The dining hall was empty as it was past suppertime. All there was, was the gossip of the servants hired by the castle.

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However, the servants who had been heatedly conversing spotted my presence and closed their mouths.

The atmosphere in the dining hall was suddenly overturned.

Animosity. Disregard. Contempt.

There were gazes mixed with a touch of pity, but most of them were like that.

I disregarded their gazes and spoke.

“Bring something to eat. Cook the meat medium-rare. Ah, if there’s wine, bring that too. It would be nice if it was a Bordeaux le Vin.”

Bewilderment swept through the eyes of the maids.

It was surprising that Rubia was making such a demand. The Rubia that they knew was a cowardly, timid, and withdrawn princess who could barely say a word.

“What are you doing? Hurry and bring out my meal.”

“Your Highness, it is past supper and there is no food to be brought out.”

The head maid of the kitchens said. She was the stepmother Margueritet’s favorite maid, and the look that appeared to be cast down upon me was rather insolent.

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“There is no food?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Then make some now.”


“If there is no food, then make some now. Is there a problem?”

The head maid of the kitchens pressed her lips together at my words. Then, she let out a big sigh.

“Ha. How inconvenient.”

It was a mutter, but it was rather coherent. Of course, it was probably her intent to have me hear it.

“Anyways, I understand. Please wait a while.”

It was impudent of a mere maid to act with such an attitude towards a princess, but this was the treatment that this body’s original owner, ‘Rubia’, had received all along.

There was not a single person in this castle that treated her humanely. The King’s neglect, the Viscount’s disregard, together with the stepmother’s bullying caused even the servants to scorn Rubia.

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‘Let’s just eat.’

I could feel my body growing weary as I waited for my supper. Let’s eat first, then think.

Soon, the head maid returned with a tray. On top of the tray, there was only one lonely, small dish.


The maid put down the dish in front of me as if throwing it.

As I laughed out of astonishment, the corners of her lips rose.

“The only food that we had was this. I hope you have a good meal.”

The dish was filled halfway with cold oatmeal.

“Also please have your meal at the proper time from now on. We are unable to arrange our time to match your Highness, the Princess’ laziness.”

After listening up to that point, I let out a sigh and stood up from my seat.

I was so weary that I was going to close my eyes against such insolence and retreat as soon as possible. Yet, there may be scum, but where in the world is there such despicable scum? This situation was carried far, but it was carried way too far.

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“Are you done talking?”

As I stood up and looked down at her, the middle-aged head maid flinched slightly. However, after seemingly having recalled the usual Rubia, she arrogantly lifted her chin.

“Yes. Please be careful from now on.”

I considered how to solve this situation where my legal authority had collapsed.

There were many solutions. But they were all too troublesome, so I chose the simplest and fastest method.

The most efficient method of rebuilding collapsed authority.

That is to show overwhelming authority.


My hand sliced through the air and struck the maid’s cheek.



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The head maid let out a scream as she fell.

At the unexpected incident, the other maids also paled and screamed.

I said to the dazed maid who had collapsed in pain and shock.

“Stand up.”


The head maid wrapped a hand around her swelling cheek and ferociously glared at me.

When I saw her glare, I continued without moving.

“It appears you still lack punishment. Or else, you must find the Roxanne Grand Duchy an easy target.”


At the words “Roxanne Grand Duchy”, the maid stilled abruptly.

I swallowed my sigh. Ever since the start of my reincarnation, I’ve used this repertoire of threats many times. It was to the point that I was getting tired of it.

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