The kings power

Chapter 32

Snow woke up the next morning feeling fresh as a daisy. The previous day's event felt like it happend light years away.

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Snow's body also felt refreshed, like a she came out of a long bath.

Only then did Snow realise that she didn't take a bath yesterday and headed straight for the bathroom.

For a few minutes she sat there, before climbing out. Instead of her usual uniform, she switched it out for a light dress.

It was a light colour blue which went down to just above her knees. The neckline reached her neck and the sleeves only touch her shoulders.

The dress shows her curves and edges perfectly without sitting too tight.

Snow made her way down to the dining hall finding Noctis there with a few documents, when he looked up, his eyes widened just for a second before returning to normal.

"What is it?" Snow asked looking down, nothing was showing to much as there wasn't any openings in the dress, "nothing, I just didn't expect you to wear that, you always wear your uniform," Noctis explained, she really did look nice in that dress, he thought to himself.

Snow only laughed and took her seat at the long table. The servants brought in the meal and left to continue with their every day work, leaving Snow and Noctis in silence.

"Are you busy today?" Snow asked, trying to break the silence, "unfortunately yes, my work as has been doubled because of the attack yesterday, so I'll probably work late tonight," Noctis answered with a sigh, not looking up from his work.

"But, I might be free tomorrow," Noctis said, looking up from his work with a smile. He really wants to spend time with Snow as it has been a long time since they got together, but he has to finish his duties as prince before he can go on his trip.

"Sure, I can wait," Snow said feeling a little down, "maybe I can go into town and visit the market to pass time."

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That made Noctis look up, "are you sure you're up for that?" Snow nodded, "my body is much better, I can walk without the crutches and without any help," she said, "that's good," Noctis answered, before continuing with his work.

The rest of the meal went by in absolute silence, the only thing you could hear was the person eating.

Just when Snow was about to excuse herself as she was finished eating, the prince spoke, "I almost forgot, there will be a ball in a few days time, and I would like it if you could attend, I have already asked the seamstress for a dress for you, so the only thing you can do is maybe go for a fitting."

Snow was only shocked for a second before thanking him for the invition and excusing herself, she also said that she'll be there. Snow was very excited and nervous at the same time, she has never been to a ball before.

After a few minutes Snow was riding in a carriage. Firstly she was going to the seamstress who is making her dress. Noctis gave her the address and after that she'll just walk around the market.

When Snow arrived, she could see the dresses that was displayed in the window, it was absolutely stunning. She entered the shop and was greeted by a very friendly lady, it looked like she could be in her sixties, if Snow was not mistaken.

"Welcome dear, with what can I help you?" the lady asked, "Hallo Miss, prince Noctis said that he ordered a dress for me and told me to come here for the fitting to see if everything sits alright," Snow said politely, "Oh yes, that's right, come with me," The lady said with a soft, loving smile.

Snow followed her to the back where the fitting room is, "prince Noctis gave me some measurments to work with, so just put on the dress and I'll work from there, okay dear," the lady said, giving Snow some space to put on the dress.

It was a dark sleeveless red dress, with black patterns above the red material. With the dress came a little black cape that drapes over the shoulders, giving it an elegant look.

Snow stepped out of the fitting room, earning a bright smile from the seamstress.

"You look absolutely stunning my dear, the colour suits you well," the lady said, making Snow smile, "thank you miss, the dress itself is very lovely and beautiful."

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The lady went on working on the dress, making it fit perfectly.

After what Snow thinks is a half an hour, the lady takes the dress back to make the finishing touches. Snow left the shop thanking the lady and went off to the market.

There she walked and looked at what the people are selling. Snow noticed how some of the people looks at her or how the shopkeepers stares at her while she walks past them.

Snow stopped at one particular shop, it's sells jewelry, but this one particular necklace caught Snow's attention. The jewel was a dark violate colour, making it look so mysterious, yet dangerous all together.

"Pretty aren't they?" a voice said next to Snow, when she looked up, she saw a guy, right about her age, maybe older, standing next to her.

He was wearing a leather jacket with worn-out jeans and his dark hair was a complete mess.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Snow asked, she eyed him sceptically because he did not look like a guy she would usually hang out with.

He just smirked, before saying, "course not, otherwise you would've remembered me." Snow snickered, "I would have remembered you, how so?"

"Well, lets be honest, I'm too handsome to be forgotten."

That made Snow laugh, she can't believe this guy, "excuse me, who are you?"

"For me to know, and you to find out," he said with smirk, before he turned around and walked away.

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He's a real jerk, Snow thought to herself, and thinking he could be mysterious, now that's just an added bonus.

"You better watch out for that lad, girl he's a real lady-killer. No one can escape his bad boy charm," the shop keeper told Snow, he had a muscular frame with a big beard.

"Oh, well, don't worry, I can handle him," Snow said self assured to which the shopkeeper only nodded.

Just as Snow walked away, she heard a voice yell, "hey get back here you thief, that doesn't belong to you!"

Snow whipped around just in time to see the thief run away with what looks to be one of the necklaces that Snow saw at the shopkeepers hut.

Snow immediately set after him.

She ran as quick as she could, waiving through the people and finaly began to catch up to where he was.

Just as he was about to enter an alley, Snow used her new found power to stop him, creating a firewall between the two buildings.

The guy turned around, taken back at the fire that came out of nowhere. The people around them stood there shocked, they didn't know what to make of the situation, they knew about the higher ups having powers, but as far as they knew, she wasn't one of them.

Snow walked closer to where the man stood, "I believe that belongs to someone else, or am I mistaken?"

After recovering his senses, a smirk began to form on his lips. When it looked like he was about to run of again, Snow quickly formed a fireball in her hand, ready too shoot, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Snow said to the man, "what are you gonna shoot me?" the man said teasingly.

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"You wish," Snow sneered. At that moment the man thought Snow was distracted, and tried to make a run for it, again, but Snow was ready, she shot the fireball out of her hand, and it collided with the guy's back sending him flying.

Snow made sure not to hurt him to bad, only to knock him to the ground and it looks like it worked. The guy's shirt was a bit burned, but at least he was still alive.

The guy tried standing up, only to be stopped by one of the guardian core troops that handle these kind of matters.

"Great job Snow, you really hold him off for us, maybe you should come and join our department, we could really use more people like you," one of the members praised her.

Everyone has seen how Snow trained with the prince that day, and they were really impressed with her.

Snow smiled and thanked her for the compliment, she also offered to take the necklace back to the owner.

While walking back Snow began to think about what the guardian core member said, and the more she thought about it, a plan began to form.

By the time she gave the necklace back, a complete plan had formed in her head. She really liked taking that thief down, so what if she could do that more, help the guardian core out a little, without anyone really knowing it's her.

And tomorrow night, will be her first night, because tonight, she is going to find everything she needs.

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