Chapter 108-Unable to make a move

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On the way, my cousin asked: "Xiaolong, I can't believe it, you are really a Taoist priest? But you are still too young and not as big as me. Are you really reliable?"


"Don't worry, I have seen more ghosts than the students in your school!" Indeed, I didn't brag. I have already seen a mountain of ghosts in Qintian cityas soon as I went out.


"Hey, Xiaolong, are ghosts really scary? Just like in horor movies?"


I nodded and said, "Almost, ghosts have no entities, and ordinary people can't see them. As for their appearance... Ghosts generally like to keep their appearance when they died. For example, hanged ghosts like to hang on trees."


My big cousin was very scared, but she felt very excited. She asked, "Little, Xiaolong, can you let me take a look too?"


"No, it will be dangerous."




"Because if you want to see ghosts, you have to'open your eyes.' Some very few people are born with dark or sky eyes, and they are naturally able to see ghosts. As for ordinary people, there are two ways to open their eyes. First, rubbing some bull’s tears on their eyes. After rubbing it, the eyes can be opened for a short time. I used to have that thing, but now I don’t have it. The second way, there are three sun fires on top of human head and shoulders. It can help normal people avoid the encroachment of ghosts. Once the three sun fires are completely extinguished, people will die. If two of them are extinguished, the effect of eye opening can also be achieved."


"How can it be extinguished?" the big cousin asked with interest.


"It's very simple. When I burn the yin fire with the Yin Talisman, the yang fire naturally goes out."


"Then you can help me extinguish it!"


"No! Extinguishing the sun fire will give ghosts an opportunity. If the sun fire above your head is also extinguished, there will be big trouble!"


My big cousin added: "That's pretty scary."

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I arranged my props and said, "Wait a minute, you will wait for me at the school gate, and I will go in by myself."


"I want to go too! If you don't let me see, I don't believe you are a Taoist priest, then we must go home, lest you are in danger." My big cousin threatened me.


"Oh, okay, okay, if you like to watch it, just watch it, anyway, ordinary people have seen ghosts before. But you can only look at it from a distance, and then you have to go back to the school gate and wait for me. If you are there, It’s not convenient for me to move."




The car stopped at the school gate. I opened my eyes and my eldest cousin eyes with Yin Talisman, and then I took her to the campus. As I walked inside,I said: "You can only take a look from a distance, after that just return to the car when you have seen enough."


But when we just walked into the the school gate, we found a lot of people standing on the playground. Some of them were talking, "What are you doing? Someone will hang yourself tonight? It's almost eleven o'clock." , No , i can't take it anymore, I have to go back to sleep."


I almost fall on my knees. Needless to say, I can guess these fools though with my toes. These people were all waiting to watch me hang myself!


I patted my big cousin on her shoulder and pointed in the direction of the tree. With the help from the street lamp light, the big cousin saw the hanging ghosts full of trees. Her eyes were big, full of incredible colors.


"Let's go." I whispered.


Back in the car, I lit her sun fire, and she said with lingering fear: "It's scary, Xiao, Xiaolong, what should I do next?"


I leaned my head back, closed my eyes and said, "Wait. Or you go back first if you are scared."




At 12.30, in the middle of the night past, all the students finally dispersed, and the huge playground was deserted.

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I opened the door of the car, came out with my black backpack, and said to my cousin: "You drive the car on the highway, so that those ghosts won't run into you, and I will call you after I get it done."


"Sure." My big cousin agreed with sleepy eyes.


I watched my big cousin drive the car away. After she was gone I walked into the school. Under the tree, and I saw the tree was full of hanged ghosts and I asked in a low voice: "Which ghost was the first to hang here?"


Why do I ask? Because this tree must have only one hanged ghost at the beginning, and then this hanged ghost confuses many people to hang themselves, so until now, there are more than one hundred hanged ghosts on the tree!


For a long while... none of the more than one hundred hanging ghosts spoke, all of them staring at me while still hanging their body on the tree motionless. I continued: "Most of you died unjustly. You can't reincarnate but you have to hang on the tree all day. Isn't it uncomfortable? I'll give you a chance to reincarnate, how about?"


After a while. There was still no ghost replying. I frowned and thought about it silently. Based on my experience this morning and what my elder cousin said, the ghosts of this tree usually do not harm people indiscriminately, but as long as someone walks under the tree , These ghosts will act and pester the person until they hang themselves.


I narrowed my eyes and walked under the tree.


As soon as I walked into the shade of the tree, all the hanging ghosts in the tree moved, and some of them floated down, trying to get on my body! I shouted in a low voice: "Bold evildoer!" Just about to take out the Chengying sword, I suddenly felt something. I turned my head to look at the dormitory building not far away and found some people peeking from the window looking at this side, and... They are woman!


F*ck! !


What should I do? I stepped back and escaped the attack of ghosts. At this moment, I suddenly felt my consciousness blurred! ! Hearing a voice, a woman’s voice came gently into my ears: "Hang up~ I can see the pressure in your heart, come on, after you die, the pressure is gone~"


She tried to confuse me! I bit the tip of my tongue, and the pain instantly help me regained my consciousness. I hurriedly backed away and withdrew from the shadow of the big tree. There is some people watching from the opposite dormitor. What are they doing in the midlle of night? I sighed and ran toward the school gate.


At the same time, another female ghost chased me out. The female ghost also looked dull and attacked me from behind.


Running out of the gate, I ignited two yin talisman, and then rubbed the ash in my hand. When I do this, I will have Yin Qi in my hands, and I can directly attack the ghosts.


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I don't want to kill ghosts indiscriminately, so I need to use this trick. I will subdue this ghost first!


I grabbed her arm and pressed it to the ground. At the same time, I quickly took out the makeup case and pressed it into the makeup case! Then I put a Yang symbol on the makeup box. I was relieved when this ghost is subdued. 

The students in this school are so annoying that they like to watch the fun so much. I can't do anything at all. If this is the case, then I can only let the ghosts deal with the ghosts themself.


Let the older sister take the train at 7:20 tomorrow morning! I should call the Jiannan to arrange it.


So I dialed the Jiannan's phone.


Just as soon as the'beep~' rang, I heard the makeup box burst open with a'bang'!


OMG! I forgot! There is a crack in the makeup box! When I was in the Magic Rain Pavilion, the backpack was robbed. When I took it back, I found a crack on the makeup box! Unexpectedly, that ghost escaped! Fortunately, I still have Yin Qi in my hands! Clamping the phone with my shoulders,I used sixteen ways Grappling Style to grab her hand, directly suppressing the female ghost immobile!


After a while, the sleepy voice of the Jiannan came out from the phone: "Big Brother, what's the matter with you calling me in late night?"


"Jiannan, has The Bleeding Sister come back?"


"Big brother, what are you talking about?"


"I said! The bloody sister is back yet?!!!"


"Big brother, why do you speak so quietly?" The Idiot complained.


"Because I'm holding the phone on my shoulder! The microphone is not aimed at my mouth!"


"Then what are your hands doing?"

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"I am busy!!"


He gave a smirk, as if he understood something instantly: "Oh~~~ busy? What have you been busy with? The left hand is holding the wall, the right hand is busy?"


I almost yelled: "Just tell me! Has Bleeding Sister gone back yet?!"


"She is not back yet from protecting Sister Xiaoling." After speaking, the bastard whispered: "It's not a shame to be guessed, there is no need to make such a big fuss..."


Guess your grandma? ! ! ! !


I was speechless for a long time and said: "Sister Xiaoling usually goes to the museum at seven o'clock. You go to the museum to wait for her at seven tomorrow morning. After seeing the big sister, ask the big sister to take the 7:20 k2475 train and get off at Yining City. Pick her up at the train station."


"Good brother, don't worry, I will pass your word immediately!"


After hanging up the phone, I started to have trouble again, what is this female ghost? Somehow, these ghosts looked dull, and silent. According to my estimation, they should have been'moved.' A ghost can not only confuse people, but also confuse other ghosts. Then, it should be controlled by the bosses of those hanged ghosts. Even if i beat this ghost to death, it will not solve the problem.

I will try to wound it and see where she will escape! So I took out a Yang talisman, ignited it, and threw it on her!


Hit by the sun fire, it screamed and floated away quickly! As i preidcted, she went back to the big tree and continued to hang herself...


I finally breathed a sigh of relief. There are too many people in this school. No matter day or night, I have no chance to do it, so I can only let the elder sister who is also a ghost take action. With the eldest sister's power, she should be able to deal with these hanged ghosts.


I called my big cousin, and the big cousin drove the car back. After getting in the car, my cousin looked at me dejectedly and asked: "What's wrong? You could not solve the ghosts? Look, I said you are too young, you are definitely not reliable!"


"No." I said with my hands resting on the back of my head, "I was about to act, but I found that the windows of the girls' dormitory were full of people watch! How could I do it in front of these crowds? Taoism cannot be exposed in the public. ."


The big cousin nodded: "Indeed, there is a girls' dormitory facing the playground...Hey, Xiaolong, can you handle those ghosts? It's scary! If you don't drive them away, I won't dare to go to school in the future! "

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