. Did you two come up with this plan together?”

“Yes. ……. I thought that if I knew what Master’s next move would be, I would be able to hit you. We were the ones with physical abilities raised after all.”

 This time, since I’m preparing for that martial arts competition, I was having a mock battle without any buffs. 

 With two buffed opponents, I needed to focus more than usual, so it was good training.

“Well, it’s the difference in experience. But when did Carol learn [Float]? She’s never used magic before.”

“Ehehehe~ I got sis Lain to teach me~ I wanted to surprise Master so I showed it off, but you dealt with it so normally. I wanted to see your more surprised expression-!”

 In fact, Carol and Lain are good friends.

 I think they’ve been friends since before I joined the clan. They probably became friends through Albert.

 Carol calls Lain her big sis adoringly, and there’s no way that Lain, with her sisterly personality, would not like Carol.

“No, I was surprised enough. It was in the middle of a battle, so I didn’t let it show on my face.”


“Really. But why did you decide to learn magic?”

 Carol’s expression becomes unusually serious at my question.

“…….Mmm, I thought close combat was enough for me. I can move faster than people around me, and I have confidence with how I use blades. But against a big guy, I couldn’t stop him. I lost in an instant. I don’t plan to change the basics of my fighting style, but after seeing Master and Log fight, I thought I should have more choices when fighting. Right now, I can only charge into enemies. But that’s not enough to protect everyone. That’s why I decided to learn magic.”

 I’d already heard what kind of battle the three of them had with “Amunzers” before I arrived.

 It’s a different direction from what I had in mind for Carol’s fighting style, but it’s an answer she came up with on her own. I want to respect that.

 My idea is not necessarily the right one, and I think that for things like this, in the end you need to come to your own decisions. 

(Magic, huh? Then maybe I can teach you that magic in the future.)

“I see. I think that’s a good way of thinking. But in that case, I would like you to learn parallel construction. If you can construct a formula while engaging in close combat, it should make it even easier to fight.”

“Yes! Actually, sis Lain also said that to me, before memorising formulas I should master parallel construction, so I’m practising now! The only magic I can use is [Float] and beginner electric-type magic.”

 If Lain’s teaching her, it’s probably better if I don’t say anything unnecessary.

 The way I practise is probably different from Lain’s, and if she does our methods together, it might take her longer to learn it.

“Carol is amazing. I need to get even more familiar with the spear!”

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 Log, impressed by Carol’s thoughts, is lighting up with a rivalrous spirit.

 Yes, I think this kind of relationship is good.

 I hope the three of them will continue to spur each other on like this.

“Log, for someone who started holding a spear a month ago, you’re doing very good, you know?” 

“Even so, compared to those who have mastered the art of spear fighting, I still have a long way to go, don’t I?

“Well, that is true. But you do have a lot of potential. You’re still starting out. –Speaking of which, are you two participating in the martial arts competition?”

 The martial arts competition is open to everyone.

 The one I’m going to is for advanced explorers only, but the annual martial arts competition, which is open to all, will be held as planned.

 I hear that many new explorers participate in that martial arts competition every year.

“No. I was thinking of entering the competition until the other day, but now I don’t really want to fight with anyone other than Orn and Will…….”

“I don’t really want to hurt people either, so I’m not going.”

 Well, after what happened, you wouldn’t want to fight with other people. 

“I see. Participation in the martial arts tournament is not mandatory. The explorers of ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ have to help out with the Clan’s events, so there’s no need to force yourself to participate. When you’re not helping out, enjoy Thanksgiving. I hear there’ll be all kinds of events. –Well then, we’ll have another round after a short break, so while you’re taking a break, you two should think about your next strategy. I’ll go over to Sophie.”


“I won’t lose next time-!”

  ◇ ◇ ◇

 Moving to the edge of the indoor training area, I watch Sophie stick her right hand out in front of her with a serious look.

“Suuuu, phew…….. –su!”

 Sophie takes a deep breath and then clasps her open right hand.

 Then, a thin sheet of steel a short distance away from Sophie curls up wrinkled, like when you crumple up a piece of paper.

“Well done.”

“Ah, Orn. Thank you very much.”

“How’s the fatigue?”

“Umm, I still get out of breath pretty quickly…….”

 Sophie seems to have developed a Talent during the battle a few days ago.

 That Talent is [Telekinesis].

 It’s apparently a power that can impart a physical force to things.

 That’s highly abstract, but is it because Sophie doesn’t fully understand it yet, or if that’s really what it is.  

 If it’s the latter, there are many possible interpretations.

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 Just as my [Magic Convergence] is a Talent that can be applied in various ways.

 That being so, perhaps [Telekinesis] can do more than just crush, scatter, or hold something in place.

 This is something that needs to be investigated from now on.

 At any rate, [Telekinesis] is a very useful and easy-to-use Talent in both exploration and daily life.

 Accumulating fatigue after using is a few times, I think, is probably because she’s not accustomed to using it yet. 

 Getting used to it the more you use it is one of the features common to all Talents. 

 And with the manifestation of her Talent, Sophie has learnt parallel construction.

 At this point, it looks like she’s able to construct seven formulae simultaneously.

 This is probably a byproduct of her Talent.

 I think [Telekinesis] requires an enormous amount of processing in the brain, even more so than when constructing a formula.

 Because of that, to endure all that, I expect that the capacity of her mental processing has increased.

 Though this is all speculation. 

 Fatigue builds up quickly, and I suspect this explains why.

 Constructing seven formulae at the same time is enough for a Magician. From here on, I guess the first priority will be to get her used to exercising her Talent. 

 As you would expect, to be exhausted after using it a few times is impractical for use in actual battle. 

“I see. Well, there are not many people who can freely wield their Talents right after they manifest, so let’s gradually master it from now on.” 



 While I’m speaking to Sophie, a loud voice comes from the entrance of the indoor training hall.

 Turning my head in that direction, I see Selma, out of breath.

 According to the schedule, she should be returning tomorrow.

 She probably heard that Sophie was attacked by “Amunzers” and came back in a hurry.

 Selma’s marching towards us quickly with a stiff face. 

“Sister? What’s wro–“

“Sophia, thank goodness…….”

 And like that, Selma embraces Sophie tightly. 

“It h, hurts. Sister……”

“Ah, sorry. But, I’m really glad you’re alright. When I heard that Sophie exchanged blows with ‘Amunzers’ I thought my heart was going to stop.”

“I’m sorry for worrying you. But Orn came to help us, so we’re all safe.”

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“I see. Orn, I’ve heard the gist of it. Thank you for saving Sophia and the beginners.”

 Selma thanks me with a gentle expression.

“………………No, I didn’t do anything for which I should be thanked. –More importantly, Sophie, now that Selma’s back early, we can call it a day for now, alright?”

“Thank you very much. But I’d like to keep going a little longer!”

 She’s still a hard worker.

“I understand. But make sure you practise in moderation so you don’t collapse.”

 The day before yesterday, when she was training her Talent, she went over her limits and collapsed.

 After that time, I did tell her to not push herself too hard, so I think it’ll be fine, but just in case, I’ll make sure it sticks.


“O, of course! I won’t push myself too hard.”

“Selma, do you have a bit of time to spare?”

 I call out to Selma-san, who’s looking suspicious in response to me saying “collapse”.

“Ah, yeah, no problem. Today was supposed to be scheduled for travelling after all. But, Orn, I hope you can make some time for me later. I’d hear more details about what happened when I wasn’t here.”

“Understood. Then you should watch Sophie’s training. You’ll see something interesting.”


“You’ll just have to wait and see. Alright, Sophie, I’m heading back to Log and Carol.”

“Got it!”

 After informing them, I leave the two of them and return to where Log and Carol are. 


“I’m back. Let’s end the break and resume the mock battle.”

 Approaching the two having a meeting, I call out to them.

“Understood! Next I’ll take a point off you!”

“All right, I’m going to beat Master-!”

  ◇ ◇

 Following that, after rolling them on the ground a few times, I decided to end since the deadline for using the indoor training area is approaching. 

“Well then, it’s a bit early today, but let’s end here. Good work again today.”

“””Thank you very much!!!”””

 According to the plan, I was thinking of returning to our usual room and doing a classroom lecture, but I want to speak to Selma, and the three of them have been working a bit too hard lately.

 I need to make sure they take proper breaks as well.

 I don’t want to rain on their hard work, but if they get injured, it’ll all go to naught.

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