The kings power

Chapter 9

His reaction was quick, thus he could quickly catch the thing that was swirling towards him.

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He had training of his own, he's father thought it might be necessary, after all he was the crown prince, and there will be many people trying to kill him, so he might just as well learn to defend himself.

Prince Noctis was natrually good at it, and unlocked his powers at a young age, and from there he was evolving, getting stronger, until his father didn't have to worry anymore.

He haven't practised in a long time, but he's glad that he could still react fast though, otherwise he wouldn't have to watch his life anymore, because he wouldn't have one.

He caught the thing a few sentemeters from his face, only then he saw it was a dagger facing his way.


Snow was practising her aim with her daggers, throwing it at different targets around the room.

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She saw the prince there again, but she ignored him, as usual.

She thought that he would leave right after he was done discussing things with Cid, like he always did.

She sometimes wondered why he was here this much, it began happening after the summit. She would also sometimes find him watching her train, like he found it interesting.

But what she didn't realise was, when Cid was leaving the prince didn't follow, instead he made his way to her.

With her back facing him, she was hitting targets one by one, when she suddenly turned and threw a dagger at the target behind her, not realising that the prince was infront of the target.

She was too shocked to move or say anything. She didn't expect anyone behind her, nonetheless prince Noctis, she was even more shocked to see that he caught the dagger only with one hand!

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Cid always would praise her for her speed at throwing.

"This yours?" It was more a statement that a question, only then she realised she was staring at him like an owl with wide eyes. "Uh, yeah, sorry about that" after she said that, she immediately regretted it. Really, there was nothing better for her to say, he is the prince for goodness sake! "I mean, you aren't hurt or anything right?" He chuckled, "no, I'm fine" he handed the dagger back to her and said, "you got quite a throw there, I almost didn't even catch it" he smiled at her, she walked to where her things were.

He followed her waiting for her to answer.

"It's a wonder you even caught it in the first place" she mumbled, "what was that?" he asked, realising she said it out load, she quickly tried to cover it up, "O, nothing, but thanks anyway, could you always do that, or just this once?" She raised one of her brows in question while gathering het stuff.

He smiled, "Why, don't believe a prince like me can do it?" "What, n-no, that's not what I-I meant" she was flustered he thought, how cute. When she saw that he was only teasing her, she quickly said "I mean, that's not what I meant" she said in a more stern voice. "I know, but I like teasing you, it's cute to see you flustered" he replied with a smirk on his face, "Is that what you tell all the girls" she asked, acting unfazed, but prince Noctis could see a blush creeping up her neck.

He laughed and said, "to answer your first question, yes, you are not the only one with training, and your second question, no, I thought everybody knew I don't lead girls on." He furrowed his brow when he said that.

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Of course she knew that, but why would he then flirt with her? She also knew that he had training, he was at the top of his class, everybody knew that.

Embarrassed, she said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean disrespect, I know you don't lead any girls on, and I'm sorry for questioning you," she looked down, not able to meet his eyes.

He was stunned, he didn't mean for her to be sorry, he was only teasing her, guess that backfired badly.

"Hey" he lifted her chin up with his hand, only then did she look at him properly, he wore a light black shirt and trousers, with shoes that looked comfortable to run in, he's right leg's trousers were a bit shorter that the left side, he wore dark blue gloves on his left hand that only covered his hand, not his fingers. He's shirt was longer on the left side than the right, and on top a light jacket that didn't have sleeves.

He looked more devilish than a prince, his black hair was messy.

He never really was a picture perfect prince, stories were always going around that he could be quite a rebel if he wanted to be.

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When he spoke, she returned to his eyes, "look at me Snow, you have no reason to be sorry, ok" he looked straight into her eyes, seeing the beautiful green that made him first intriguid by her.

She was speechless, how did he know her name, but she quickly forgot about it when she looked into his eyes, it was so dark, you could easily lose yourself in it if you weren't careful.

"Ok, but I still feal guilty" she said, "is... is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" She asked hesitantly awaiting his answer, "actually, yeah, if you want to, I want to start training again for my road trip before I become king, but I don't want to train alone, so what do you say, would you train with me?" he asked.

She heard about the trip he was going to take, it was to celebrate his freedom before becoming king, and it was only obvious that he would want to train, because he would be exiting the kingdom that was surrounded by a barrier that was keeping enemy forces out and the demons that was lurking on the outside.

She heard that there was some nasty demons out there, so it would be best if he would train, but she didn't think he would want to train with her, not in a million years, she was a bit excited, but why now, she asked herself, she had everything planned out so perfectly, why did everything have to become so complicated?

In the end she said yes. Why? She herself didn't know, but she knew he wouldn't be forgotten soon after today anyway.

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