The Lady Wants To Rest

Chapter 46: 46

“What are you doing? Come on.”

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Bully student 2, Saim, who had been hesitating, gritted his teeth and hurtled towards me.

He must have been determined to win, because his sword was unsheathed.

However, there was no difference in the results.

Slam! Slap! Slap!

Saim collapsed to his knees with his hands over the forehead within three movements as well.

“What? You couldn’t possibly be boasting your strength with just this amount of skill, could you?”

I asked coolly.

Of course my words were misleading. In the first place, my sword wasn’t something a knight-in-training could have resisted.

But there was a need for these guys to be a little introspective.

“It… it’s not done yet.”

Just then, the two of them gritted their teeth and stood up.

Their pride must have been rather bruised because the look in their eyes was sour.

At the very least, it was filled to the brim with rage.

I smirked and motioned with the broom.

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“Don’t cry after being beaten a little more.”

“Gah! Please be quiet!”

This time, the two of them rushed towards me at the same time.

Of course, the results didn’t change. Rather, it was more comfortable for me that they had charged at me at once.

I blocked the path of Maurice’s sword with the broom. Then I tossed Saim’s attack in the direction of Maurice. At the same time Maurice held up his sword in surprise to block the sudden attack, my broom slammed into the back of Maurice’s head.



I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t have the leisure to worry about others.

The raging Maurice swept his sword, but it was diverted to Saim by the broom. It was the same pattern. My broomstick slapped Saim across the back of his head.

In this manner, as the two of them exchanged attacks, my broomstick flew in between the two of them. It felt as though I had become a dancer dancing amidst the chaos of swords.

But it was at that moment.

A change occurred in the flow of one-sided attacks.

For a second, I had sprained one of my legs.


It was because Rubia’s body hadn’t been trained sufficiently. The body had been unable to follow the movements that I had unconsciously had attempted.

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‘Darn it.’

The moment I collapsed on the ground, I made an expression that understood the predicament I had fallen into.

The two bullies who’d been beaten as much as they could be beaten rushed towards me, who’d collapsed, as though they had been met with a golden opportunity.

Their sense of hierarchy had been overruled by the irrationality of their anger and desire for revenge.

Of course, I wasn’t one to sit still and be beaten. No matter how pitifully I’d collapsed on the ground, I wouldn’t let myself be taken advantage of so easily.

‘Trip one of their legs with the broom, and with the leg that hadn’t been sprained….’

But something beyond my imagination occurred.

“Stop it now!”

Clang! Clang!

With a ripping shout, someone stepped in front of me and pushed back the incoming swords with his own sword.

When I raised my head in surprise, the deer-like boy was blocking their way with a sword in hand.

“You, you…?”

The bullies also looked surprised.

The deer-like boy, Vizner, shouted.

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“Stop it immediately! It’s fine with just bullying me, right! Must you lay a hand on a weak lady as well?!”

The expressions of the bullies crumpled in a horrified way.

Weak? Their expressions questioned the sincerity of those words which were said after watching them get beaten up.

Vizner gritted his teeth and shouted.

“I won’t stay quiet any longer. If you don’t want to regret, retreat immediately.”

“Ha? You won’t tolerate it?”

The bullies frowned as though they couldn’t believe their ears.

At their intense aggression, the deer-like boy flinched once more. However, this time he didn’t retreat and continued his speech.

“Maurice, Saim! I, Vizner of the Carmen Empire, challenge you to a fight! If you lose, you’ll apologize for your rudeness towards this lady!”

“Ha. It seems like we have to show him our strength.”

The situation had developed in a manner I hadn’t predicted.

I considered whether I should intervene or not, but I decided to spectate.

It appeared my actions had touched something inside of that boy’s heart. Whether that would become a positive influence, or disappear like a weak spark was now something he alone had to choose.

“Arrogant bastard!”

Maurice charged with great force.

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But the result was something worthy of surprise.


The deer-like boy’s sheathed sword struck the bully across the chest. It was an unimaginably clean strike.

‘What’s this? He’s far more skilled than I thought?’

As I spectated, my eyes grew wide.

This was not a coincidence. There was no question that this boy had great swordsmanship.

Next was Saim. He, too, was hit at the back of the neck and collapsed.


An awkward silence fell on the chamber.

The cowardly deer-like boy had such skilled swordsmanship?

It appeared everyone was uncertain on how to digest this information. That included me as well.

‘What’s this? If it’s this level of swordsmanship, it’s far more than a mere knight-in-training.’

An official knight. And amongst them, he had a skill of the highest quality.

It became dubious why he walked around being beaten so much.

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