The kings power

Chapter 29

Snow's eyes fluttered open, her vision was at first blurry, but it soon came into focus. Snow looked around and saw that she was still in her room, but this time the curtains was closed. Snow tried to sit up, but she immediately felt dizzy and went back to lying down.

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At that moment she heard a chuckle from the balcony, when she moved her eyes, she saw a dark shadow in the doorway.

"You just woke up, and you already want to start moving again," the voice said, making Snow smile, "well, you know me, never was the one for being silent, prince Noctis."

Noctis made his way to her side, sitting in the chair infront of the bed.

"Your grandmother was here," Noctis said, almost looking bord. Snow's eyebrows shot up and asked "you met her?"

"Yes, you were right, she is very nice," Noctis said with a smile, which Snow returned.

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"Did you talk long?" Snow asked suddenly, "not really, only for a few minutes," Noctis said, he didn't want talk about the details of the conversation as he thought it was kind of private.

When he saw that Snow's eyes was getting droopy, he laughed and rubbed her hair together to make it even more messy than it was, wishing her a good night.

The next few days went by in a blur, Snow was sleeping most of the time and Noctis was in meetings during the day, but sometimes when Snow is awake in the evening they would make small talk before both of them went to sleep.

Every night Noctis would make his way to Snow's room just to check up on her, she was getting better, Noctis noticed as she could stay up a bit longer in the evening.

A week went by and Snow was almost fully healed, she would get dizzy here and there, but now she could at least walk. Snow still needed support from crutches when she walked around, but at least she could stay upright.

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It was a sunny day when Snow decided to take a tour of the palace, she hasn't seen the most of it, only the way to the dining room and then back to her room.

Snow made herself down the stairs and walked through the halls, admiring the paintings and other decor as she walked past it. After half the day of walking in the palace, not knowing where she is, or where she's going, she saw a familiar place. The training hall where she and Noctis used to train. She walked forward in quick steps, excited to see a place she knows very well, just as she was about to enter she smacked into an invisible wall.

"Hmmm, interesting, do you seriously want to get hurt again?" a voice asked behind her, Snow whipped around, seeing the face of the prince. She blushed deep red. She can't believe he saw that, how embarrassing she thought to herself.

Seeing her face, Noctis began to laugh, he came back early as his work was done for the day, and thought that he might go and train for a bit, when he saw Snow walking with such speed for a women who's injured, it didn't even seem real. He knew about the glass door, as he also mistakened it for an opening, and walked into it a few times, but after the fourth time, he quickly got used to it. He wondered if the coffee stain was still visible, when he smacked into the door the second time, his father wasn't really impressed with it, but he didn't say anything.

Noctis thought that Snow would be a little more careful and see the glass door, but when she didn't slow down, Noctis knew, here it comes, and sure enough, a few seconds later, a huge bang could be heard, and the door rattled against the impact.

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Noctis could barely hold his laugh when he saw it happen, but when he saw her face, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

When Snow saw Noctis laugh at her, she couldn't help but laugh as well, realising it wasn't an opening, but rather a glass door. Snow's smile faltered when she felt the pain in her nose, she flinched when she touched her nose, feeling something warm run slowly down her lip, when she saw what it was, she couldn't understand why her nose was bleeding. She didn't walk into the door that hard.

In matter of seconds Noctis was in front of her, holding her wrist, which was still in front of her face.

"You're nose is bleeding," Noctis said inspecting it with his eyes, "oh no, really? I thought it was water that had a colour red which came out of my nose," Snow deadpanned, before Noctis shook his head at her sarcasm.

He lead her to his room to clean the wound, it only took a few minutes to stop the bleeding as it wasn't that serious.

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Noctis took his time to clean the blood on Snow's lip, he first looked at her soft lips, before his eyes trailed up her face to look her in the eye.

Snow's heart was pounding with how close Noctis was, she could even smell his aftershave. When his eyes met hers, she couldn't look away like she always did, it was like a magnet holding their eyes in place.

" I think it should be fine now," Snow said quickly before something could happen, she stood up and walked to the door. "It doesn't look swollen, so it should be fine," Noctis commented, also agreeing with Snow.

Snow opened the door, but just before she exited the room, she turned back, with her hand still on the doorknob, and said, "thank you Noctis, for taking care of me, even when I was sick."

With that she left the room and closed the door behind her.

Noctis sighed a little, he wondered what could have happend if she didn't move away.

Would they have kissed? Does she even wonder what could have happend? And will he ever win her heart?

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