When Luo Bei and Mother Gu came out of the beauty salon, they looked very refreshed. Mother Gu even used her privilege to give Luo Bei a diamond card, which allowed her to come to the shop for free maintenance anytime she wanted, with no limit on the number of visits. Only a few people had this card at the moment. Actually, Luo Bei felt a bit embarrassed to accept it, but Mother Gu insisted on giving it to her and brainwashed her all the way. In the end, when they arrived at the tea house, Luo Bei felt that as a woman, she really should take better care of herself. When she had money, beauty and a good figure, the whole world would be hers!

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She realized that the Gu family had the potential to become a group of MLM leaders.

As for Gu Qianyan, he was the one who brought her into the business world. Whenever she wanted to slack off, his words were like a whip that drove her forward.

As for Grandpa Gu… Luo Bei felt that maybe Gu Qianyan was also brought out by him. If Gu Qianyan was a leader, then Grandpa Gu was the leader of leaders.

Now, after listening to Mother Gu’s words, Luo Bei felt that she had been living a rough life before. If Mother Gu were an employee of the beauty salon, Luo Bei would have willingly paid for a membership card. Thinking about it carefully, it was really scary.

“Beibei, I think we really get along well!” Mother Gu sighed again. “Actually, if it weren’t for my fear of ruining my figure, I really wanted a daughter after giving birth to Qianyan. I was lucky not to have any morning sickness when I was pregnant with Qianyan, but I didn’t dare to eat too much. I strictly controlled my weight during the entire pregnancy, but still gained about twenty pounds…do you know what that means? Luckily, I returned to my pre-pregnancy weight after the postpartum period.”

“Of course, the luckiest thing is that I didn’t get any stretch marks during pregnancy. But I was still very worried during the pregnancy, and giving birth was really painful…,” suddenly realizing that it might not have been appropriate to say these things to a young, unmarried, childless girl, Mother Gu felt awkward and changed the topic forcibly, “Anyway, it’s up to you. If you like children, have them. If you don’t, then don’t. When I gave birth to Qianyan, I told the doctor I would never have another child again. The doctor told me that as the scar healed and the pain forgotten with time, I would change my mind in a few years. But more than 20 years have passed and I still haven’t changed my mind.”

Luo Bei felt that Mother Gu was quite interesting because she had heard a lot of comments from people who said that no matter how painful or uncomfortable they were, they would feel that their lives were complete when they saw their baby. So it was quite refreshing to hear Mother Gu say otherwise.

In a way, Mother Gu’s lifestyle and beliefs were not mainstream and did not fit the traditional definition of a mother in textbooks or people’s mouths…

In theory, as the mother of her boyfriend, shouldn’t she encourage Luo Bei to have children?

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Bei said, “I really like babies, but I’m not ready to start a family or be a mother yet.”

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“If you’re not ready, then don’t get married and have children,” Mother Gu said with a smile. “You see, even though Qianyan’s father and I are like this, we had a good relationship before we got married and even now. Of course, we’re not a loving couple, but it’s not easy to find someone who shares the same values as you in life. Qianyan’s father and I clicked and when we reached the age to get married, our parents also had a good relationship, so we got engaged. At that time, everyone thought we were crazy because we didn’t look like a couple in love.”

Mother Gu was not afraid to say these things in front of Luo Bei, as Luo Bei should also know that she and Qianyan’s father lived separate lives and didn’t bother each other.

“In these years, he lives the life he wants, and I live the life I want. Actually, our relationship is quite harmonious. He doesn’t play the role of a husband in front of me, and I don’t ask him to be a good husband in the name of a wife.” Mother Gu paused and added, “Of course, it’s not easy to meet someone you really like in life. Qianyan didn’t have this idea before, and his father was quite anxious about it. But I wasn’t in a hurry. My son can live his life the way he wants, even if he stays single for the rest of his life. As long as he’s happy, I’ll support him. But now that he can be with you and he’s happy every day, as a mother, although I didn’t say it, I’m still very happy in my heart.”

Speaking of this, she reached out and touched Luo Bei’s hand, feeling that it was quite smooth. “As long as you two are happy, nothing else matters.”

Luo Bei was taken aback, as if she understood what Gu’s mother had intended to talk about with her today.

She had talked to her about so many things, from marriage to mother-son relationships, but it was all to tell her that being happy is what matters. In fact, it was impossible for Luo Bei to have no pressure at all in her relationship with Gu Qianyan. After all, he had undergone a significant transformation in identity from Zhou Jianguo to Gu Qianyan. In the eyes of the world, there were many conditions between them that were not equal. Just like what Jiang Hui had said before, no matter how hard Luo Bei tried, in the eyes of many people, she was still climbing the social ladder.

However, Luo Bei chose to digest these negative emotions on her own. After all, Gu Qianyan had already done well enough, and they were already doing well together. But today, Mother Gu’s words made all of Luo Bei’s unspoken fragility and sensitivity disappear in an instant.

Actually, Mother Gu was also a very delicate person, Luo Bei thought to herself.

She didn’t have to achieve equality in the eyes of the world or care about how others saw her. As long as she and Gu Qianyan were happy, that was enough. Wasn’t that what she thought at the beginning of their relationship?

When Luo Bei was about to part with Mother Gu, Mother Gu said again, “When Qianyan’s father and I got married, everyone thought that we were only suitable in terms of family background, and we were not compatible in other ways. They thought our marriage would be a disaster, and we might get divorced in less than a year. Even now, in the eyes of others, we are not a loving and compatible couple, but I can be sure that Qianyan’s father thinks the same way as me. In this world, he is the only person who understands me and thinks like me. We don’t need to cater to each other or change for each other. It was because I was sure of this that I married him.”

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Mother Gu hugged Luo Bei and whispered, “So, as long as you feel that you and Qianyan are compatible and suitable for each other, that’s enough.”

Luo Bei was very moved and hugged Mother Gu back, saying, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me,” Mother Gu let go of her and blinked at her. “This is also a way of loving my son.”

When Gu Qianyan found Luo Bei, Luo Bei was shopping for clothes in the mall. She also realized from chatting with Mother Gu that it had been a long time since she had bought new clothes…

Although it was still spring, the new summer styles had already arrived. Luo Bei decided not to look at the prices, only to focus on her preferences, and bought two sets of dresses in one go. She came out of the fitting room, turned around in front of Gu Qianyan, and asked, “Do I look good?”

Luo Bei had good skin and after a winter, her skin was even whiter than before. Although she was thin, she was not lacking in any of the right places. With her looks, she looked good in anything she wore.

Gu Qianyan nodded, “You look good.”

Luo Bei said, “Too perfunctory.”

“…Then you don’t look good?” Gu Qianyan asked.

Luo Bei clenched her small fist and said, “Do you want to die?”

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Gu Qianyan promptly stood up and said, “Then I’ll go swipe the credit card to pay.” He told the salesperson, “Please make out the bill.”

So Luo Bei watched as Gu Qianyan followed the salesperson to pay with his credit card. It was really nice to see her boyfriend spending money on her.

After buying two sets of dresses and a pair of high-heeled sandals, Luo Bei took Gu Qianyan’s arm and took him to shop for men’s clothing. “You need new clothes too. Let me buy them for you. I’ve made money from my tea business.”

Without hesitation, Gu Qianyan replied, “Don’t waste your money. I have plenty of clothes.”

Luo Bei : “It’s different if I’m the one buying for you.”

Unable to resist Luo Bei’s shopping desires, Gu Qianyan had no choice but to accompany her to the men’s clothing section. They shopped until it was dark, and only bought one shirt. Luo Bei still wanted to continue, but Gu Qianyan started begging for mercy, “My legs won’t listen to me anymore, Beibei, look, they won’t listen!”

Luo Bei couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. After calculating the time, she realized that he had accompanied her for a long time. So she generously said, “Okay, let’s go eat. I’ll treat you to a big meal.”

Originally, they had planned to have a big meal. But when Gu Qianyan saw the Pizza Hut sign in the mall, he immediately thought of Fang Jingzhou and said, “Let’s go eat at Pizza Hut.”

Luo Bei was very surprised. She knew that Gu Qianyan didn’t like to eat these kinds of things. He didn’t like seafood feasts, French steaks, or kaiseki cuisine1. He only liked simple Chinese stir-fry dishes, paired with white rice. He could eat it better than anyone.

“Are you sure you want to eat at Pizza Hut?”

Gu Qianyan nodded, “Yes, and tonight I’m going to call Xiao Jingzhou and specifically tell him about this. It’ll make him jealous.”

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Luo Bei : “…”

She realized that every man has a little boy inside of him. It was true.

“Who made this little guy learn arithmetic and understand the concept of age, and then mock me for being old?” Gu Qianyan glanced at Luo Bei. “Actually, I’m only five or six years older than you. It’s the most adorable age gap, isn’t it?”

Luo Bei didn’t know what to say, so she just complimented him, “You look the same age as me.”

Gu Qianyan initially felt quite pleased upon hearing this, but later said, “Are you indirectly saying that I am childish?”

Luo Bei responded, “Well, you look your actual age.”

“Are you saying that I look older than you?”

Luo Bei became impatient, “Yes, yes, after all, the name Zhou Jianguo sounds like it’s from a different era than mine!”

Gu Qianyan gently pinched her face and said, “But you like it, don’t you?”

“… ” Luo Bei glanced at Gu Qianyan and said, “I don’t think I can eat dinner now.”

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