At my words, Marie looked touched. It was because the management of finances was often given to the most trusted subordinate.

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“Then let’s go before we’re too late.”

“Yes. To where?”

I spoke as if it was obvious.

“We have to eat supper.”

Since we’ve earned money, now it was time to go eat filet mignon and strawberry cake.


“N, no. You don’t have to come here because of me….”

Marie appeared lost with the veal tenderloin steak sitting in front of her.

Just to note, the cost of food at this restaurant was about 30 cena. Considering that most restaurants served a meal at 1 to 2 cena, it was an incredibly expensive restaurant.

She seemed so touched to the point of being contrite and appeared to be at the brink of tears, so I spat out a curt explanation.

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“It’s not because of you.”


“It was because I wanted to eat it. I, too, like veal tenderloin steak. And the strawberry cake. So don’t think too much about it.”

However, it seemed she didn’t believe my words. On the contrary, she spoke with her eyes that were wet with tears.

“I will serve milady well from now on. Truly.”

“I said we’re not eating here because of you.”

“I’m also just saying it.”

Look at this? I giggled and asked what had been on mind.

“Marie, don’t you find it strange that I changed so suddenly?”

At my question, Marie pressed her lips together. No matter how bright and pure this girl was, there was no way she didn’t notice the difference in my behavior.

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“It is strange. But it’s okay.”


“Because milady is milady. Also, I like the confident milady more than the previous milady.”

Just like that Marie abruptly shook her head.

“That doesn’t mean that I disliked who you were previously. It’s just that my heart ached when I watched milady in the past.”

Then she burst into a wide smile.

“Anyways, be it milady from before, or the milady now, I like them both. Hehe.”

I nodded my head.

As more food was being served, the conversation was momentarily halted.

This time, Marie asked.

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“But what will you do now, milady? Will you continue performing as a bard?”


I shook my head.

I did not wish to live the life of a musician.

It was hard to earn that much money every single time, and it was necessary for musicians to undergo extremely hard labor in the first place.

It was because, in order to earn money as a musician in this era, it was necessary to be subordinate to an aristocratic family and create art like machinery. It was no different for any other artist, painter, et cetera.

‘What should I do?’

I was filled with wistfulness.

Just because I wanted to live like a sloth, didn’t mean I could do absolutely nothing. There had to be a means to eat and live.

Rather than uselessly reincarnate as the princess of a broken grand ducal family, it would have been better to reincarnate into an heir of a considerable amount of estate.

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‘First I need to earn money. Enough money such that I can live blissfully for the rest of my life.’

There were few jobs that met those conditions.

No, there were many measures to earn money, but all of them required an equivalent amount of labor. The only to amass wealth without effort or labor was to inherit it.

‘Creating and selling magical artifacts won’t work either. Unless I have a justifiable reason, my usage of magic will be strictly controlled and limited by the world’s balance.’

No matter how much I mulled over the matter, none of them matched my conditions.

Everyone in the world wished to be lazy and merely eat and play, but, in reality, even if they worked like ants, it was hard to earn enough to eat. To achieve living the life of couch potato was something of that high of a difficulty.

‘First, let’s solve the problem of board and room, and then I have to find a way to exert minimal effort and strike it rich.’

There will always be a way.

Soon, I thought of a method.

“First, we’ll head to the West Empire’s city of liberty, Renault.”

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