An unknown look briefly passed through the eyes of Grand Duke Jourdian.

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“You’re not nervous today.”

At those words, I closed my mouth.

How much was Princess Rubia afraid of her father that it became normal for her to be frightened whenever she met him?

“I have done nothing wrong, so there is no reason for me to be nervous.”

I said in a lukewarm tone.

It was a matter of course. Why fear when you’ve done nothing wrong?

However, my statement of fact didn’t seem to be so natural to the Grand Duke.

“You’re different. It’s as if you’ve become a totally different person.”


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“Has something happened in the meantime, Rubia?”

I answered carelessly.

“I’m going through a rebellious phase.”


“During a period where I’ve grown an inch taller when I wake up each day, it seems my personality has also changed, your Royal Highness.”

At my nonsensical remark that didn’t relate at all, the Grand Duke made a baffled expression.

“So it seems. After all, it has been a while since we’ve seen each other.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. There appeared to be a touch of regret towards Rubia in the Grand Duke’s voice.

‘What is this? It wasn’t merely just hate?’

As if to prove what I had just heard was a mistake, the Grand Duke’s voice grew cold once more.

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“Do you know why I called upon you?”

“I have surmised what it is about.”

Anyone could guess that it had to do with my dispute with the stepmother.

“Alright, it is a relief that you already understand what this is about. I will not investigate or scrutinize the rights and wrongs. Just understand that I do not like such disorder within the household. I hope that there will be no further incidents similar to today. I will also have a word with your mother.”

To summarize, he found it tiresome to deal with either me or the stepmother.

I saw that the Grand Duke’s eyes were filled with deep-rooted fatigue and futility.

What is it?

Rubia’s birth mother was a commoner. That meant the Grand Duke had loved her so much to make her his legal wife.

However, why would this man neglect the daughter of his beloved and turn a blind eye to the household affairs?

I was curious, but I tucked it away. In the first place, if the Grand Duke had even coughed once, both the stepmother and Rubia wouldn’t have been able to act wickedly. No matter what reason there was, the Grand Duke’s neglect couldn’t be justified.

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“I am unable to obey.”


“Hiding the wounds with clothes does not make the wounds nonexistent. Your Royal Highness’ words entail that I pretend that I do not have infected wounds.”

The Grand Duke fell at a loss for words and closed his mouth. Because my words were not wrong.

“I have a solution for the wounds. Would you like to listen to my solution?”

“You may continue.”

I slowly opened my mouth.

Of course, my intention was not to treat the wounds. That required far too much effort and labor.

“There are two ways to treat infected wounds. The first demands one slowly treat the wounds with medicine and wait for it to naturally heal. This method is excellent in that there are no side effects, but, in my case, the infection has spread too far to be utilized.”

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“Then what is the second method?”

“That is to cut off the area that has been infected. It might be painful, but it is the most definitive method.”

Questions arose in the Grand Duke’s eyes. He had yet to understand what exactly I was referring to by this method.

As such, I clarified.

“I would like to leave the Roxanne Grand Duchy.”


The Grand Duke’s eyes grew so large that they seemed like they would pop out.

I continued in a calm voice.

“I already know. I am an existence like the thorn in your Royal Highness’s eyes. If I stay, the infected wound would only continue to spread, and both of us will live in pain. As a result.”

In reality, I found the skirmishes too tedious.

“For everyone’s peace of mind, I would like to leave. Please allow me to leave.”

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