The kings power

Chapter 4

They threw grenades at us, but that was not what shocked us

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The next thing I knew, I felt strong energy surge through me as I threw up my hands in defence. My eyes was still open, but as the force collided with the bandits, I was threw backwards into the wall behind us, that surrounded the palace.

I was shocked and dazed at the same time. I was thinking, was that me? Impossible, only certain people who is strong enough have unlocked their powers, and I'm not nearly strong enough to have unlocked mine.

I tried to stand up straight, but failed miserably.

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I heard voices far away but there was a ring in my ears, so I couldn't quite hear what was happening.

Then a strong pair of arms helped me up and surported me. I lifted my head to see who helped me only to look in a very familier dark eyed prince.

"Can you stand?" He asked, I only nodded, because I knew, if I talked right now, I would only make a fool of myself.

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He slowly let go of me, but the minute I was on my own, my knees gave in, only to be caught by him again.

"As I thought, you're a silly girl to think you can stand after that blow" he chuckled.

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Cid then came into view, "thank you, you're highness for taking care of her, but we can take it from here." She smiled and bowed to the prince before taking me.

He nodded shortly and went to his father.

"You caught us quite by surprise today Snow, none of us knew you were strong enough to unlock your power at this stage" she said with a smile on her face, while we walked to the group.

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"Neither did I" I said, "I couldn't believe it myself, I didn't even think I had magic to begin with." " Well, I guess it was bound to happen someday" she said, those words shocked me, "w-what do you mean?" She sighed "Well, your father was a very powerful man, everybody feared him for what he could do, of course no one knew he had a child because....….." there was a pause, when she didn't go on, I asked, "because? Because what?" I feared for the answer, knowing, what comes now, would change the picture I had of my familie.

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