The kings power

Chapter 39

When Snow yelled Yuna' name, she finally looked in her direction, but it also made her see what was aimed at her.

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Then everything happened so fast, Snow saw that Yuna wouldn't get out of the way quick enough, as the ball of lava was very close to her, so Snow tried calling on her powers, but neither of them would come. Snow held out her hands, trying to get her powers to work.

The lava was right in front of Yuna, she looked toward Snow again, her eyes betraying her fear, but a soft, sad smile was on her lips, showing that she knew what was coming, and excepted it. Snow couldn't except it, it was then that Snow felt the energy leave her body, enveloping Yuna.

But it was too late. The lava hit Yuna with full force, sending her flying backwards. When she landed with a thump on the floor, she was unconscious. One could see the burn marks on her skin, it was all over her body.

Snow who was on her knees at the time, trying to regain her breath and strength, looked up and saw Yuna on the ground. She leapt up and sprinted with the little energy she had left, toward Yuna.

Snow fell down out of exhaustion in front of Yuna, she didn't know where to touch her. Yuna was burned all over, and it wasn't a light burn, you could see the raw flesh.

Snow began to sob, she felt that she let her friend down, but she also couldn't understand why her powers didn't work, was she too weak to even protect her best friend?

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Then healers came into view, inspecting Yuna. Snow felt someone grab her arm and pull her up, trying to get her away from Yuna.

"No!" Snow struggled against his grip, she didn't want to leave her best friend.

"Snow stop! You can't help her now, she is still alive, we'll meet them at them hospital." the prince said.

Reluctantly Snow stepped away, knowing that Noctis was right. Snow tried to hold back her tears, but one still escaped. Noctis saw this and wiped the tear off with his thumb. Snow looked at him with watery eyes, before he pulled her in for a hug.

Snow couldn't help but cry. She threw her hands around his neck holding him tight, she didn't care about people walking by.

Noctis held her with equal tightness, he couldn't even think of what she must be going through, if one of his friends must get hurt like that, he would go mad.

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After a few minutes of crying, Snow let go of Noctis. She was embarrassed to say the least.

"It's okay, you don't have to hold back anything, especialy your tears and pain." Noctis said while holding her face in his hand.

Snow smiled a sad smile and nodded.

"Good, now go back to the palace and get some rest."

Snow's eyes widened at his words, how dare he tell me to go back, Snow thought, angrily.

"I can't go back, my best friend is injured, and you expect me to just go back like nothing happened." Snow exclaimed.

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"I know that Snow, but there is nothing we can do for her now, we can only wait. You're tired and must go back, there is no point in waiting around and torturing yourself if you know she won't wake up soon."

There was some truth in his words, Snow was tired, but she didn't want to leave her friend when she needs her the most. Snow shook her head.

"I can't go back, I must be there when she wakes up," Snow said, not ready to give up just yet.

Noctis sighed, he knew once she made up her mind, there was no convincing otherwise.

"Fine,-" Snow smiled, "-but only for a little while, then you will go home." Noctis said, turning Snow's smile into a scowl.

"Fine." Snow said, sighing, it's better than not going at all, Snow thought.

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"I will arrange a carriage then you go on, I will meet you there as I have things to settle here and reports to gather on the attacks of today." Noctis said, making Snow nod.

Snow couldn't say that she wasn't disappointed, but she knew he had work to do, so she didn't dwell on it.

Snow slowly made her way to where the carriages where parked. To be using your powers like that could be really tiring, Snow thought to herself, maybe that's why she couldn't call on her powers fast enough, because she might have worn them out, but could that really happen, Snow wondered. She'll have to ask her grandmother about it when she sees her again.

"Well that was depressing." a voice said behind Snow.

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