Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 91 – [Side Sophia] Present Search

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“Umm, what would be good I wonder~…..”

 Today is the third day of Thanksgiving.

 I’m free for the whole day today, and I’m thinking of a gift for Orn while strolling around the city with Carol, who is also free.

 Log is helping out in the morning, so we’re going to come up with a few ideas ourselves first and then the three of us will decide after we meet up at lunchtime.

 In other countries, I hear the tradition is to give presents on birthdays.

 We don’t have that tradition here, but to give thanks to Orn who has taken care of us, the three of us have been talking about giving a present to Orn during his birthday month.

 However, we never had a chance to ask when that was, and when I finally asked two days ago, he told me it was in June, which made us panic.

 I regret not forcing myself to ask earlier……

 But, even though we didn’t manage to celebrate the start of his birthday month, we can still make it! 

 Besides, now, they sell things that don’t usually sell in the stores, so there must be a lot of rare things!

 If we’re going to do this, I’d like to give him something that will make him happy…….

“Right, I wonder what would make Orn happy……. When we think about Orn like this again, we don’t really know much about him…….”

“Master doesn’t talk much about himself, yeah-. I should have asked about his hobbies and likes…….!”

 Carol and I can’t think of anything that would make Orn happy.

“Though, there sure is lots of people~ Just like a festival!”

“Yeah. I don’t think I want to stay here for a long time.”

 As Carol said, this is the most crowded place in the city, also because of the food stalls.

 If I stay here for a long time, I feel I’m going to get sick, so I want to move somewhere else. 

“Mm-, looks like these stores won’t sell what we’re looking for, the things made by craftsmen might be good! Why don’t we go to the craftsmen’s street and check that out?”

 Hearing what I say, Carol quickly suggests we move to somewhere else.

 I think she’s probably trying to be considerate of me.

 Carol gives the impression of someone selfish. But actually, she is, though it might be rude if I put it this way, surprisingly very attentive.

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 I think this is a good thing about Carol, but for her, she values others’ wishes at the cost of herself. 

 That isn’t good. 

 I have known Carol for about a year now.

 After being with her for that long, it’s easy to see that she has been through some kind of trauma.

 That’s led to her extreme sensitivity…….

 I wish I could help her overcome that trauma, but I can’t think of any ideas.

 There’s not much I can do right now, but I hope that someday Carol will be able to be selfish with me without holding back.

“Mm, yeah. Let’s try going to the craftsmen street.”

 Taking Carol’s suggestion, we leave the crowded market street and go to the craftsman’s street.


“Hmm-, I guess something useful for exploration would be good.”

 Carol says as we arrive at the craftsman street, looking at the items on display at an armour shop that was just around the corner.

“I think he’ll already have everything he needs for exploration, won’t he? Even the sword that Orn uses is really good, and even if there’s something that Orn wants, we might not be able to buy it for him…….”

“That’s also true-. Then, something for his daily life?”

“I think that’s a good idea. For example, accessories or….?”

“Oh, that might work! Then, let’s look around with that in mind~!” –Hm?”

 Just as we had finally settled on an idea and was about to take another look around the shops, Carol looked like she’d noticed something and wandered off somewhere. 

 I hurry and follow Carol. What’s wrong?

“Sis, are you sick? Are you okay?”

 Carol was headed toward a woman with blue hair who was sitting on a bench with her face down.

“…..? Are you, speaking to me?”

 The woman raises her head in response to Carol.

 …….She’s a very pretty woman.

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 My sister feels beautiful in a cool way while this sister looks beautiful in a cute way. 

 I think she’s younger than my sister.

 She’s wearing clothes like a Magician’s, so she’s probably an explorer.

“Yeah yeah. You look like you’re in pain, did you get dizzy because of the crowd?”

“I was just in the middle of thinking about something. It’s not that I’m feeling unwell, so I’m alright. Thank you for your concern.”

 The sister answers with a smile.

 But she looks lonely and it’s obvious that she’s forcing herself to smile.

“You’re worried about something, huh~ Actually, we have a big worry too- Master’s birthday month is here, and we’re trying to think of a gift to give, but we can’t think of anything good-“

“Birthday month present for your Master? ….You girls are-, I see, come to think of it, it’s already June huh.”

 The sister mutters and looks like she’s realised something. 


“Yeah~. Master’s birthday month is June was something we only found out two days ago, so we’re rushing to think of a present. Urgh, why didn’t Master say something earlier. Then we could have thought about it more slowly.”

“Fufu, O– your Master is well thought of huh. To have such lovely disciples, I’m envious.”

“Hmmm-? Sis, you don’t have any disciples? Sis you’re really strong, right? Probably if we two fight together, you’ll still easily handle us. I don’t think it’s strange for someone like you to have any disciples.”

 I thought so too.

 Mana is usually not something you can see, or even feel, but mana is clearly thicker around this sister.

 …..Maybe it’s just my imagination.

“I don’t have any disciples. People who are just being swayed around themselves can’t take care of other people……….”

 As I was thinking whether talking with Carol raised her spirits a little, she went back to looking lonely. 

“Being swayed around, is that what sis is worrying about?”

 Carol treads on this sister’s situation.

“…………Indeed, it is. I know this is a pathetic thing to say to you girls who are younger than me, but lately, everything I have been trying to achieve has not been going well. And because of me, even my step father–: 

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 Perhaps because Carol talked about her own troubles first, the sister also revealed her own problems.

 I think this is probably due to Carol’s personality and her ability to communicate well.

 It’s amazing……. I wouldn’t be able to have this conversation.

 Still, everything she has been trying to achieve has not been going well, huh. Then it might make sense that she’s feeling down.

 I think anyone would be negative if they were in that situation.

 I remember the other day, Orn gave a lecture on how to deal with things when you feel things are not going well. If I’m not wrong, the way to deal with that is–

“I see~. Hey, sis, are you really sure e-ve-ry-thing isn’t going well?”

“…… Eh?”

“This is something Master told me a while back. When you think things aren’t going well, your vision becomes narrower. That’s the time when it’s important to stop and take another look, he said! ‘In the shadow of the things you thought were failures, there are always little successes hiding within. If you can notice the good in yourself that you didn’t realise you had, you will naturally start to think differently. First of all, you need to not chase ‘ideals’ but face your ‘real self’, he also said.”   

“My real self…. Certainly, recently I might have been pursuing too many of my ideals. Thank you for your advice. After all… your Master is a wonderful individual.”

 Hearing Carol’s — no, Orn’s words, the sister looks a bit more refreshed. 

“Ehehe~. He’s a Master we’re proud of, yeah!” 

“Well then, I think I’ll go to a quieter place and face myself for a bit. Please excuse me.”

“Yeah! Bye bye, sis!”

“G, goodbye.”

 In the end, I didn’t have a chance to say anything other than goodbye. 

 Though In the first place, I’m not really good at talking to people I don’t know, so I didn’t think I’d be able to join in.

“–Ah, right. In return for your advice, I also have some advice for you girls. Your Master should be especially fond of new information. At this time of year, merchants come from other countries, so if you give him a book published in another country, I think he will be pleased.”

 That’s right! Orn is always reading in his spare time!

 Why didn’t I think of the idea of getting books as a gift? I feel that a book would make him the happiest!

 Orn seems busy even during Thanksgiving.

 My sister told me that even on the first day when he was supposed to be free, something happened and he wasn’t able to walk around the city much.

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 That’s why, I think it’s very unlikely that Orn has bought any books from the merchants from other countries who came this year!

“Books……? Oh yeah, Master usually reads a lot! Sis, thanks!”

 Carol looks like she has the same idea.

 I think we’ve decided on a book from another country as a gift for Orn.

 I know books are expensive, but if we pool our money together, we should be able to afford a few!

“You’re welcome.”

“But, how did you know that Master reads a lot?”

“Ummm, ah, right…….. Seirei told me.”

 Sei Rei? That’s not a person’s name, is it? I wonder what it means.


 Carol doesn’t seem to understand either and tilts her head.

“Fufu, if you’re curious, please ask your Master. I’m sure he can teach you more clearly than I can. Well then, once again, goodbye.”

 After saying something curious at the end, the sister leaves with light steps.

“I don’t know what this Seirei thing is, but I’m glad to hear that sis is at least feeling a little better!”

“Carol, you’re so nice.”

“Hm-? I’m not, okay. It was just something I wanted to do. I didn’t do that for someone else!” 

 I don’t know if she really thinks so or if she’s just saying it to hide her embarrassment, but I was right after all that this attentiveness of Carol’s is a good thing about her.

 If it had been just me, I probably wouldn’t have approached that sister.

 I hope I can learn from Carol.

“Well then, let’s go look for books. If we take too long, someone else might buy them.”

“That’s a big problem! Sophie, hurry up!”

 Then we met up with Log and looked through the books published in other countries, and each of us bought a book. 

 I hope Orn will be happy.

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