The Kiss From Hell

Chapter 9.1

The L-Press Tower, an iconic 80-story skyscraper in Manhattan, had been a landmark since its construction in the 1950s.

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Owned by the Lindbergh Group, although this fact was mostly unknown to the public, the tower generated substantial monthly rental income. Recently, the U.S. branch of L&T had established its headquarters on the tower’s top floor, as a sign of wealth.

The reason behind the headquarters’ relocation from Los Angeles, their original base, to New York remained a mystery. However, it was widely speculated that Valentine, with his significant influence, made the decision-making process. In his new office on the tower’s highest level, Valentine was being briefed by Lucas on a confidential agenda.

“We have received a request for an increased donation from the Skating Union. The amount itself isn’t significant, but there are concerns regarding its utility. The specific details on how the donation will be utilized are also unclear.”

“We will continue to request a report on the fund’s operations, but we will review the sponsorship itself favorably.”

“Understood. Additionally, Millennium Studios has once again requested an agreement for the exclusive distribution rights of ‘X.’ Director Johnson Lu is eager to proceed with the meeting as soon as possible. When should we schedule it?”

Valentine tapped his long, slender fingers on the wooden desk in a constant beat. His brows slightly furrowed as he remained in silence, contemplating. It was because Finn Miller’s unpleasant presence came to mind.

Despite L&T management making various concessions to expedite the merger and acquisition process, Finn remained unyielding. With his short-sightedness and inability to engage in effective negotiations, he became an obstacle.

“I’ll postpone it until after the Watson conference. Any updates regarding Finn?”

“We’re keeping a close watch, but things have been quiet so far. However, we’ve discovered that he’s been in contact with the High1 Asset Group. We’ll investigate further and keep you informed.”

“Stay in touch with the corporate credit rating agency. Anything else?”

“As I mentioned before, a dinner is scheduled tonight to celebrate the launch of the U Company Play Center.”



Lucas, who had been about to leave the office, paused as Valentine, engrossed in reviewing documents, spoke in an indifferent tone.

“Is everything going well with John?”

“Yes, nothing out of the ordinary…”

Lucas hesitated in his response, his words clouded. After a brief pause, he cautiously continued.

“It’s nothing significant, but it seems that Joseph Pierce occasionally visits Lillyn.”

Valentine’s facial expression remained unchanged upon hearing Joseph’s name. However, having spent enough time together, Lucas understood that even in such moments, he should never let his guard down. He subtly checked Valentine’s complexion and asked carefully.

“What should we do?”

A fleeting gleam flickered in Valentine’s blue eyes. But soon, he regained composure and responded with a composed voice.

“Nothing. You may leave now.”

After Lucas left, Valentine sat alone at his desk, motionless for an hour. His mind, which had been clear just moments ago, started to fog up like a hazy day. Eventually, a familiar dull ache spread from his temples, intensifying into a sharp pain.

It was only when the brain-numbing pain reached its peak that Valentine reached out to his drawer. From the corner of the roughly opened drawer, a white vial of tranquilizers rolled out. It was a medication he regularly relied on. Catching the pill and placing it in his mouth, Valentine sank deep into his leather chair. His smooth brow contorted with pain, and cold sweat covered his forehead.


Since John’s departure, Valentine had been plagued by unexpected headaches. The intermittent pain occurred regardless of time and place, without any discernible cause. However, the one constant was that John seemed the one linked to all these symptoms.

Waiting for the medication to take effect, Valentine let out slow, measured breaths. How much time had passed? His narrowed brow gradually relaxed. Yet, even after the painkiller began to work, his eyes remained sunken and dim.

Tap, tap, tap…

Unconsciously, his fingers tapped on the desk in a rhythmic pattern. Thoughts of John flooded his directionless mind. Valentine closed his eyes, and in the fading darkness, a familiar face appeared, slightly blurred.

A delicate, pale countenance, dark eyes resembling a forest, blue veins visible beneath thin skin, and gentle lips. When touched, his chest would tense up. Fragments of memories, each composing the image of John, cluttered Valentine’s darkened field of view.





Valentine’s eyes opened, revealing their bright blue color. He had not been pleased with John’s disapproval of his visits to Lillyn. The warning not to interfere with his daily life seemed to encompass even the most trivial matters. Valentine had initially intended to respect John’s wishes as much as possible, but when he heard an unexpected name, his weak resolve easily crumbled.

Valentine’s lips curled rebelliously as he thought of Joseph.

Why is that bastard hovering around John?

The hesitation didn’t last long. As always, his actions swiftly followed once his thoughts were clear. Valentine quickly called Lucas.

-Yes, what do you need…?

“I’m canceling tonight’s schedule.”

-What? But…

Valentine hung up the call without waiting for Lucas’ response. He rose from his seat and faced an open window. Across from him stood the Empire State Building, with the GE building faintly visible over the deep blue of Bryant Park. By now, John would have already fallen into a deep sleep, out of Valentine’s sight.

Valentine placed his hands on the glass, clenching his fists as if trying to grasp everything. Long smudges marred the previously spotless and pristine window. Valentine pursed his lips. It was not like him to overthink things. No matter how patient he was, he could never fully satisfy John.

How much more can I endure from now on?

Valentine asked himself, once again envisioning the face he would see in the evening.


“Why did you come to America?” 

John suddenly asked Joseph as he put down his martini glass. The question had crossed his mind. Joseph lightly shook his glass and took a sip before answering nonchalantly.

“I was tired of all the meddling from adults.”

John chuckled at Joseph’s answer, though he already knew he was surprisingly sincere. Joseph, picking the olive from his cocktail glass, continued speaking in a casual manner.

“My brother has already achieved my father’s dream of entering politics, so I don’t really care how I live.”

“You have a brother?”

“…You know, I know you’re not interested in me, but isn’t that a bit too much?”

“I just wanted to know.”

John smiled awkwardly and replied. However, the smile quickly faded, and he closed his mouth with a somber expression. John stared into the distance as if lost in thought before turning his attention back to Joseph. Hesitation flickered in his green eyes. With a firm resolve, John asked Joseph a question.

“You were in England before coming here, right?”


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“Then, by any chance…”




“Do you know what happened to him after that?”

Joseph’s glass shook unnaturally, causing the martini to spill over. Joseph stared at John, attempting to grasp his intentions. John pursed his lips and averted his gaze.

Not too long ago, John had desperately tried to bury his memories of the past. He feared that even the slightest memory would cause his entire world to crumble. Ironically, however, as he encountered past connections, John found the courage to confront his past little by little.

If Valentine had forcefully awakened John’s memories in a violent and harsh manner, Joseph had touched upon them in a less distressing way. With Valentine, John longed for a proper liberation, and with Joseph, he indirectly depicted the ordinary daily life he might have had. In this clash of desires, John sometimes felt bewildered.

“Do you really want to hear it?”

John nodded in response to Joseph’s hesitant question. Even though he was uttering a name he had tried to forget for years, he felt surprisingly calm. Perhaps he was capable of handling it. Joseph tilted his head to the side, his intentions unclear, and asked in a voice filled with unknown emotions.

“Should I tell you in moderation or in detail?”

“I want to know everything.”

“Okay, then. Dominic is doing well.”

“… I see.”

John nodded slowly, feeling a mix of relief and something else. However, his shoulders tensed as if caught off guard by Joseph’s next words.

“He can’t walk normally because his right thigh bone was shattered, and he lost his left eye, but he’s still alive.”

Suddenly, the horrific scene from that day flashed through John’s mind. Dominic, unconscious and covered in blood. Valentine, without hesitation, pushing him off the balcony. And John himself, helpless, watching it unfold and crying in despair.


A wave of intense emotions threatened to overwhelm him, causing John to gasp for breath. His vision blurred, and his body wavered as if gravity had weakened. He gripped the bar table with his pale hand for support. But Joseph didn’t stop there.

“And it wasn’t just Dominic.”


“Valentine wasn’t satisfied with just that,” Joseph stated, his words hanging in the air. John stared at him blankly, his expression frozen. “There were guys who went through rough times, one after another. They were all Alphas, and it was clear to everyone in the dorm who… was involved.”

A shiver ran down John’s spine, causing a cold sweat to break out on the back of his neck. In the bone-chilling cold, he hunched his shoulders and wrapped an arm around himself. His fingers felt as cold as ice.

“How Ryan managed it, no one knows. It was surprising, considering they all came from powerful families and were aware of Lindbergh’s influence. And when Valentine walked by, it was like a miracle in the hallway, akin to Moses parting the sea.”


“That’s all I know.”

John nodded, his face pale. What was this feeling? Was it regret, or… John realized belatedly that he may have been too presumptuous. Perhaps he wasn’t ready to hear this yet. Various thoughts swirled around, attempting to drag John into a spiral of negative emotions.

“Valentine is a son of a bitch.”

The thought of Valentine getting ahead of him halted John’s train of thought. He gazed at Joseph with a blank expression.

“Besides that, I just know that fucker has gone crazy. So, you too…”

Struggling to find the right words, Joseph hesitantly reached out and patted John’s head.

“Just focus on yourself.”

John remained silent. Though still pale, he nodded slowly. He blinked, closing his eyes a few times, and John, now standing, wiped his cheek. A tired smile graced his thin lips.

“Okay… thank you, Joseph.”


“Sometimes I feared Dominic might have died. I had no way to check, and I didn’t have the courage to do so. I’m still not sure if I should say I’m glad he’s alive, but still…”


“I’m glad I asked you.”

Just as Joseph, who had been staring at John, furrowed his brow at the sudden change, John froze in an instant. The faint smile disappeared as if it had never existed. Joseph, reflexively turning his head to see what had caught John’s attention, also became frozen.

At the entrance of the lounge, a man stood who had been the topic of their conversation a moment ago.

As their eyes turned towards him, Valentine smiled slowly. His red lips formed a gentle curve, revealing his slightly exposed white teeth. Though his blue eyes appeared deeper than usual, his smiling face was flawless, as if painted.

A quiet greeting, not knowing for who, flowed from his curved lips.


It had become an unexpected trilogue in an unexpected place.


John stood tall, his face tense as he closed the distance to Valentine. Valentine, sensing John’s apprehension, greeted him once again with a faint smile.

“Hi, John.”

Valentine was dressed in a tailored suit that exuded elegance. Even in the heat, not a drop of sweat could be seen on him. It was as if… as if he were a vampire. The image of Valentine sinking his teeth into someone’s neck made John frown at the thought that strangely suited him.

“Why are you here?”

“You told me not to go home without permission.”

Valentine’s lips curled up at an angle. Joseph’s expression turned serious when he heard Valentine’s not-so-subtle hint at their private lives. However, John, who had been attentive to Valentine’s actions, failed to notice.

“… I’ve told you before, you stand out too much.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll wait quietly.”

Just then, a voice called out to John from a distance, “Ethan!” He hesitated for a moment before reluctantly turning away. But before taking a step, he cast one last glance at Valentine and Joseph, unable to hide his anxiety.

As John left, a coldness filled the air, sharp as a knife.

“It’s been a while, Joseph.”

Valentine was the first to break the tense silence. Seated next to him, his expression puzzled, Valentine’s lips curved smoothly as he muttered to himself.

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“I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Who would have thought?”

Joseph leaned casually on the stool, a pitiful smile on his lips. His golden eyes were filled with undisguised hostility. Looking back, their relationship had been quite long. They grew up together as their parents were affiliated with the prestigious Pierce political family and the influential Lindbergh family, deeply entwined in the European economy.

Of course, no matter how high the Pierce family soared, they couldn’t rival Lindbergh’s power, derived from immense wealth. However, Lindbergh couldn’t disregard Pierce’s political legitimacy either.

… Otherwise, they would have dealt with them long ago.

Valentine’s cold gaze met Joseph’s. In the past, Joseph had eagerly pursued John, but now he seemed to be setting up barriers around him. Like a territorial animal raising its claws to ward off intruders.

Perhaps he was mistaken from the beginning.

Valentine tapped the table with a relaxed rhythm. He had thought Joseph’s hostility towards John stemmed from foolish pure-blood pride, but was that really the case? Come to think of it, there had been a hint of disdain in Joseph’s gaze towards himself at some point.

When did it start…

Valentine’s eyes, lost in memories, deepened like the night sky. A low voice, darker than usual, escaped his lips as his mood sank.

“Joseph, what are you doing around John?”


Joseph raised an eyebrow, his voice tinged with intentional clarity.

“Do you mean Ethan?”

“… Ethan.”

There was a brief pause, then Valentine repeated his words with a smile on his face.

“Yes, John doesn’t exist anymore, thanks to someone.”

Valentine’s chin, which was as smooth as a finely sculpted statue, tightened. Even with his calm demeanor, an air of threat emanated from him. Sensing Valentine was offended, Joseph stretched his lips into a wide smile. Rather than stopping, he wanted to go further with his provocations.

“What am I doing here? Why would I be all alone here?”

Valentine’s dark blue eyes followed his fingers, which tapped against his temple as if lost in thought. He showed no emotion on his face. Joseph’s gaze remained fixed on John’s back as he shook the cocktail shaker.

“All men think the same… Do you have someone you want to seduce?”

Valentine, who had remained silent until then, let out a low chuckle. At the same time, the tense atmosphere dissipated. He responded with a light tone, as if he had heard an amusing joke.

“Joseph, you’re quite bothersome even without trying so hard.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“Allow me to give you a piece of advice. Don’t dream in vain.”

Joseph’s eyes bristled with anger at the explicit warning. But after a moment, he chuckled and tilted his head. His following words dripped with a deep sense of mockery.

“I suppose you care so much because you’re worried.”

Valentine’s unwavering gaze clashed with the air. With an impassive expression, he stared at Joseph and slowly curled up the corners of his lips. An eerie smile spread across his expressionless face.


Delaying his response, Valentine closed his eyes and then reopened them. As his blue eyes were unveiled once again, Joseph couldn’t help but freeze. There was a peculiar gleam in those clear, fleshy eyes.

“No, Joseph. I was actually relieved. To be honest, I was anxious.”

With a smile, Valentine pointed at Joseph’s shoulder. Their discomforting pheromones clashed in close proximity, and his lips curved into a roguish grin near Joseph’s ear. The cold sound of his voice flowed with a gentle rhythm.

“Do you think John’s smiles meant something?”


“You know it was nothing to him.”

Joseph’s expression hardened at the words. Tightening his grip on Joseph’s shoulder, Valentine smiled softly.

“Yes. Comfort John as he is now. Be his good friend, tell him what he wants to hear, and I’ll endure your delusion of superiority.”


“And don’t forget, that’s your role if you want to keep what you have.”

Leaning back, Valentine revealed a bright smile. In his deep-set, sunken blue eyes, the desire for possession, lurking like a deep-sea creature, shone brightly. At that moment, Joseph realized. He may be crouching in front of John, trying to keep a low profile, but the essence of Valentine had never changed.


Joseph let out a hollow laugh, then furrowed his brow.

“Don’t try to threaten me.”

“Well, unfortunately, it’s not just a threat.”

“I guess your selfishness isn’t enough to sacrifice so much in return.”

Instead of responding, Valentine grinned. It seemed he had no intention of revealing his thoughts one by one to Joseph. That was when Joseph spoke up.

“What are you talking about?”

Both heads turned simultaneously as John, having finished his work, stood behind them with an anxious expression. Valentine took the initiative to respond to his presence.

“Just exchanging greetings. It’s been a while since we last met.”


“Joseph doesn’t seem to think so.”

Valentine’s smiling face showed no signs of gloom. Joseph, in turn, responded cynically without missing a beat.

“It doesn’t sit well with me to have to keep smiling at the garbage next to me.”

Sensing the tense atmosphere, John hardened his face. Valentine tilted his head slightly without offering a reply. Just as his blue eyes were about to lower in a casual manner, Joseph’s cell phone on the table lit up, indicating an incoming call. It was from a company manager who rarely contacted him at such an hour.

“Yes, Tina. What…?”

“Dear, can you come to the office immediately? Damn it, something strange is happening in the entertainment and gaming sectors. There were no warning signs! We need to hold an emergency meeting with as many people as possible.”

Joseph reluctantly answered the phone, his face becoming serious upon hearing the urgent voice. John blinked at him, clearly unaware of the situation, while Valentine appeared disinterested, resting his chin on his hand.

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In that moment, an assumption crossed Joseph’s mind, but he immediately dismissed them. No matter how crazy Valentine’s mind may be, he wouldn’t disrupt the market just to pressure Joseph…

“I believe something urgent has come up. I should get going.”

However, Joseph couldn’t shake the feeling that his thoughts might not be just a delusion. He couldn’t discern anything from Valentine’s blue eyes. Joseph furrowed his brow and stared at Valentine, all while the voice on the other end of the phone persisted, saying, “Joseph, are you listening?”

After Joseph left, Valentine, now alone, gazed at John, who was busy. John looked back at him, feeling the intensity of Valentine’s gaze piercing through him. Tension, anxiety, and boundaries were things that hadn’t existed in their relationship before.

John disappeared, leaving only Ethan behind.

Valentine pondered Joseph’s words, slowly mulling over them. Water droplets on the glass surface tapped against Valentine’s finger, leaving behind a lukewarm trail.


By ten o’clock, Grant had managed to arrange a break for John as a favor. However, John, who knew Grant’s straightforward nature better than anyone, was more suspicious than pleased.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“Just go if I tell you to.”

“Is it because of Valentine?”

Grant remained silent with a poker face. John sighed. What had Valentine done this time? He couldn’t help but pry further, curious about the situation.

“Ethan, that friend of yours… He’s a media conglomerate, right?”

Even someone like Grant, who rarely meddled in John’s personal life, was curious about Valentine. Reluctantly, John nodded. Grant playfully grabbed John’s shoulder.

“Oh my God! How did you get involved with such a big shot? No wonder he was looking at you so passionately…”

“I stole that bastard’s money.”


“I flew all the way to Macau and lost all the money, so I came back. Now I’m being watched to make sure I don’t run away again.”

Grant awkwardly smiled and dropped the subject, realizing that John didn’t want to go further into the topic of Valentine. Grant had many positive qualities, one of which was his quick wit.

“Anyway, just leave what you’re doing and go.”

“Just out of curiosity, how much did you get?”


“You’re a good person, but you’re not exactly someone driven by love. You can’t fill that void without me… No matter how hard I think about it, it’s hard to believe that you’re doing this just because.”

After entering the lounge, Valentine was greeted with a flurry of attention. The increased buzz and people whispering around him made Lillyn more vibrant than usual, with faster orders too. In this situation, Grant’s willingness to let John leave indicated that he had received a suitable compensation. As expected, Grant, who remained silent, eventually nodded vaguely.

“Actually… you’re right. He asked me if I could let you off early. Of course, I said no. Can he really say that after seeing the situation?”


“That’s all. If you stay here, I’ll be in trouble. So go on, hurry up.”

… Just how much did you receive for this?

Grant’s evasive behavior only fueled John’s suspicions further. Despite questioning Grant, John didn’t find out anything. Valentine smiled as he watched John tidy up his workspace, leaving him with no choice.

“Persistent bastard.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Valentine grinned mischievously. He wasn’t thrilled about being caught up in Valentine’s game, but he was tired of picking and prodding at every little thing. Following along with a resigned expression, Valentine asked John.

“It’s nice to finish work at this hour, isn’t it?”

“Not really.”

Despite John’s blunt response, Valentine appeared to be in a good mood. The honey-blond strands of hair rustled in the wind against the backdrop of the blue evening sky. Suddenly, memories of their time in Florence resurfaced in John’s mind. He quickly turned his head, attempting to shake off those thoughts.

“If you’re not too tired, do you want to take a walk?”

John hesitated for a moment before nodding. Since he was alone with Valentine, he had no other choice. The two began walking at a pace neither slow nor fast, maintaining a comfortable distance between them.

“Aren’t you busy?” 

In response to John’s question, Valentine squinted as if trying to grasp his intentions.

“Don’t you have time to rest? How can you spare time for this?”

“It’s not a problem. Even if I take a break, I can’t sleep well anyway.”

John, who was disgusted by the attitude of pretending not to know even though he knew it, hardened his expression.

“I can’t recall the last time I had a good night’s sleep. Isn’t it funny how you used to be the one who couldn’t fall asleep alone, and now it’s me?”

John shifted his gaze to the darkened Madison Square Park and pursed his lips instead of saying anything. He had grown accustomed to being alone, drowning himself in alcohol to escape from the void… There was no need for Valentine to know that he constantly suffered from chronic fatigue due to lack of proper sleep.

Valentine no longer spoke, seemingly sensing that John’s mood had shifted. They walked aimlessly, until they found themselves standing in front of the mansion.

“Here we are.”

“Seems like it.”

John looked alert, wondering if Valentine would suggest coming home with him. Valentine smiled, seemingly having read his mind, and playfully whispered in a teasing voice, meeting John’s expectations.

“I’ve come all this way. Can’t you give me a goodnight kiss?”

“Get lost.”

Valentine chuckled at the expected reaction. Then, he opened his arms wide to John.

“Alright, just give me a hug then.”

John resisted, not bothering to hide his irritated expression. He merely pressed his finger against the electronic keypad.

“If you can’t do anything else, John, please answer me one thing.”

“…What is it?”

John turned away, feigning indifference. Valentine, who seemed light-hearted for a moment, had a peculiar expression on his face. A voice with a deeper resonance than usual broke the ensuing silence.

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“Have you never truly missed my embrace?”

John’s face contorted as if he had been struck by an unexpected blow. His lips turned pale. John could have easily denied it if he had been sure about it. Unidentifiable emotions flooded his mind as they stared at each other intently.

As the heavy silence persisted, Valentine slowly approached John. He bowed his head slightly, narrowing the distance between them until they were almost touching. The tips of their noses brushed against each other, their warm breaths intermingling above their lips.

But just before their lips could meet, John turned his head, causing Valentine to freeze at the unmistakable rejection.


John pushed Valentine’s chest away, his head hanging low. He appeared calm, as if he had dispelled his confusion, but his eyes betrayed a mix of complicated emotions. As he hesitated, brushing his lips as if in contemplation, John raised his head once more. His dark green eyes shimmered in the darkness like a dew-covered forest.

“What would you have done… if I had been truly dead?”

Valentine closed his eyes slowly, then opened them again. His previously silent lips parted.

“Perhaps… I would have simply lived.”


“Only my shell remains, empty inside.” 

Valentine’s calm voice resonated, carrying an unknown depth of darkness. He reached out towards John, who was momentarily at a loss for words. A large hand caressed his pale cheek, and a straight finger traced the contour of his face.

“There’s no choice but to be consumed by overwhelming regret and spend meaningless time.”

Stepping back from John, Valentine offered a faint smile.

“So, John, I’ll do my best to hold back.”


“Have pleasant dreams.”

And with that, Valentine turned his back. John stood there, staring into the distance, his mind lost in thought.


“How have you been?”

After the polite greeting, John raised his head and widened his eyes. Standing across the bar with a smile on his lips was a handsome, charming man . He had definitely seen him before, but where was it? John wracked his memory, letting out a small exclamation. It was Finn, the person he had met at Chelsea Pier.

On that day, Finn had been drowning in his own heartache, exuding an air of melancholy as he drank during broad daylight. However, the memory of his appearance at that time was distant and hazy. Now, with his curly black hair slicked back and his tanned body clad in a luxurious jacket, Finn seemed like a completely different person. John greeted him with a broad smile.

“You’re here.”

“I was a little worried on my way here, but I’m glad you remember me.”

“Of course. I was wondering if you were doing well.”

“Haha, really?”

“Yes, you look much better than before. Honestly, I almost mistook you for someone else.”

“Well, it’s nice to hear even empty compliments.”

Finn chuckled merrily, his brow furrowing slightly. Taking a seat on a stool, he propped his chin up with one hand.

“I’m here because you promised to treat me to a drink.”

“Great. What can I get you?”

“I feel like being a bit bold today. Do you have kangaroo?”

“Of course.”

John, well-versed in making the vodka-based martini with vermouth and lemon peel, quickly prepared the drink. Finn raised his glass and made a lighthearted toast to the air. With a grin, John asked him.

“Have you resolved the issue that was troubling you back then?”

Finn appeared surprised by the question, but soon a smile crept onto his face. John found him intriguing. At first glance, Finn’s green eyes seemed warm, but beneath the surface, there was a hint of indifference. Finn nodded gently, though he noticed that John’s interest was more polite than genuine.

“Well, I’m still broke as fuck, but I think I’ve gained enough strength to take a bite out of it, at least.”

Finn briefly smiled at John as his expression revealed uncertainty about whether this was something to celebrate.

“No matter how difficult the situation is, there’s always a way to survive. Things are starting to look up, so don’t look so concerned.”

“That’s certainly good news.”

“But, of course, I still need some damn time.”

After taking a sip of his martini, Finn furrowed his brow.

“You once said, ‘Survival is what matters.’ You were right. I will survive until the end. And then, I’ll have what I desire. In order to achieve that… I’ll employ any means necessary.”

Finn’s eyes widened. A desire, burning red within his steely gaze, was evident at a glance. In that moment, John realized that Finn may be a far greater person than he appeared to be. Where had the man who seemed dejected on the bench in Hudson River Park gone? John chose his words carefully in response.

“Once you’ve gained that much power, won’t the next steps become easier?”

Having said that much, John added as an explanation, “I’m not sympathizing with you, but it doesn’t seem to suit you at all.”

Contrary to John’s concern of possibly offending him, Finn nodded gently.

“Well, feel free to sympathize with me as much as you want, because sometimes I feel like I’m utterly pathetic.”

“…If we were to compete in misfortune, I’m confident.”

“What has got you like that?”

Finn’s words elicited a subtle smile from John. Indulging in self-pity was a downward spiral, but there were still many burdens weighing him down. John straightened his back, the light of determination gleaming in his eyes as he gazed into the distance.

“Erich Kästner said, there’s pain from the cradle to the grave.1 Let’s consider life… as a rite of passage towards eternal peace.”

John shrugged and laughed, observing Finn’s eyes narrow as if trying to comprehend his words.

“In other words, I’m finding my own way. It’ll take a bit more time, so I hope things work out for you, for my vicarious satisfaction.”

“Well, alright then. I’ll do my best for your sake. Can I come by sometimes when I need some comfort?”

Extending his hand as he did when they first met, Finn looked at John. With conviction, John gazed down at their hands and firmly clasped Finn’s hand. A warm sensation enveloped them in their firm grip. John smiled and lightly shook the hands held before him.

I didn’t find the original quote:( but it means that life is suffering.

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