The kings power

Chapter 25

"Noctis, Noctis! Help me please!" Snow screamed, "you have to help me, I thought you loved me, but how can you let me get this hurt," scars was covering Snow's face while tears was streaking down her burned flesh.

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Fire was surrounding Snow, but she was alone, blood covered her clothes. She stopped crying after a few minutes and was now facing him, "to think I ever loved you, you let this happen to me, you were so busy talking with your friends that you didn't even notice that I was away so long." Snow said, hatred was burning in her eyes, a smile began to cross her face, slowly, getting bigger and bigger, but it didn't meet her eyes, there was something sinister about her smile.

The next second she began to laugh, her eyes full with evil.

Her eyes began to shift, from her blue-green eyes, to deep blood, red eyes. She laughed harder, shifting till she became Demonic, her laughter was replaced with his, and so was her body, every trace was gone, being replaced by him.

Noctis then jolted awake from that horrible nightmare.

His been having nightmares for the past few weeks since Snow has been in the hospital.

He kept having the same dreams over and over again, never stopping.

Noctis got out of bed and walked to his bedroom window.

He had a king size bed right in the middle of the room. The room was a dark blue colour, with a few chairs and a fireplace infront of the bed. His window led to an open balcony with a great view of palace garden outside.

Noctis opened his window and stepped out on the balcony. There was a slight breeze in the air that blew in through the window.

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Noctis is wearing a shirt that hangs loosely on his body, showing his muscles clearly.

He hanged on the railings trying to clear his head. He blamed himself for not getting there sooner.

Noctis knew that Snow wouldn't blame him, but everytime he had the dreams, he would just feel guilty all over again.

A few days after Snow had been taken up in the hospital, Noctis and his friends investigated Demonic, finding out that he didn't just steel powers from Snow's kind, but he was a wanted criminal all over the country.

Snow was unconscious and haven't woken up since that night. She has lost a lot of blood from the injury in her shoulder, and because Demonic almost took her power, she was very weak. It should take a few weeks for her to recover, if not more.

The dokters said that if she wasn't this strong, she wouldn't have made it. They also said that Noctis shouldn't expect Snow to wake up after a few weeks, but as she is different, she should regenerate in a record time.

Noctis gone back to his bed as it was late, drifting off into a restless sleep, yet again.

The next day Noctis headed to the hospital to see Snow, when he got there a couple of nurses rushed towards him.

"Your majesty, Miss Snow has just woken up and she is ready to see you" they said with bow.

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Noctis halted in his steps, he didn't think she would wake up this soon, but after a few words with the nurses, he rushed off to meet Snow.


Snow had woken up a few hours ago with a terrible headache. The docters did give her pain killers, but the headache hasn't disappeared yet.

She had woken up still dazed and was shocked to hear that few weeks had already gone by, as it only felt like day.

She wondered where Noctis was, but the nurses told her that he will be back today, just like any other day to check up on her. They said that he was there every morning, waiting for her to wake up.

Her heart fluttered every time she thought about. He really did care for her, he rushed in to save her, not thinking twice. Even though she was shifting between conscious and unconscious, she could still vaguely make out the way Noctis was fighting.

Neither him nor his friends was holding back.

Snow was still daydreaming when the door suddenly burst open, revealing a very worried, but relieved prince.

Snow, who was sitting upright in her bed, was enveloped in a big hug. Her body was still sore, so the sudden pressure made her recoil in pain.

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Noctis who felt the shift, suddenly stood back, realising that her body must still be sore.

"Sorry, I guess I forgot a little that you might still be in pain," Noctis apologised. "Don't worry about it," Snow laughed. She looked towards Noctis, trying to catch his eye, but he didn't once look up.

Snow immediately put two and two together.

"Noctis, why aren't you looking me in the eye," even though Snow knew the answer, she wanted to hear it from him. There was a moment of silence before Noctis spoke, "Snow, I'm sorry."

The bruises was shown clearly on her face, Noctis felt a pang of guilt just by looking at it.

Snow looked at him, she knew he felt guilty for only coming in the last second, and it seemed like he had trouble sleeping because of it.

She sighed before speaking, "Noctis I know you feel guilty, but I also know, that if it weren't for you or your friends I wouldn't be here."

Noctis wanted to argue, but Snow quickly interrupted him, "look, I can't stop you from feeling guilty, and believe me, I would probably feel the same way if I was in your shoes, but I'm telling you right here, right now, I forgive you, even if there is nothing to forgive, because you did nothing wrong, but I would also like to thank you for saving my life," Snow smiled at him.

Noctis was shocked to say the least, but he quickly recovered and returned a smile. It felt like a mountain was lifted off his shoulders.

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"Snow, I would do it all for you again in a heartbeat. You mean more to me that you can ever imagine." Noctis confessed, looking straight into Snow's eyes.

Snow was too shocked to say anything. She couldn't believe her ears, her heart was beating so fast she could almost hear it in her earbuds.

Almost as if on que to avoid awkwardness, the door again burst open and Promto, Ignis and Gladiolus burst into the room, and following them was Snows friends.

"Snow, you're awake!" Promto exclaimed, and in the next few seconds the others was bombarding her with questions.

Snow was glad for the distraction, as she didn't know how to reply. Deep inside her she wanted to confess her feelings toward him, but she felt like now isn't the time nor the place.

Noctis watched how Snow was trying to answer all their friends' questions, thinking on what he said earlier.

What was he thinking confessing his feelings like that, he saw the shock that was written all over her face. She couldn't even utter a single word.

He too was glad for their friends' timing, otherwise it might really have gotten awkward.

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